CrazyBeast's Post

Discussions YouTube Community


12 hours ago

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Final post.

Already made a few final goodbye posts in some of my other fav communities but the last post i make here shall be in this community. Its been fun at times while it...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


16 hours ago

"If its something that can be stopped then try and stop it!" *skull kid starts pulling in the moon from its orbit slowly towards miiverse* "Hehehehehe! Ppl of miiverse, quake in fear! No goddess of...


15 hours ago

How ironic, just yesterday I finished my walkthrough of Majora's Mask.

Discussions Monster Hunter Generations™ Community


1 day ago

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Time to explore and hunt in a new monster hunter world.

Well this is it hunters and huntress. I barely play online now so once mv ends tomorrow my fellow hunters (most of them) won't be hearing from me anymore til mhw r...

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1 day ago

PS4 version for me as well. I will be XenoC1oud001 as always Wink=)

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


1 day ago

Doing a farewell greeting in all my main fav communities. This place has been fun while it lasted (somewhat) but nothing lasts forever. Just as the sun must set and close out the day, so shall this...

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6 hours ago

I'm betting on the "or something" part. ^-^'

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

Seeing as next week will be this place end the reality of it really starts to sink in on ya. And this time, no song of time is stopping destruction xD.

Discussions The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community


2 days ago

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Flame wars....

Some heated discussions over certain things is just ridiculous here. Nuff said.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

48hrs remain til mv is destroyed by the moon in all consuming fire!


2 days ago

ya thats what i said yesterday. but i will be the only one left. SOMEBODY HAS TO CLEAN UP THE MESS!

Discussions YouTube Community


2 days ago

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Had an enjoyable outing yesterday.

Went to gamestop to trade in my ps3 as well as a few ps3 games and chatted with a few other gamers there. Was intending to rid my ps3 for awhile now since its so o...

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Discussions YouTube Community


3 days ago

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Satisfied with just the few friends i still have contact with.

Tbh, im not actually worried about trying to migrate to other locations to stay chatting with ppl. I mostly just game and chat with those on my friends list on my ...

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3 days ago

Yeah but to bad no one one I know in real life plays video games really. :s I have no ossues with real life unlike possibly some people, but I don't know any gamers in real life. Well there's one p...

Discussions YouTube Community


11/02/2017 11:58 AM

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Sims 4 releasing on consoles now?!

Wow! Was not expecting this at all! Didn't think they ever release another sims game on consoles. Least not with this generation of gaming consoles. But apparently...

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11/02/2017 12:25 PM

All previous versions of The Sims have console versions, too.

Discussions YouTube Community


11/01/2017 11:33 AM

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A thought came to me last night which is something i've been th...

U know, when ppl buy games they expect that game to be completed with everything on it. But nowadays since this society is turning into a digital age more and more...

Discussions YouTube Community


11/01/2017 1:56 AM

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Start of november month.

This year is really winding down fast. But i actually want this yr to be over soon so i can play all the new upcoming games releasing next year. And in just 6 days...

Discussions YouTube Community


11/01/2017 12:19 AM

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Dang. Mario odyssey sold faster than botw depite it being a lau...

Just goes to show u how much ppl still love the star of nintendo. Mario took his throne back fast lol. I don't play mario games as much as i use to tho, but mario ...

Discussions The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community


10/31/2017 1:45 PM

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The true final memory..

Is all the memories we made with friends and other like-minded gamers here and exploring/sharing our adventures on mv.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/31/2017 6:59 AM

"The flow of time is always cruel...its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..." (Sheik) This hits the...

Discussions Monster Hunter Generations™ Community


10/30/2017 5:37 PM

Open Closed

MHW Beta Demo Dec 9th for ps4 owners.

Can't wait to test it out and see how mhw is for myself! Especially after watching the latest new trailer for it. So hype to face that new "deviljho" looking mons...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/30/2017 2:21 AM

"Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn to noble ambition. Young love will become very deep affection. The clear water surface reflects growth." (Sh...

Discussions YouTube Community


10/29/2017 12:45 PM

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Come on next yr! Lol.

Man im so looking forward to playing the new FF Dissidia and MH World as well as Dragon Ball Fighterz! And that's just the few im anticipating in janurary. Im also...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/29/2017 3:53 AM

"With every meeting there's a parting. But that parting need not last forever."

Discussions YouTube Community


10/29/2017 3:30 AM

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Lost potential for mv to have been a better place.

It may have been copying sony's create your own chatrooms online as well as other online social media's features. But i believe if ninty allowed ppl to be their ow...

Discussions YouTube Community


10/27/2017 6:13 PM

Open Closed

This place feels so dead now lol...

Even before the mv ending announcement it was pretty much dead awhile back too, but its definitely starting to feel like it now since its gonna be shut down in lik...

Discussions YouTube Community


10/23/2017 11:43 AM

Open Closed

HZD and its upcoming story expansion.

Today i decided to get back into playing this great game which imo is still currently the best i've played all yr so far. Haven't played it again since april tho l...

Play Journal Entries Monster Hunter Generations™


10/23/2017 5:59 AM

I think gods fearing to tread here is an exaggeration.

Play Journal Entries Monster Hunter Generations™


10/23/2017 5:07 AM

Hope to see jang and jho in mhw.

Play Journal Entries Monster Hunter Generations™


10/22/2017 4:38 PM

Since mv is ending in less than 2 weeks now or so i decided to post a hunting adventure or 2 here just to look back on for a bit. But just because its ending doesn't mean the hunt itself is! Althou...