John's Friends
booba fett Dad3062
temple bahamiangal81
Kieran Uberrrr
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ethan LANAtr0n
hi everybody! My name is Ethan. I am really good at Splatoon, MarioKart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Wipeout 3, Lego Marvels Super Heros, and The Lego Movie. I hope everybody on the Wii U enjoys themselves. Plz yeah on my play journal. Friend request me and we can play Splatoon, Mario kart, and super smash bros together. HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
crazybones crazybonez13
Normies Killed Pepe
TrainerG LeoNieri074
I started to play nintendo games at my childhood in my n64 and the wii u is my first nintendo console since then. I really excited for games like hyrule warriors and smash bros. for wii u.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Reed Reed1985
Im a big kid at heart that loves to play Super Mario and Mario Kart games!!! :) Been playing Nintendo since I was 6 in 1991. I own both both the Xbox One and PS4 but I love my Mario and Nintendo games too much to just play only rated M games :)
Kente DarkCountry12
my name is Kente' Taylor i've been a gamer for years and it would nice to have friends please
Adam hmmthatsodd
Hmm thats odd
Matthew Matt405
WARNING I DO NOT WII U CHAT!!! I do like android and apple products, lego games and Marvel so feel free to talk me about any game ,anything marvel, lego, android or apple product that you think I might like and If you follow me i will follow you back!!!!
Ultima™ ANickKToThePast
♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ If you can complete a Legend of Zelda game ALL by yourself, then you can be successful at anything in life. ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ -Proud Wii U owner since launch 11/18/2012
Jeiso Ceceu21
Olà! Sou brasileiro, tenho 27 anos e quero fazer muitos amigos aqui. Curto muito RPG e escuto direto o JovemNerd.
marink marinkd
marinkd everywhere I enjoy web design and video games. wheels up!
cody little_onion1
this is my secondary file. my firstendary file thing is in my followers list. theyre both named cody. so ill post on here and stuff though! my dad likes sushi
ßèkenny Kennster
wear red to stop bullying have blond hair to stop adimins no reson bannning (^o^) --|-- | /|\ wear a mini beard to be a member of kx new name ks . me have a sd3 if u want to join my acnl clan u can its called town kings NO WIIU CHAT IF U WANNA BE FRIENDS ←←←←←←←←←←←LISTEN TO THE ARROWS OR UN FRIEND im in l.e.d
AndyPanda Chrome2Andy
Im Andrew lol im 14 even though im pretty young i still go back to the first nintendo games and systems like NES or SNES i lovem them . Im also a major FINAL FANTASY lover my favorite is 6 or 4 . RPGs are the best. Please follow or friend request ill always accept
Hello, my name is Justin(NVIZIBL) and I'm 31 yrs old. Ive mainly been a playstation user for awhile but getting back into nintendo. Besides video games I love playing drums and street art. I'm also a complete beast on Assassin's Creed, no joke. So with that out of the way, COME AT ME BRO!!!!
Ulysses Ulysses_Pita
Rick Rick313
I am here because I LOVE VIDEO GAMES. Playing them, and talking about them. I play all kinds of games and I don't discriminate
Damián Damianmoreno
Gaymer de Chihuahua México, viviendo en República Dominicana. Me encanta Pokémon y todo lo que Nintendo hace (bueno, casi todo)
kevin117 kevin117
kiwi kevincoolboy
Hey guys, Kiwis in the house. Add me as ur mii friend and we can chat, play video games together, and give yeahs to me whenever u like I like to play video games most of the time. Also, i really want to hang with my mii's friends here. So, post comments and follow me and i'll get u guys updated. i appreciate the support and friendships u guys have done. Thank u to all.
ƒºª 300926
i fell so tired
Eddy eddy67
Hello everyone! My name is Eduardo, I like anime,FPS, drawing,studying french and stuff. So, I think it's all I have to say by now, add me!
ShellBro ShellBro
Greetings Fellow Miis. ShellBro here. Along with being a Nintendo fanboy I play a vast variety of other games. On 3DS my favorite games include: anything Mario or Zelda, Kid Icarus, and of corse Pokèmon. I also have a Steam account (PC), and a 360 for Halo. I am not the most artistic on Miiverse, but I do enjoy making post when I achieve Victory. Hope to be friends. ShellBro Also Reddit
David zekrom12
andres skrillex2020
isaiah xXBloodThirstyXx
loganroy$$ loganrocksyou
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28, nintendo fan for life, all the way from venezuela, up for online play on any nintendo game that has it. Venezolano!, fan de nintendo de por vida y coleccionista de todos sus juegos y consolas, no hago wii u chat a menos que sean conocidos, pero respondo por mensaje, agregueme quien quiera jugar online en wii u o 3ds saludos!
adam fullcommunism
jose hunter_jose
Gh02T SuperSaiyaN420
Makaveli Makaveli726
" While you were in diapers and wetting the sheets, I was at the ponderosa, rapping to the beat, Da ha Da ha!!! " ~ The Rappin' Duke " Im the biggest, baddest brute around, and don't you forget it!!! ~ Bowser(SMRPG) " Bring me that juicy double, mix-a-lots in trouble, beggin' for a piece of dat bubble! " ~ Sir Mix-a-Lot
pbotz pbotz20
36 year old die-hard Nintendo fan here. l'm really impressed w/the wii u so far and l'm looking for a good long run with this system. p.s. sorry but I don't wii chat p.p.s. hey Nintendo can you do me a favor and make a NEW STAR TROPICS???
Matthew II peach463
I love my wii u :)
Sammy wallski
hOI! I'm Sam. I got glasses, yay. How to summarize my life in bullet points: -Go Undertale -Too much homework -Loving 6th grade anyway -Snacks for life -Subscribe to Kawaii Waffles on Youtube!! :-)
matt35 matt_25
i have a wii u and ps4 they both are amazing. my favorite game is all the zelda games and mario games. i like killzone and silent hill resident evil donkey kong is great to. i would love to work for nintendo one day. i love the nba the spurs are my favorite team. i can't wait for mk8 its going to be one of the best games of the year. and im happy to say that jesus christ is my everything.
Ryankonesk ryankonesky
Hello miiverse... its been a pretty freaking long time since I've been around... IDK what to say rn. 8/6/14 friend request me!
hayden Bl1theMidget
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JamesBound jamesbound
Pryox PyroSWoRDmAster
join the PyroSwordmasters and become a PyROKnIGht!!!! also feel free to leave comments on my post.
Mateo ithedeadly
Hello fellow viewers! I'm just another teen gamer that likes Nintendo I guess. Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Metroid are among my favorite game series! No other Nintendo series can compete with them in my opinion :) Where is mah Wii U Zelda game people?!?!?!?!
Matty C DarkKnightX83
feel free to follow and add im always looking to make friends
Cpt-Falco Cpt-Falco
ayy lmao
Jen LilJen91
Call me Jen. From:NY Age:23 Owns:PS3,Xbox360,PC,PS Vita, and 3DS. Just a average gamer girl <3 :-
Jesse deathshero
Jesse. Senior in HS, 18 years old
Hooch Hooch11
im no artist, but im not ashamed to throw up a drawing or two (or 3) that a pre-schooler could probably best, lol. currently playing: WiiU: Darksiders 2 Wii: The Last Story NDS: Radiant Historia Xbox360: Mass Effect 3 Can't wait for : My 3DS to arrive!!! Wind Waker HD New Xeno(blade?) title from monolith The Wonderful 101
Matthew Ms60951wilkinson
hey world my name is matthew. I'm 19 years old. I like to have I'm black and dominican.
Blake rockwq
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I'm a rapper from Richmond, CA (bay area)! Search G-Mo Skee I have a lot of fans =] FiLTH
spectical spectical88
(The Legend Of Zelda) Adding all Zelda fans and searching for experienced smash bros fighter for future smash bros.See you guys in future Zelda communities and in the SMASH arena.
»Zεzιкu☆ Zeziku
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Nick Coketruck
Christian, husband, gamer, attorney and beach bum living in beautiful Florida. Life is good. Coketruck on GAF.
i am love no video chat if under 18 no text if under 18 sorry i love music oldies and todays pop love jlo love elvis im a big gamer love all resident evil games sonic mario silent hill movies the shining both new and old all resident evil movies titanic cgi movies i love technology
Cody little_onion0
Hello! The profile you were actually trying to go to, is that way. → If you actually meant to come here for some reason, then i suggest you visit a psychologist.
Jamie JimmaJammaJamie
hey everybody
Buck Buck-001
My son and myself are avid gamers, found the WII U deluxe on Nov 30th @ gamestop. I think that nintendo owners are part of the best, most polite group of gamers out there! Games owned so far - zombie u, BO2, Mario u, nintendo land, Batman AC, Madden13, Sonic racing, MH3U, Sniper Elite V2, Lego City, Trine 2, Little inferno, The Cave, VC games also!
Tom rollin_rob
EY UP! 31 yrs, Nintendo fanatic since playing Super Mario Bros age 4 on me cousins' NES via black+white TV. Owned GameBoy NES SNES N64 GameCube Wii. GAMES! Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Half-Life, FILMS! Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars, Citizen Kane, Pulp Fiction, Yellow Submarine. MUSIC! Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, AC/DC, Foo Fighters. Thank you Satoru Iwata. RIP, We Understand...Directly!
Louzon TheLouzer
Not young in age, but young at heart! 26 years of gaming! If you wanna be friends, awesome! If not, it's cool. I'll be crushing the competition either way! I also have a 3DS, so lemme know and we can be friends there too!
Tre roylt84
There can only be one
Jwill JasWillis
Aloha! It's Jasmine. I love God, Nintendo, music, art, and meeting new people. Games I have: Nintendoland, Mass Effect 3, Most Wanted U, NSMBU, Sonic ASRT, Trine 2, The Cave, Lego Marvel Heroes, Pikmin 3, and SM3DW. I'm always up for some co-op. Let's be friends!
Tray SeverusRogu3
Feel free to follow me if your a skylander fan like me
Sam Minno55555
Hey guys, I'm Sam, or as the video game community knows me, Minno. I've tons of experience, so feel free to ask for game advice. A few accomplishments: Legend has it, I beat Super Mario 64 when I was five. I beat Majora's Mask in three days. I held world record in Mario Kart Wii. I've gotten the platinum status at Club Nintendo five times. I'm 20, and currently studying biopsychology in college.
mrGREEK360 mrGREEK360
Eddie EdmacMagnus
Koi NinKoi
Inactive News Reporter for 3DS News (Folkloner3DS). Kid raising takes a lot of time Nintendo fan & gaming since 1985 :) Hype meter: 0-{}{}5{}{}10{}{}{}{}{}{}{X}{}100 Games playing now: Star Fox Lego Star Wars Upcoming games: Xenoblade Chronicles X Last Completed: Lego Avengers 3DS - playing: Nothing for now Backlog: None[][][][]Medium[][X][][]High It's kinda growing! I have Switch, PM me!
Jspirit snowyowl
Flink Flink101
Looking for challengers... ;o Add me up!
Jessica Celestias
Pitt PrinceTerian
Nintendo gamer since 1988. Proud owner of NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Gameboy, GBA, DS, & 3DS. Been playing Donkey Kong since Coleco Vision, and Mario & Zelda since NES. Also love Fire Emblem, RPG's, & strategy games. I'm a diehard Pittsburgh Steelers fan in football, & San Antonio Spurs in basketball. I also love Star Wars, GI Joe, comics, writing, reading history, music, & anime.
Brendan Bgamer1234567890
Hi! My name is Brendan. I am a HUGE video game fan. I love Mario, Zelda, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Call of Duty, Metal Gear, Smash Bros, Dragon Ball Z, Final Fantasy, and much more. Have had a Wii U since launch day. My favorite games below are games I own for 3DS and Wii U Systems. Avenged Sevenfold is the best band in the world. Thank You and have a nice day!
Manny Hyrule_Hippie
Old school gamer who loves classic franchises, but plays plenty of new ones too. Wii U owner since launch day. -Link's Homie
Calvin GaMeBoYGuY
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JV® Lillico
Hi everyone! I'm Lillico & I love to illustrate! When I'm not doodling here, I draw on Colors Live on the 3DS :) Thanks for the Yeahs & nice comments! Sorry if I post infrequently...
κιηg Zэтяσ rZetro
Have you given thanks to our lord мîуåмðțσ today? <@˛_@> *sips coffee* i do some neat stuff with pixels. google: retrozetro favorite titles other) Bloodborne, last of us, destiny, awesomenauts, snes) super metroid, illusion of gaia, aLttP, mmX, darius twin, earthbound gba) mother3, metroid fusion & zero mission, 4swords, conduit3 hope
dblanco Blackid
AhmaDonnie ahmadonnie
Dry Bones Moodeeb
Gaming w/ Nintendo from the beginning. Favorite NES games include: NES: S.C.A.T, LoZ (1&2), BattleToads,MGS SNES: Super Metroid!!! N64: Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Starfox (so many!) Gamecube <3: Eternal Darkness, WWaker, P.N.03, Rogue Squadron, D.Dash! Wii: S. Sword, Xenoblade, Dead Space, RE 4 WiiU: ZombiU, ME3, Shovel Knight!, Miiverse! I cosplay A. Wesker daily. Blank friend requests R rejected.
A1Dookster Nintenduke
Broh! Im Chris, 25, a musician and writer, currently underemployed. Remember kids, invest in a bank account when times are good! That way you can play your new-fangled Wii U all day while your friends scurry back and forth from work like tiny, tiny ants!
Sally Aeroangel
The cake is a lie?!?
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