H's Followers
MalachiGS MalachiGS
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Though miiverse should be dead by now, it's really inspiring seeing everyone hanging in there and posting to each heart's content, also Matt-B-u speaks the truth. I'll be screenshot dumping till the 7 ps.top kek Mattypb
Freddy FreddyFazBear250
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Genjo TheDragonIsMe
Hello this is an alt for extra post and chill. Main profile → Genji ( Alex Ich ) 'Fire Emblem related' profile → Lord Leo This is a non serious profile, the other is :^). P a y a i s m y l o v e
TOMOHI~ fs-45p-47vc-4
初めまして、TOMOHI~、といいます。 YouTude・水泳が大好きです。まだ小学生です。 趣味~~~イルミナティ(フリーメイソン)など オカルトが大好きです。 好きなYouTuder・・・はじめしゃちょー、 桐埼英仁、ポッキー、実況ねが、ピクトはうす まいぜんシスターズ、あめ 水溜まりボンド 好きなゲーム~~大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ 時々姉もやってます! 姉のプロフィール 姉 E.G.famiry 鷲尾伶菜Onrly E-girls E☆girls Dream Aya Dream Ami DANCE EARTH PARTY Dream Shizuka Flower Happiness ShuKaRen スダンナユズユリー #鷲尾伶菜を愛しすぎてる女子 #鷲尾は私の命
れんじゅ renju712
こんにちわ好きなゲームは マイクラ です よろしくお願いします
Sonia Toroko2013
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Ethan crawkids
Rip Miiverse. Following anyone I see Follow me if you are nice Dont follow me if you are mean
TTLSUNDAE★ atrevino3
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DemondraBG HydraTeam
I had my fun times with miiverse since I joined in October 2014. Seeing that it's about to end in November is very disappointing. I don't think spamming Nintendo will help save Miiverse! Just accept things the way they are even if it's hard. I don't want Miiverse to end either. RIP Miiverse... 2012 - November 2017
buttonmash bleedinthumbs
Hey there Mii(s) Can't get enough metal? Like vg music? Then check out LittleVMills, Richaadeb and familyjules on YT. There's others, but I haven't gotten to them yet. Feel free to explore :D Oh Miiverse, we only just begun, didn't we...? Some may say I've been playing these things too long.... ....quitters, LMAO!
Drachen RodanDrachen
Hi weld da drausen. Ich bin Drachen. Ich habe erfaren das die Miiverse bald verschwunden sein wirt. Und ich wolte euch allen die folgern und freunde ein GROßES DANKESCHÖN ausrichten. Und ich werde wider mit komischen postings mein abschid sagen. Wir haben noch zeit bis es zu ende geht:( Ich habe mich zu sehr an die Miiverse gewönt das ich es traurig finde :(Machen wir das beste was uns noch bleibt
azulf bomb noahbenjamin22
Hi, im azulf bomb! I play team kirby clash deluxe, super mario maker for 3DS, kirby triple deluxe, Rusty's real deal baseball, ninetendo badge arcade, pokemon shuffle, sonics lost world, teenage mutant ninja turtles, angry birds: star wars, Luigi's mansion dark moon and lego city uncover!! Have fun, guys!
Kassie KassieMacabre
Hey! I'm a new Miiverse user and Sonic fan, and am also the owner of an awesome site, Mario Kart Wii Wikia, that you should totally check out!
Megatron MegatronIsBack
I am Megatron, leader of the Deceptic- Do I really need to explain myself again?
Dapy 2.0. dapybototo
Yo wattup mah cringelords. I'm a guy with no art skills, but expect a few drawings. PEST AN TOOPAC OR DA COOLOOR CAMET WIL STRAIK Check out mah homies: Brice.S, Steve, Alex, H, Devon, SparkyMKII, M4ГXXY, Mii U I have no will to live out of posts: no S A N T I A G O
ετнαη pokemang09
Official creator of the Honkolate Ship. I can't draw. Don't expect much from me.
JRabbit97♪ jessicarabbit97
Hello! Im here to make friends, post comments on games I play, and discuss topics on anything BotW or Zelda related. So if you'd like to ask anything Zelda related, let me know ;) and if you like the crazy antics I'll get into in my adventure through BotW, be sure to give them a yeah, who knows, you may get a laugh or two, or you may learn something new. (I also draw stuff from time to time) ϋ
kitty buttface49
hey guy i'm kitty i really hope we can be good friends my 2 goals on miivers is 1 to have 100 followers cause if you follow me i will follow you 2 to be good friends with all of you
Cloud RogueThief
Zach~~~~~~ noswal1990gamer
Profile comment hidden by admin. This my alt I will be using this one from now on because false reporting. Don't worry I'm still using my main to post in game post but commenting on other post I'll be using this account.
emilio emiliogabyalex
BUN BUN superbunny126
i was inspired by cupcake the best drawer in the universe so i am doing a drawing contest of what ever youd like i will give the winer a shout out.
はーちゃん haruka1019
こんにちは一緒にマイクラやる人募集中 にゃんこ大戦争好きなひとだけです。 先着3名まで ネコ基地(お絵かき)に、ネコと書けば、OKです。 その後フレンドに、なります。いちおうホォローもします。 こんにちは!今のは、マイクラ仲間を募集した広告です! マイクラとスマホでにゃんこ大戦争やってます! 無言ホォローオッケー 共感またはホォローしてくれたらホォローします良ければネコ基地で、コメントお話しましょう!ではこれからも僕のことよろしくお願いします_(·ω·)_
james oncey101
hi everyone im james and my favorite anime is noragami yona of the dawn and i love the legend of zelda and i don't do WII U chat but i like too play mariokart 8 even though im not good at it and i love too whatch movies im 18 years old but i still like cartoons and video games and i still like too be like a kid i love botw and my best friends are koala and king spicy and campbell
∞BF∞Kenzie KenzieTheKitty
Hi i'm Mackenzie,I will post 3 quotes a day,follow for follow ~Relationship Status:Single ~Stay positive and be positive to others there is already enough hate!! ~Age:13 on August 24 Thanks for stopping by have a fantastic day!!!!!
willthur Willthur
5 hgggfggfggdhrdaeqfffgzygddjjrgffhdyrjjekccpekp@fjdhfhfjuy$9!hyggthgygurtrfgufjgjg,ffibigggyhti?hrhfhrgfyrhehdgddxsyedhfeeketuehduffidirurjffrfiifjtyyture?????jhfhf?????????????????tfttgtggh
dil pickle ltlightshotmail
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SuperGirl SuperGirlblaze
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories. I'm just your not–so–average person who loves to laugh, smile, and see people happy! I'm not the one you could ask to talk about myself-- I have nothing else (I could think of) to say! Anyways, Stay true, be you, and DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :)
LSP chinchiboy
HELLO !!!!!
Lazarus Lazarus.morales
Hello, i play games post the screenshots i find interest in. Current Game -Monster Hunter Generations-
the king rolex24
rubis Rubis2007
salut tout le monde jaime kerbi le jeux
J5 SuperTornado514
Simon FrankSahwit
goodness gracious it's been three years lmao, Dr. T is back.
Cooperpups Linksys04759Coop
Hey guys! Cooperpups1 here and I am a Water Pokémon trainer. My favorite Pokémon is Blastoise. I'm a female Blue cat that likes to have fun with others. HAVE FUN AND STAY SAFE! I also like to make memes and other random stuff. Follow me if you can PUG! PUG OUT!!! XD
Nicola GAMEMAN93
Siamo alla fine del XX secolo. Il mondo intero è sconvolto dalle esplosioni atomiche. Sulla faccia della terra, gli oceani erano scomparsi, e le pianure avevano l'aspetto di desolati deserti. Tuttavia, la razza umana era sopravvissuta. "DEADMAN IL GUERRIERO"
hightimes silysad
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Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lo...
Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace.
(For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.