John's Followers
Dr_craft nickygomez26
javier braveheart30
sonic.exe pumaychispi12345
hola soy angel tengo 9años
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
pat pigbear1
hi!!!!!!!!!!!! im cool guy fab movies:godzilla 2014 and king kong. events: drawing request going on now, i need lots of people to comment me wut things they want me to draw okey bye-bye!
MilKa ^o^♪ marjorieboureaux
Sαlυτ τσυτ lε мσηδε ^ο^♪ Мσι c'εςτ Мαгjοгιε, j'αι 15 αης, ςεcσηδε. Jε jουε lε ρlυς ςσυνεητ α Αηιмαl Cгσςςιηg Nεω Lεαƒ :3 Mση с.σ: 7D00-0022-EB6E Мεгсι αυχ 744 αβσηηές, gгσς βιςσυχ ^-^ Peace Abonne toi et t'aurais un chocolat #Maths
Terell Terell321
Yellow guys this is my miiverse for my 3ds but i have a wiiu account it is terell621 so be sure to follow bai
if you follow me i will follow you
Andreas zorian
Been a Nintendo-fan over 20 years. Above average interested in The Legend of Zelda, and quite excited for the next entry. Favourite communities = Games I own :) Now playing: Wii U: 3DS:
S'ah-Senni 1Sah-Senni1
I've had 3 ds's before.Dont ask me what happened to them.But i'm BACK!! Iam S'ah-Senni(3rd generation) and i'm ready to shine! #PokeLove# #RealNameS'ahSenni# #Yay+FollowMyPosts#teehee. :] THX 4 300+ subs! I appreciate it. :]
punky★ Allicat75
This user's profile comment is private.
Kevin DarkKevin18
i love classic games as well as fire emblem, zelda,mario and pokemon.
kevin kevin-kawaiii
i love cats :3 expert gamer and love pokemon :3
DanielWray dwdwdw
♪D 4 J♪ {Big Fan Of} Pink Floyd-The Enid-Yes-Jethro Tull-#prog on {Favourite Singers} Jon Anderson-Roger Waters-Al Stewart-Kate Bush {I Enjoy} Gardening /Gaming /Music /playing piano {My Game Consoles} SNES N64 GBA DSLITE NEW3DSXL WII WII U PS1 PS3 SEGA. DREAMCAST {Age} ²² ♥♡ Found My Mister Perfect JACK who I love so much #HE'S 26#OLD♡♥
coco zorromontes
Brooklyn UltraSamus07
Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibuki Ibu- Oh. I didn't see you there. Hi! I'm Brooklyn, you can just call me Brooke. I play multiple games, I own a 3ds and wii u. The NNID and mii on 3ds belongs to my sister, so I can't share it. rip. Feel free to send a friend request! I'm ready to play some games! :D That'll be all, imma play with my dog now. Cya! c:
Zach Zach0036
Andkawaii7 patuket08
holu me yamo crema batida yo tengo 8 años trato ser uno de los del clan pika me gusta pero no veo y voy a ver the walkin dead mis yutubers es: CaeLike, doc tops y deimoss me gusta plants vs zombies heroes y minecraft y me gustan las bolsas de mandado de la comercial mexicana a y pondre noticias sobre nuevas ladys desnudas
layla KLZ2016
Hazmat HazMat47
Hello I like starwars, Deadpool, Pokemon, marvels,justice league, and lots more. ILike video games too. Come and check out my cool games. you could follow me and be my friend. You guys are awesome if you do. ok bye!
#rip <:= antonypitou
SLT tout le monde je me presente Antony mais je voulais vous dire REVOLTER vous mettez des message contre la suprimation de miverse, c'est la vie de se connaitre j'sais pas c pas dure de laisser miverse tranquille LAISSER nous miverse svp laisser nous miverse fichu de switch abonne vous pour vous revolter meme si sa sert a rien voilla abonne toi si ta envie mais pas obliger voila a plus mais SVP!
Aηcαlαgση imor254
Miiverse a place on the 3ds and Wii U where kids say Shrek is an equivalent of god and will take over the world.The place old memes and new fads spammed across the communities.Trolls cry for attention, children complain over the simplest of things,and admins will ban you over nothing.And yet, we continue to use it every single DAY. Miiverse logic lacks logic have a great day! ^▼^~ umm…
Lilj Drugger
Hello! Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting. I am 26 and my favorite hobbies are reading, writing, and playing games. Hopefully I will post great pictures like my big sis Brittkitt! Alas I do not do online or chats. Sorry guys. :/
Gεε-Nστε♪ Reiyanne
I don't even use miiverse honestly. Don't bother following me. I'm guessing you're here because you played me in Ssb4, Splatoon, or Mk8. If so, gg, and don't be afraid to send a friend request if you liked playing against me. I also have a 3ds account.
booba fett Dad3062
Chelsea Chelsea_Le_Wolf
Well, well, well. Looks like you found my account! Why don'cha hang around for a while? I'm a wolf-cat that loves art, nature, food and fantasy. I see my favorite "fictional" characters as brothers/sisters. If you're intentionally disrespectful here, consider yourself blocked. You have been warned.
Jogos wiiu DC_cWb
Sou de Curitiba/PR. Jogador desde 1994! Na época, meu pai tinha um fliperama em nossa garagem. Trabalho como Martelinho de Ouro e nas horas vagas, jogador assíduo. Curto muito jogos da série Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong e, é claro, Mario!
Jaime jaimjr1
Hi. My favorite game is Splatoon Favorite youtuber SML Least Favorite youtuber Jake Paul btw his song its everday bro is probably the worst song i have ever heard. Favorite Song Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit Joined 7-16-2015 i just wasted ur time didn't i
Jonªbuno±o CryingFreebunz
Survivor of the 1st Miipocalypse. Thank you to all my friends and followers for supporting my art and keeping MV interesting. "All good things must come to an end." Thanks for giving MV to us, Nintendo. Please replace it with something suitable. 4EberWubz = QMiffy<3 Bestiez: Be Brave, Big Buck, Klimba, Emerald & Stiggie. The end is nigh.
gogo noham2009
ethan LANAtr0n
hi everybody! My name is Ethan. I am really good at Splatoon, MarioKart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Wipeout 3, Lego Marvels Super Heros, and The Lego Movie. I hope everybody on the Wii U enjoys themselves. Plz yeah on my play journal. Friend request me and we can play Splatoon, Mario kart, and super smash bros together. HAVE A GOOD TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Mack chrismack007
I'm a 42 year old gaymer and have been playing ever since my dads Atari. I like RPG's, platformers, puzzle, and action games. Currently playing Splatoon 2 and Miitopia.
Greg Siberia2003
Bonzour, Salut, Yo voila quoi , bref tournons pas autour du pot jm'appelle Greg Wittmann j' ai 12 ans et jdonne pas plus d'info ( priver ) Allez une derniere J'ai la meilleure au monde : Adele ze t'aime \(^–^)/ ‹3‹3
Håvard★☆★ havbe12
~Hello~ Am Håvard! ^u^ Lovely to meet ya and welcome to my place or world? About Me: ♥ Am18 ♡Favourite Colors is Yellow, Red, Pink, Light Blue ♥Am from Norway(No we don't have polar bears XD) ♡I like Games, Music, Drawing, Friends, Sleep, Astrology~ ♥I like the ♂ gender, if your not accepting about it it's fine you may leave my life. Take care and thank you for your time. Love yourself beauty~♥~
michel liliyk
Arianna Susana19831
¡Hola amigos! :D me llamo Arianna Mahelet Guetta M. tengo 15 años, me encantan los videojuegos y dibujar. Mi videojuego favorito es The Legend of Zelda ♥ Hello everybody! :D My name is Arianna Mahelet Guetta M. I have 15 years old and I love the videogames and draw. I love all games of Nintendo but my videogame favorite is The Legend of Zelda ♥ (sorry for my inglish xD)
b. slayer slamthewall
Hello there, Im pretty young, (I won't reveal my age for abvious reasons) but I know a lot about the games I play.
sk.jonny™ jonnybug
hello and welcome to my page i manly play minecraft splatoon and super mario maker im very good at pixel art and trolling do you dare to challenge me... want anything hard ill give it to you i accepted all friend request and followers if you need my age is 12 b-day is 2/10 favorite friends are tugga,sk.jarod,sk.dac and riley
Just keep Gaming its AWSOME!! Take it from me true fact i started playing video games when I was TWO!!!!!
Garry garrydev
Hi everyone my name is Garry and have a little sister. I also play on different consoles like Xbox1 and Playstation 4. My favorite game so far is Splatoon. Also I shooter games. Have a niceday Nintendo boys and girls. Leave a yeah and get a COOKIE!!!!!
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