Users John Is Following
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Y2J Garrettiscool789
╲┏━┳━━━━━━━━┓╲╲ ╲┃◯┃╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮┃╲╲ ╲┃╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╲╲ ╲┃╯┃┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻┻╮╲ ╲┃◯┃╭╮╰╯┏━━━┳╯╲ ╲┃╭┃╰┏┳┳┳┳┓◯┃╲╲ ╲┃╰┃◯╰┗┛┗┛╯╭┃╲╲ 4100+ thanks! padens back
Fluid Banditmissy2000
Fluid's 3DS account. 1 Real name is Nathan. (if anyone cares) 2 I'm Kirby, Mario, Fire Emblem, Earthbound trash. 3 リュカ and ネス are the best Smash bros characters. 4 I'm kinda edgy. 5 Lucario and Feraligatr are Bae. 6 Toad is best Husbando. 7 Mother 3 is gr8. 8 Chuggaaconroy is the best. 9 Are you even reading this? 10 So yeah, have a good day.
Patty patriciaxh
This user's profile comment is private.
Dish Wings_Of_Silver
Hello, I'm Dish. I enjoy playing Smash Bros and drawing. Other than smash, a few of my favorite games include: Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time Mother 3 I will only accept friend requests from people that I have talked to or played with before. If we have played before, please tell me as I may not remember when. No video chat. Thanks all. ♥
Erik ryuuDx
Hello! I'm a Nintendo fan since the SNES days (although my first console was the Sega Genesis \o/). My favorite Nintendo franchise is Super Mario. Other interests include animes (digimon ftw), video game OST, drawing. My posts are kinda random so don't mind (sometimes I like to post funny trash with my dragon fursona ^.=.^) I'm from Brazil btw
Cyril Zimista
Cyril/Cycer/Cy i love the mario series, super smash bros., and xenoblade and etc. Yeah bombs are cool. Friend Request are fine BUT I DONT do WII U CHAT.
CHARA mariana118
ERASE this world. *Greetings. I'm Chara.The demon that comes when you call his name. *Let us erase this pointless world, and move on to the next. ♥SPLATOON ♡???
SirPancake 1Playstation1
Welcome weary traveler! if you like anime, games, and fun times, you have a friend in me!....but maybe close your window to your look scared... (^-^) (P.S. I also take drawing requests)
DanielWray dwdwdw
♪D 4 J♪ {Big Fan Of} Pink Floyd-The Enid-Yes-Jethro Tull-#prog on {Favourite Singers} Jon Anderson-Roger Waters-Al Stewart-Kate Bush {I Enjoy} Gardening /Gaming /Music /playing piano {My Game Consoles} SNES N64 GBA DSLITE NEW3DSXL WII WII U PS1 PS3 SEGA. DREAMCAST {Age} ²² ♥♡ Found My Mister Perfect JACK who I love so much #HE'S 26#OLD♡♥
Dalinda Dalinda007
Hellooo I won't be able to post as much because of college You are appreciated =]
Zeta Zetayoru
kick: Zetayoru IG: Zetayoru Tumbling: Zetayoru Blue birb: Zetayoru rrrrrrrrrrrr(99) Disk or Disc: Zetayoru #Bye(4321)
Adrian bugs2005
hi I wasn’t who I said I was I’m actually the owner of this account (Quirky_Llamas). I was around 9-10 when I fully used this account and I apologize lmao
☆★Claire★☆ missclairely
Now Playing: Splatoon, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, & Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning. Get @ me!
layla KLZ2016
Aηcαlαgση imor254
Miiverse a place on the 3ds and Wii U where kids say Shrek is an equivalent of god and will take over the world.The place old memes and new fads spammed across the communities.Trolls cry for attention, children complain over the simplest of things,and admins will ban you over nothing.And yet, we continue to use it every single DAY. Miiverse logic lacks logic have a great day! ^▼^~ umm…
Lesuna´∀` Lesuna
※フレンドについて※ 遊ぶ機会が減っていますので募集していません。(I don't want to be friend! Friend request No Thanx!!>:-O) フォローの付け外しについては、ご自由にどうぞ! 時折、絵心教室スケッチで絵を描いております。コメントを頂けるのは大変嬉しいのですが、コメ欄にある"注意書き"を必ず読んで下さい。あと“一言や無関係なコメントや新作以外の投稿には返しません”のでご了承下さい。(I'm happy because you write a comment. But please read the attention picture in the first comment!)
Lilj Drugger
Hello! Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting. I am 26 and my favorite hobbies are reading, writing, and playing games. Hopefully I will post great pictures like my big sis Brittkitt! Alas I do not do online or chats. Sorry guys. :/
Jojo JovanniOJVL
Rampant imaginator, flowing with hair, android enthusiast, and JoJo extraordinaire.
Soni ethanpablo
hey there people! I'm Ethan, and I'm a gamer. stuff you probably want to know about me: - fan of sonic, TLoZ, SSB, and other stuff - I loooovvee games a lot - I do wii u chat - I'm hoping to get a lot of followers - fav characters in smash r sAnIc, dat fluffy Cloud, dat green elf, mr. kirball, met-a-knight and doctah mari0.
Jonªbuno±o CryingFreebunz
Survivor of the 1st Miipocalypse. Thank you to all my friends and followers for supporting my art and keeping MV interesting. "All good things must come to an end." Thanks for giving MV to us, Nintendo. Please replace it with something suitable. 4EberWubz = QMiffy<3 Bestiez: Be Brave, Big Buck, Klimba, Emerald & Stiggie. The end is nigh.
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
ethan LANAtr0n
hi everybody! My name is Ethan. I am really good at Splatoon, MarioKart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Wipeout 3, Lego Marvels Super Heros, and The Lego Movie. I hope everybody on the Wii U enjoys themselves. Plz yeah on my play journal. Friend request me and we can play Splatoon, Mario kart, and super smash bros together. HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
きお admirari
Håvard★☆★ havbe12
~Hello~ Am Håvard! ^u^ Lovely to meet ya and welcome to my place or world? About Me: ♥ Am18 ♡Favourite Colors is Yellow, Red, Pink, Light Blue ♥Am from Norway(No we don't have polar bears XD) ♡I like Games, Music, Drawing, Friends, Sleep, Astrology~ ♥I like the ♂ gender, if your not accepting about it it's fine you may leave my life. Take care and thank you for your time. Love yourself beauty~♥~
Tyler CTCorbett
Ryan Rymo918
26 years old Favorite games: Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ocarina, WWHD, LbtW Resident Evil 4 World of Warcraft Journey Kid Icarus: Uprising Mario 64, Galaxy 1 & 2, 3D World Uncharted 2 & 3 Mass Effect 2 & 3 Sonic 2 Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros. Splatoon Pokemon Red Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Portal 2 Animal Crossing: New Leaf SSX3 Katamari Damacy DDR Advance Wars
∞Karel∞ KarelTokyo
Estoy en el mundo de los videojuegos desde que tengo 5 años. Soy seguidor de los juegos de Nintendo pero no me he limitado a solo una consola, disfruto de muchos titulos de las diferentes consolas de la actual generación. Mis sagas favoritas son: FIRE EMBLEM ADVANCE WARS F-ZERO METROID ZELDA MARIO GOEMON CASTLEVANIA CONTRA FIFA FINAL FANTASY SILENT HILL RESIDENT EVIL YAKUZA ONIMUSHA GTA
Lorenzo Banado_Boy
Unless you break through my "Evil Holy Sword Let's Dancing All Night Rising Special Ultra Miracle Super Mario Brothers Second Edition Luigi's Counterattack Director's Cut", you don't stand a chance! All you need to know about me is that I'm anime and Nintendo trash. Favorite anime: Gintama Favorite game series: Pokémon
sk.jonny™ jonnybug
hello and welcome to my page i manly play minecraft splatoon and super mario maker im very good at pixel art and trolling do you dare to challenge me... want anything hard ill give it to you i accepted all friend request and followers if you need my age is 12 b-day is 2/10 favorite friends are tugga,sk.jarod,sk.dac and riley
Cudlsworth LukeLatios3
I'm Cuddlesworth. I mostly just do Splatoon art and comics here on Miiverse. I also have a Splatoon fan-fiction called 'Overtaken' but I can't tell you where to find it because of the miiverse rules. Search it or something, I guess.
Garry garrydev
Hi everyone my name is Garry and have a little sister. I also play on different consoles like Xbox1 and Playstation 4. My favorite game so far is Splatoon. Also I shooter games. Have a niceday Nintendo boys and girls. Leave a yeah and get a COOKIE!!!!!
*★SPOOKY★* WoohooPumpkaboo
Hi i'm a nerd with a stylis and this is my profile I like cartoons a lot *I got Sudomemo, so i'll be on here even less than I already am, sorry... My sudomemo is Pixelated☆ if you want to know.* Here you will find: -Weird OC drawings -Drawings of characters from TV shows and video games -Occasional memes My hobbies include suffering and joining fandoms after they've died So yeah welcome
Gεε-Nστε♪ Reiyanne
I don't even use miiverse honestly. Don't bother following me. I'm guessing you're here because you played me in Ssb4, Splatoon, or Mk8. If so, gg, and don't be afraid to send a friend request if you liked playing against me. I also have a 3ds account.
Just keep Gaming its AWSOME!! Take it from me true fact i started playing video games when I was TWO!!!!!
b. slayer slamthewall
Hello there, Im pretty young, (I won't reveal my age for abvious reasons) but I know a lot about the games I play.
derpswaggy polarbearswim
This profile comment was eaten by Patrick Star. I do follow for follow if you where wondering. Badmin Notifs: 19 Bans: 7 Help... Please... CRAWLING IN MY SKIN THESE WOUNDS, THEY WILL NOT HEAL FEAR IS HOW I FALL CONFUSING WHAT IS REAL sry im lonly. :(
Chris hotwheels47125
We need to unplug the dams. We cannot stop the natural flow of thought, and the cling, and the clang...
Kaykay kaykayslider
★☆ he/him and they/them are preferred☆★ I like to draw and I love video games. The Legend of Zelda is my jam!!! ◆I'm literally Ichimatsu Matsuno◆ ●I'm also Ness from Earthbound●
Arri IdoloAlpha
Hey all, Arri (Aaron) here! I'm pretty inactive here at the moment thanks to my new Switch so sorry in advance XD I like to draw mostly and playing alot of Zelda and Nier currently :D If you wanna know more then chat me up ;p I don't bite XD No video chat unless I know you though sorry :\ If I were a Pokémon Trainer I'd challenge you by saying: Cool Trainer Arri: "I like Shorts!"
SM★PiXCaT minermike17
Hi my name Is Mike And I play Video games a lot (Not that much on the weekdays) And You may find me on youtube a lot! here are some things that I like! *MK,COD,FNAF,SPLATOON,M3RKMUSIC,TryHardNinja!
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