Users H Is Following
buttonmash bleedinthumbs
Hey there Mii(s) Can't get enough metal? Like vg music? Then check out LittleVMills, Richaadeb and familyjules on YT. There's others, but I haven't gotten to them yet. Feel free to explore :D Oh Miiverse, we only just begun, didn't we...? Some may say I've been playing these things too long.... ....quitters, LMAO!
Mel☆ Mel-zelda
Hi my name is Mélanie, I'm an adult female who enjoy play games. RIP miiverse soon, thanks for all. Competitive MK8 et MK8dx player who use inward bike. Goals already achieved : get several decent inward times including french record & probably UE top10 on rRR 1.22.919. Goal to achieve after miiverse dies maxVR on MK8. Thanks for reading
Cranky legendofgood
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles and when the dog bites when the bee stings........
Dapy 2.0. dapybototo
Yo wattup mah cringelords. I'm a guy with no art skills, but expect a few drawings. PEST AN TOOPAC OR DA COOLOOR CAMET WIL STRAIK Check out mah homies: Brice.S, Steve, Alex, H, Devon, SparkyMKII, M4ГXXY, Mii U I have no will to live out of posts: no S A N T I A G O
Bradical Bdockeyeballs
35 year old gamer dad hobbies: wood carving, drawing, drums loves: my wife, daughter,metal and bluegrass! sorry, no wiiu chat! monsters, aliens, robots and dinosaurs? yes, please. I'd rather spend a weekend at Bernie's than five nights at freddies... hope you like my art!
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
DevKetchem DevKetchem195
Enjoys gaming and the artform , nintendo is gaming , without nintendo,gaming is dead.
JRabbit97♪ jessicarabbit97
Hello! Im here to make friends, post comments on games I play, and discuss topics on anything BotW or Zelda related. So if you'd like to ask anything Zelda related, let me know ;) and if you like the crazy antics I'll get into in my adventure through BotW, be sure to give them a yeah, who knows, you may get a laugh or two, or you may learn something new. (I also draw stuff from time to time) ϋ
Dash1138 Dash1138
Hi there, I'm Dash1138, 20 years old, my favorite game series are Star Fox, Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, F-Zero, Bomberman, Punch-Out!! and Mortal Kombat. My mains in SSB4 are: Fox, Zero Suit Samus and Little Mac. I like drawing and listening to music (mainly rock'n'roll and rap). Well, that's pretty much it, feel free to send a message. Hope you all enjoy my posts x3
the king rolex24
Alexandre Zerodarkage
The Legend of Zelda [Top 7]: 1- Breath of The Wild 2- Skyward Sword 3- A Link To The Past 4- Twilight Princess (HD) 5- Wind Waker (HD) 6- Majora's Mask 7- Ocarina of Time Every game has a story. Only one is a legend. The legend is back. Join Link on a quest over land and sea. Through a vivid world of adventure unlike anything you've ever seen before. This year, the Legend is reborn. TLOZ:BOTW.
J.C. MasterOfPuppets1
Kira Kira-LaLara
Hii ~ Smash Main Sonic/Falco/Fox~ Just Dance 2017 ~ <3 Sonic ~ Shadow StarFox ~ Español|English.
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
X (♀) CrescentDash88
um.... hi. I'm X. the variable. the one with infinite possibilities....
Nicole nicolgh
There are two sisters, Muffin and Pancake! (Mostly Muffin.) Excited to get the Nintendo Switch! Pancake - Doesn't really use this. Huge shipper tho. Muffin - Takes selfies on Splatoon, shipper and uses the Wii U most of the time. ★ Pancake uses a 3DS.
Flight Flightz
SpaceCoco Red-eyed_Jaguar
- plays videogames for 23 years now - big Star Fox fan - favourite character is Yoshi - loves to draw - is a Coconut in disguise You can always come by and drop me a message! In english..oder deutsch! You are also free to send me friend-requests, even if we haven't interacted before! Es steht euch frei mir Freundesanfragen zu schicken, selbst wenn wir noch nicht miteinander interagiert haben!
Big Boy dtown13
Just a dude that likes playing a lot of video games. My motto: Family, friendship, and video games is what brings people together! (I don't accept friend requests with random people. I got to get to know you first before I accept any or send you one.) (My posts is an argument free zone. So any disruptive and argumentive comments will be deleted. Further disruptions will get you blocked.)
Cloud DatBoiRoxas
Profile comment hidden by admin.
みずりんきち amaama6029
楽しく、のんびりと、好きなゲームしてます。時間があったら、投稿してます。 *好きなゲーム=スターフォックス.FF.FE.ポケモン.ゼルダの伝説.カービィ。ほか* スマブラコミュニティに、よくいます~(^^*)。 WiiUなので、投稿や共感は遅めです。 *共感していただいた方に共感を返しているのですが、 返していなかったらごめんなさい。 こんな私ですが、よろしくお願いします。 *手書き投稿、プレイ日記の共感ありがとうございます!嬉しいです。* 今は頑張って、スマブラと、 ブレスオブザワイルドと風のタクトHDをのんびりと、やっております(^ワ^*)。 プロフ更新:9月。 近況:お絵かきできたらします、皆さんありがとうございました、ミーバース終了までよろしくお願いします。
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
Ren Roc Paradroids
Wii U games to look forward to: World to the West, Shadow Blade, A.N.N.E., DEX, A Hat in Time, Antipole DX, Aqua Moto Racing Utopia, Project Light, Heart Forth Alicia, Earthlock, Poi, Assault Android Cactus, Pankapu: The Dreamcatcher, Bizerta:Silent Evil, Cryamore, Liege, Over My Dead Body for you, Rocket Fist, Ruff Copy, Skullforge,Strength of the Sword, Vegas Prime Retrograde, Volgarr the Viking
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
VKint88 VKint88
Currently playing Smash, Picross 3D, and Fire Emblem Heroes and they are awesome! Really excited for the mobioe Animal Crossing. And so happy that Metroid Samus Returns was amazing!
SF☆Falco elephantpants68
Hi im Falco but you can call me Cooper and welcome to Star Post. FALCO,Fox,Roy,Mewtwo,Lucas,Ness Lucario are my mains in Smash By the way im a girl I LOVE Falco! what can I say he is REALLY COOL! Im still tying to draw him and FALCO IS MINE! HA HA sorry went too far. favoriteMovie TheBluesBrother & Halloween FavoriteGame All MetalGear games and Sm4sh and Brawl ♡Solid Snake♥
I post tons of awesome games, so if you wanna look at my post go ahead! BTW I LOVE XENO BLADE CHRONICLE 3D Video game..... Love monster games like pokemon, yokai watch. RPG are good to, minecraft, fire emblem kid icarus and more. Now important stuff... JOIN TEAM BONY We have won the first battle and will win more. Need tips? ive beet the game, ask me anything! Bonys are supiorer, join now!
Lord Leo Pr0Genji
Nohr Prince I don't like making mistakes. If you want more variation go to my main -> Genji (Alex-Ich) You really do have the devil's luck, don't you? Corrin is a bad leader.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Kasai LunarHedgewolf64
I'm a 21(15 IRL) year old female Braixen. as you probably noticed, my name is Kasai. it means Fire in japanese.(true fact) I like Pokemon(no duh), Sonic, Freedom Planet, Star Fox, and several other games. I also do rp's, but fair warning, I cuss sometimes. be sure to check out all my posts! OC's:Kasai(myself):Braixen(♀) Tempo:Riolu(♀) Arbiter:Mega Mewtwo Y fusion(♀) X:Latias/Reploid(♀) and more!
Ink Tea Gamechanger68
Avid Trekkie who loves SSX, other unique sports games, Indies, platformers, and almost anything Nintendo and Sci-fi. TRON LIVES!!!!! I DO NOT TAKE VOICE OR VIDEO CHATS. I also like tea.
Vera Edgey VeraEdgeworth8
I love to play Nintendo since I was child so. I love to play Harvest Moon, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton, Another Code Serie, Starfox, SSB Series, Some RPG, Monster Hunter, Art Acedemy and much more I am mostly a Team Player as a against player If you want to play with me just ask me. Love Greetings Vera Edgeworth
OtakuLord8 Otakulord8
Hi, my name is Otakulord8, but you can call me Animedude if you want. I love a lot of things that are Japanese, like festivals, the various forms of Japanese Architecture, Anime obviously, and the Video Games that represent all of the above. I hope that I get to go to Japan one day. If any of you have Shiny Pokemon that you have no need of, feel free to trade with me.
Jackie Driver47
My favorite games are Star Fox and Mega Man X. I love the old snes games. I am a Trekkie (My favorite poem is "Ode to Spot") and Whovian, I'm also trying out art, and Hawaiian Shirts, Noice.
McCloud Walrus_McCloud
My family and I love Nintendo's funny, imaginative style of gaming. Favorites include ARMS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Super Smash Bros., Super Mario Galaxy 2, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Kid Icarus Uprising and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
Lily Kitsunezz
Hello there! My name is Lily! I am a teenage girl who loves drawing and playing video games. :)
Samukation samuckation
Diego DiegoV.Garcia27
Hola, soy Diego pero me puedes decir Villachu, espero que podamos ser amigos y llevarnos bien =)
Maurii Lackii
POWER ON, Mii! I'm an old school gamer from the 1970's whose been fortunate enough to own 1-2 home consoles since PONG. I now game soley on the Nintendo Wii U. Playing: Mega Man 9,Super Smash, Splatoon. Missing on VC: Kung Fu, Baseball Stars, Pro Wrestling. Other: Urban Hikes, Classic/Alt. Rock, Cooking, excessive contemplating. I GOT NEXT!
Corey corkyboy
Big fan of Nintendo. I'm a pretty nice guy, I'm down to chat or play games when I can.
Falco buzzcut97
yo! Falco here! ace pilot of the star fox team (but don't tell fox I said that.)! welcome to my profile. I like to post random stuff every once in a while. and despite what the rest of the star fox crew may have said, I'm actually pretty friendly, so don't be afraid to start a conversation. real name: Cameron.
Anthony BowserU
Hey Howdy Hey Nintendorinos! The name's Anthony. I've been an avid Nintendo game guy for my entire life. WiiU has been the first to successfully take me back to the nostalgic time of my childhood. Loving the system, and the community! Thanks for stopping by on my page! Think we would be cool pals? Drop in a Friend Request and say hi! Let's play!
Tyler Tyler5036
Yeah ANOTHER alt List of alts: DecepticonLeader TheAutobotLeader PredaconLeader MegatronIsBack and TylerTornado. MEDIIIIIC!
JUN remiodad
こんにちは! 好きなゲームはお気に入りコミュニティのゲームです。 投稿に共感、コメントくれる方ありがとうございます。 嬉しくて元気貰えます! Thanks for looking at my picture.
Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lo...
Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace.
(For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.