H's Friends
The Rock hulkmania82
Crazymonke yodanideleon
Hi! My Name Is CrazyMonke, Not Gonna Say My Real Name,And My Fav Game is All Batman Games! Hope You Play It Alot! :) Name: Crazymonke Fav Color: Red And Blue Fav Game: All Batman Games People I Play With Always: Maxxy11 AKA JonnyGamingyt, Beast_Gamer176, Gangbeast, Tony759, CrazyMonkey2048, Sprepeat24, And Many More People! Bye Now!
Hi Everybody Im Tommy "THWFLY" im new to this wii u game pad & Wii U Game system i purchase this big wii u pack featuring Mario Kart 8 back in July 1st 2016 it cost $300. I Downloaded Super Smash Bros 2014, Fast Racing Neo & Tank Tank Tank. Remember my Nickname is THW Stands For The Hilfiger Warrior. & I Still need you all to join me in wii u game chat Please.
ZZ★Jara★ starbucksss101
СS~Marcos zelda367
Hola muy buenas a todos One more time Si lees esto estas aburrido verdad que la trifuerza os acompañe Zelderos Hacedto solicitudes de amistad, molas y seguidores y Bueno si bas al ejercito el mejor arma La tinta XD LOL Y MUCHO MAS VERAS EN MIS COMENTARIOS Adios
LegoStars UltimateLegoStar
Sup! Add me until i reach Maximum 50 Or you wanna Follow me. No Wii U Chat please! I too busy I Do play Star Fox Zero And Star Fox Guard. I'm the Protector Admin! :D
ςƒ★shiro♪ badusho
Hi i am speed Click that☝ Follow buton。 ツ~Wモモ みカカモ~ツ。〄 I ヤlay ホK7 & 8,Sホash bros ,splatoon and others。 Bチチ ○ ???? ○ ○ ○ 〜Fabio。(フアビオ)☞my man☜ ○ SERENII Signs I have CLANS ςƒ(leader) Over 10 members mςν τν ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾ Stay frosty☃ ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▇▆▅▄▃▂▁
Kate KateBelanger1
Hi, I'm InkWitchArts from dA 29 Years old, female Freelance illustrator I love to draw my art around animals, video games, and intellectual subjects, metal music and fantasy. :) I listen to metal (Triosphere, Kobra and the Lotus, Eluveitie, Wintersun, Stratovarius, Nocturnal Rites,...), hard rock, OSTs. I love Star Fox, Mass Effect, Okami, Darksiders, Paper Mario, Metroid Prime, Zelda,...etc.
Samukation samuckation
james lylatsystem825
hi my name is james mcCloud my son thinks i'm dead icreated the star fox team thare are only 2 surviveing members one is peppy hair he was my closest friend and he is still helping my son fox the other was pigma dangar he betrayd the entire team and killed most of us he is currently working with star wolf and my son just might have found himself a girl her name is krystal james out
krystal iloveyoufox
i love star fox games
▲Tom▼ DylanMovies1
Yeahshi YoshiYeahs
Hi. I'm Yeahshi! The Yoshi that likes to yeah give. Everyone is cool 2 me. (except the haters) u can add me if u like. (only if u pay attention and read this because most idiots dont) and i dont wii u chat. Riddle School is best NEWGROUNDS game!!! Bai. I said bai. U may go now. Hey, Lakitu, that's enough with camera. Ok for real bye.
Anime Bedblom
Baboom!!! GrEeTiNgS aLl! I'm PK-Mαrietron 005! I dEcIdEd To TaKe PK-Mαrie'S pOsItIoN. sO... sTaY fReSh. Anime was here! Also, I'm a co-leader of cody's squad!
George hgfdh5
George's Profile!!!!! Age:?? Birth:12-19-???? Name:Jorge-Axel Country:U.S.A-LA-California Gender:Boi Favorite things: Draw |video games | youtube | comics | pets | Nintendo | PlayStation |tøp | my family | and You Guys And also before you go I nead to say too you Bye!!!!!
LyLaT LyLaTFoxMcCloud
Will no longer be on Miiverse due to its inevitable end. Rip Miiverse 2012-2017.
bat man bear_guy_2001
hello. i am scourge! but people call me bat man. i love star fox and sonic, i like to make my ion story, and my two best friend are tera fox and ilek selena. i love everybody!
★NB★ĮлķΩΨΞ inklingex159
Oh hey wats up name's Theo.i love all games but my favs are SPLATOON and MINECRAFT and POKKEN TOURNAMENT.im 13 i love to dance and play sports Stephen Curry is the best!!(PIZZA) im very emotional im a libra.im pretty shy.my fav sports are baseball,basketbal,football.and thats pretty much it.C means CO leader of ★NB★ incorporated.i think thats it bye have a great day.
Eduar Eduar1979
Snowcone JoelTheNinja101
Small young energetic kid who is a pianist a gymnast and a very social kid who and very new to #Mooverse anyhoo I play pokemon but don't have nnid on 3ds yet and I also play tomadachi life and Will accept any friend requests Born:2001
Seanpvs101 Seaniepmc
This user's profile comment is private.
Deidre Hiya352
I love Star Fox! I hope to become really good in Zero like I did with 64. <3 Let's Rock'n Roll XD !!! All situated for the new semester, and I'm going to own Star Fox Zero in my free time. See you around! Hope to find some cool Star Fox players out there. :)
Cassie ARMRA-WiiU
Hi it's me Cassie Munoz. I was Born on June 4, 2000 in Windsor Ontario Canada. Louis Ella Billie R.C. Buddy Krupa Blu Jewel Bia Carla Tiago Eduardo Aunt Mimi Roberto Maria Manolo La Muerte & Xibalba Cam Marshal Miss Ribbon Henry Lucy Edward Geroge The Angry Birds Movie Mel Sweetpea Snowball Snoopy Woodstock & Fifi Taylor Swift & All Singers BB-8 & R2-D2 We're All-Stars 17!
Brandon.S Nesrick
I like to have friends don't be afraid to add me as a friend. I would really appreciat it if your really good at Super Smash Bros and other games. An example of another game would be XenoBlade Chronicles X. Looking for a squad. If you see me in spectate matches and like what you see, feel free to tell me. I would love to have highly active friends to. ^^
Lucas:) melonderp321
toitucreus mika-lelite
Hey,salut a tous moi c'est Bat je vous invite a être mes amis mes jeux préféré: -MK8,Splatoon et Smash Bros. Je tien faire unedédicace a mes amis:bilal,Clara,silens et CSG☆Silver Merci a tout mes abonner Bon ba bye et bon jeu a tous;) New Team La BCB☆ Passer un Test pour y entrer sur le message #BCB☆Test Les chf Bat Clara Bilal Suite...(Message n°158).
X-tito-X onilink713
Yung Venuz Djvirus2
ey, am yung venuz. am gungod and i liek moni moni4lyfe i liv wit me Cuz at ma mansion. #verifyvenuz Joined: 19th of June 2015
Neal Neal_defender
Name: Neal likes: racing, cars, friends, dreams, angel, anime, BlazBlue, games, inflation, wii u chat, none block, toys, movie and music. not likes: haters, bullies, blockers, nightmare. Friends: sakura, fanfan21, Princessluna and others. wii u chat? [no longer] playing with friends? [yes!] My wishes: go to japan! Favorite Character: Luigi i hope you have a wonderful days, everyone!
Arion apachekid5
hi everyone im arion i like SuperSmashBros. and my favorite character is ness and i just want alot of friends and followers :) ö 0_0 Um.....thats it still come on! seriously wow cut to it bye :)
LucasLump LucasSpy123
Hi! i'm a Lucas roleplay account! I'm so happy to be back in Smash! I hope I make tons of friends. Lucas Came out of NoWhere 6/14/15. 11 amiibo so far.
Hatür astralrorix
Hello there!!! you been discover my profile jajaja. I'm chilean and my childhood hobby are the videogames, with the music. greeting to all!!
Teraƒοx TeraSmyte
Hello There! Just the guy behind the StarFox Mascot! >^ó StarFox is Extremely Underrated, So I've dedicated myself on Supporting it! But don't be Fooled! I'm not just a Huge StarFox Fan! Though i'm known for that around Here, (; I Love anything Nintendo! 18 Self Taught Artist Signing Out! BF's Magma,Misha, Hud,DaHuskyGuy,Aaron,Brit Wolf,Tyler,Delta,BigBoy And More! CHANDLER IS MY BFF<3
noah noahdonaldson18
hi im noah
Tommy B TommyB2099
long time gamer and Nintendo Fanboy. you know what they say... if you game, your lifes never the same lol. I pretty Much play anything but Just Dance Music Games. As of late alot of my Gamer Time is spent getting back into Xenoblade Chronicles X. Sad to hear the wii u is done. But, it will still be my System of choice until The Switch has picked up Steam and has a few good titles.
ZERO katsukoto
フレンド大募集 気軽にフレリクしてください 後スプラトゥーン、スーパーマリオメーカーやフォローもお願いします。 たまに地震速報もコメントします。 ただ 平日の7時~3時 土日の午前 その他出来ない日があります 震度1以上かつM3.5以上のときです
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Annika scubbasteveo
hi all my amiibo are on mine team if you see a profile picture it will be me and my amiibos in a team and star Fox for life lol see ya
J.C. MasterOfPuppets1
Nintendude mar1064
Hi, I main Captain Falcon in smash 4. I love Smash Bros and will accept anyone who wants to play!! I love Nintendo and Miiverse! Mostly play : Super Smash Bros. Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, and The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. I also collect amiibo, Hot Wheels, and a lot of other collectibles! If you want share your collection, just tell me! Don't Wii u chat.
zabeth MasterBouille
Salut tout le monde ! Je suis MasterBouille (Plus connu sous le nom de Petitdoudou sur JVC), grande fan de jeux vidéo, passionnée de couture et grande défenderesse de la cause animal, n'ayez pas peur de me parler, je ne mord pas. Sauce. J'espère qu'on pourra partager quelques moments sympathique en ce beau monde qu'est Miiverse. Ps : je ne suis pas fan des Kikoo-Jap et des mangas en général.
Aaron UncleLuigi
I am the great Emperor Andross! In the closing moments of Miiverse, I want to thank my MV BFFs for standing close by my side thru the whole way:) Always remember, I'm not done yet. I am always lurking out there in the galaxy...waiting for you, Star Fox!
sH Redge-Pyro46
hi guys sH (Ny'rese) here i like playing sonic/mario/kirby/DBZ/naruto/lbp games i've been off for a long time because my brother keil has my old wii u don't call me a imposter just cuz i'm diffrent if you've seen me in splatoon and liked me follow me to let me know. plus during murisaki baby i discovered that i did a multi-tap crash
Devin yellowlink789
Hello there! I'm a huge Nintendo Fan who happens to be a furry! I also share my Birthday with Star Fox and Zelda since we both began to exist on the same day but not the same year. My favorite game series are: •Legend of Zelda •Star Fox •Corpse Party •Kid Icarus My favorite game of all time is Wind Waker! One of my main goals in life is to collect all of the Amiibo! Bweh X3
RED SuperLuigiBros.Z
I'm using this account for everything except the New Super Luigi U Community. That's EclipseCannon.
|Ethan| Ethan-T-P
*psst... check out my following list to SWITCH it up* disc orbs is ethan # four four one seven You never know what you have until it's gone. Thanks for the memories!
Jeanne™ MadamaStyx
———† Decider Of Ends †——— Queen of the River Styx, the boundary between humanity and Hades, Madama Styx is said to be a moth living within the human world. These insects, born from the magical power that flows from a woman's body, are charged with luring the souls of sinners into Inferno. [Onegai! CutieJ♥] U1-QTJ Umbra#1 Jeanne "From the Darkness I draw my strength" —————† PDEE BURMA †—————
Aaliyah aaliyahpinkiepie
hi i'm Aaliyah Rosado the Nintendo fan i love playing Super Smash Bros. my favorite characters are: Kirby Princess Peach Princess Zelda Rosalina Pit Bayonetta Dark Pit Palutena Lucina Shulk Toon Link Ness Lucas Cloud Strife
Cereza™ MadamaButterfly
–––————† Mistress of Atrocity †————––– Madama Butterfly is the name of the demon who Bayonetta has made a pact with in order to use her power in combat. Madama Butterfly is a demon taking the form of a woman who left this world under unfortunate circumstances, only to be reincarnated in Hell. "From the Darkness I draw my strength" ———————† PDEE BARMA †————————
cat bomb benjaamin2189
i am mario's friend. Cat Bomb! be my friend because we'll call eachother! and most importantly be friends. I might show you some games i have! like yoshi's wooly world, mario kart 8 super mario 3d world and more. just be my bestie because i won't be lonley. together i think we can all save miiverse from bad people! --- cat toad cat bomb cat luigi
Hugh Cpt.Hammer
Myxolydian Myxomatosis7
I like to make you laugh. Follow me if you have adult responsibilities and still find time to play. "Are you such a dreamer, to put the world to rights? I'll stay home, forever, where two and two always makes a five." Avid Musician. Bartender. Recovering Journalist. Experienced Psychonaut. "My thoughts are misguided and a little naive. I twitch and I salivate; like with Myxomatosis." -Thom
Galaxy yoshifan200
i am a die hard megaman gamer and super smash bros gamer. also i am know as galaxy as the pegasus the hedgehog as the dragon pharaoh cause my fan fanction character of the sonic games. and i do like to use wiiu chat so chat on me on wiiu chat anytime. also i am i fan of mlp fim!
Joshua jovega
One way Free Roam I go my way I can see througth your eyes PS I write my thing's my own way
Brit Wolf Ambri_Kyu
(A.K.A Milan :P Star Fox Zero FTW!) Miiverse comes to a close, but my time with Wii U and 3DS goes on! "So long, farewell, until we meet again!"
Genji Alex-Ich
See you space cowboys... I'll doing extra drawings/doodles in my alts Alt → NotGenji (TheDragonIsMe) 'Fire Emblem' Alt → Lord Leo I will miss you hard Jessy, Fatty and 8 bit guy!! never knew news about you :,(!!
Tokiten Tokiten-Steph
Tokiten#1274 Since miiverse is ending thought I'd throw out here that Tokiten is pretty much my name for everything. No kidding. If you wanna stay in contact let me know before the end of miiverse days. Also side note, I've never been admin'd on here. Would be funny to suddenly get banned or something last minute but at the same time I'd be like woh, it happened
Flight Flightz
Ethan Beinke
I just draw Primeape and Dr. Andross. Heavy splatling main. My shiny Pokemon are: Poliwag, Swirlix, Gligar, Pelipper. Games I love but many hate: Godzilla PS3, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Buck Bumble, Star Fox Zero. 80+ followers! a bit chuffed, actually.
Zash Kong zash27
Hi, i'm zash27 here are some things about mē Favorite foods: 1. Shrimp 2. Fish 3. Sushi 4. Chicken 5. Fries 6. Fried Okra 7. Ribs ____________________________________________ Favorite Restaurant>Mongolian Grill ______________________________ Favorite Game Series: Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox & The Legend of Zelda. DKC2 is my favorite game followed by DKC, DKC3, DK64, DKC: TF & DKCR. Peace!
★☆AKIRA☆★ akirasan22
Hey! I am Ryan!i would love to wiiu chat!. first and foremost I'm a nice and chivalrous man.. ladies FIRST! Single.. †Im a firm believer in My Christ Jesus!† I also have schizoaffective disorder.
Jonny liveswired
Hello I'm from Northern Ireland! VIVA LA WII U RESISTANCE 2017!!! *MIIVERSE MUST NOT END*
Lee minneapolis
Frantically trying to archive all of my Miiverse posts before it's too late. If you've made the Switch, check out my Following list.
Lord$carfy kolefarris
hi my name is $carfy games i love. minecraft donkey kong mario kart animal crossing conker's bad fur day banjo kazooie star fox halo old time 007 games from gamecube and back spyro crash and many more. im 22 and yes im a furry. thanks for poking my face and droping by. so you heard theres rumours about a secret place in my minecraft. i have never heard or seen this place. OR HAVE I.
LG★{TYLER} Speedy3791
Hello all! I'm just your average crazy 13 year old! I love fighting, racing, sandbox, and shooting Games! Favorite NINTENDO games: SMM, SMG, SMG2, Every Smash Bros game and every Mario Kart game, and Pokémon (Along with Splatoon when wi-fi works!). Favorite Games: COD|BO3, NSUNS4, THPS5, PVZGW1 & 2, Minecraft, BTD5 & Battles and Clash of Clans!!!
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Ninty Man Ricardoninty
Fan de Nintendo desde el Súper Famicom hasta la actualidad. Usuario de otras consolas por igual, historiador, baterista y maniático del uso correcto del español. Abierto a amistad, convivencia y cooperación. Escribe con propiedad por la deidad que desees. ¡A darle átomos! También tengo un bazar de venta de videojuegos. Si quieres más información, pregúntame. Saludos.
Dan danielbautista92
Welcome i'm a huge fan of Nintendo, Green Day, horror movies, boxing, and animated/anime. Adventure time, everybody! Nation: Mexican
Andrew andrew345115
Im Andrew, I live in California and I love smash i probably play it the most so friend me and we can smash sometime. My favorite games are bayonetta 1 and 2, Pokemon, and super smash bros. 4 I LOVE THE ZELDA SERIES (almost as much as bayonetta) I also have a new found love for star fox ♪fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars♪
danny_417 danielmai523
xXSumireXx xXSumireAsakaXx
Hey gang its Luffy III ready to show true potential and fun of gaming! you can view my videos on youtube on AnimeHokageHD! Enjoy! P.S the user name is a secondary part and of course Sumire Asaka is from Akai Katana!
Joey Josephkenneth
Hi, I'm Joey! Thanks for the 1,050 followers! Let's see if I can reach 1,500. That's the goal! Other account: Josephkenneth2 I am 14 years old. No Blank Friend Requests! Favorite Video Games: Minecraft: Wii U Edition and Splatoon Thanks! P.S. I do except Wii U Chat to the people that accept it. I don't except Wii U Chat to the people that don't do it. Also, feel free to follow me.
QuinnRahal quinnrahalwiiu93
ROBERT starfox522
i love collecting amiibo figures keep em coming
Dylan Butto2290
Mega Man is in Super Smash Bros. Life is awesome! Owned Wii U retail games: Nintendo Land, CoD BO II, NSMB U, Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Origins, Game & Wario, Sonic: Lost World, Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Madden NFL 13, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X
Squidmark Skidmark
Welcome Earthling. For many years now I have lived amongst your people, watching, waiting, blending in, observing your customs and rituals, but most importantly - learning your weaknesses. It is clear to me that I can only rule this planet through conquest. Therefore it is my intent to defeat each and every one of you in the noble art of digital combat. Let the battles begin.
David Dave15
I am 20 years old. I have a Gamecube (my first system), a Wii, a Wii U, a DS Lite, a DSI XL, and a New 3DS XL. (transferred data then sold old small 3ds). I've enjoyed my Wii U and 3DS since 11-21-12 and 12-25-11, respectively. I only play on Nintendo platforms.
DaHuskyGuy davidcableguy
*Hey, it's DaCableGuy! Just thought I'd try something new!* One of the very first souls to ever roam the lands of Miiverse! • Avid Nintendo fan • Loves playing: - Mario and Sonic - Pokémon & Pokkén Tournament - Star Fox - Smash Bros. - Splatoon • amiibo - 98 figures - 16 cards Friends: Chandler, TeraFox, Misha, Big Boy, Rob, Aaron, Wolf B. and more! Thank you, Miiverse!
GearsOfWar GearsOfWarU
Star Fox Zero,Super Mario 3D World,Sonic Lost World,The Wonderful 101,Bayonetta 1 & 2,Darksiders 2,Transformers:Rise Of The Dark Spark,Mario Kart 8,Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze,Hyrule Warriors,Zelda:Twilight Princess HD,Pikmin 3,Lego Batman 2 & 3, Star Wars Pinball,Injustice:Gods Among Us, Splatoon,Smash Bros Wii U,Shovel Knight, Castlevania Series, Ghost N Goblins Series & Demons Crest!!!
Gρ™Silver Silvereye
Member of SSB4 Clan: GP (Gifted Prolifics) Trying to improve my skills. Mains: Bowser Jr & Mewtwo Subs: Olimar & Megaman Pockets: Dark Pit, Sonic, Fox 24 years old and have been playing games since I was 3. My top 5 IPs in no particular order: Sonic, SSB, Mega Man, BlazBlue, & Kingdom Hearts. Consoles: PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii U, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, 3DS, GBC.
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lo...
Enjoying Summer!
Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace.
(For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.