LITheos's Followers
FOLLOW ME AN HELP ME REP THE J O Y C O N B O Y Z EWNetwork is the best youtuber! R.I.P MiiVerse... i had fun trolling with my other account :D
Silver SilDicap
Josh samaniego713
Naty Princess_Naty
Hello there!I really love Mario games.I'm a huge fan of Pokémon from Kanto to Alola Region!I'm great at drawing things.The best of all is Mewtwo.I'm pretty sure that I'm 17.
Sakura villarrealjen
hi everyone
MrandaSing evandoherty
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{EG} GalaxyGirl33
Hi I'm shy. I'm 13. My age is a very unlucky number...I hope you guys have fun :D
Tilou tilou5
Yo. abonez vous prochain objectif 700 aboner plus :Mon profil bcp minecraft mario maker et splatoon faite moi une demande d'ami mot pour mes abonner:merci de continuer a suivre mes message et a likez mes message xD je veut des bon amis bonne vacance tout le mondes ceut qui joue a minecraft demander moi et merci de vous abonner je suis fier de vous :-D bah c tout a+ <3 bye-bye...
Viper heromie
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Guchiru ZeldaFann24
Hiii! Im a little girl that likes viddy games and anime! I like Higurashi (Just the friendship and music no blood), Squid girl, Sailor moon, and Princess tutu! I am OBSESSED with The Legend Of Zelda Series! I like art, My little pony, The amazing world of Gumball, And steven universe! I also like to color with my Mommy! And i like to wright books! My Mommy checks this! Enjoy! (^o^)
lisa manusanlisa
salut je me présante : je m' appelle lisa mon amoureux : tombg2a gentille : ★★★★★ si on est méchant avec moi sa chauffe méchante : ★☆☆☆☆ amoureuse : ★★★★★★★★ 10 ans abonnez vous je vous aime , et tombg2a encor plus ♥♥ 246 abonner j' en veux plus merci d' avance
emilio emiliogabyalex
★Arean★ 140durrill
-Hi, I'm ★Arean★ AKA 140durrill -I'm a 7th grader -I Play Minecraft and Splatoon -Pro Gamer -I'm 13 years old -I have a 3DS, Wii U, and the Nintendo Switch -My BBF on miiverse is ChuloTony2 and Andrikwilliams -[ ] LAST POST -I don't WII U CHAT -I take friend requests but NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS -I'm really nice but don't be mean to me or I'll Block you -In-apps games: MCPE and Clash Royale
IE☆Danny ChampionDanny1
Hi! I'm Danny. I'm 13 years old. I'm a very friendly, kind, and happy person. I've loved Nintendo for years now. I love playing Mario, The Legend Of Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic, Star Fox, Kirby, Dragon Ball Z, and much more. But my favorite game so far is Splatoon! I also like anime, and I speak English, Spanish, and a little bit of French and Japanese. That's it, have a great day!
maddizigle princess804
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мςν★sky★ willets5
...its over AGAIN MY LIFE IS A BLACKHOLE >_<....and its happening again....... :( its over....
EDU thatkidlalo
hey im edu im down to fight on ssb or race on mk8 i play splatton minecraft and im online daily. I don't wii u chat!!!
camden camden3
よこはまちゃんねる! kotesasi1234
フォローができないけどフォロー嬉しいです。 Thank you for your follow! よこはまちゃんねるです! I am Yokohama. 今まで性別書かなかったけど:男 I'm male 最近めちゃくちゃ「Five Nights at Freddy's」にはまってますw FNaF Songの「It's me」とか「I got no time」がオススメ!!! マイクラでのドット絵作成を得意としています ドット絵リクエストお待ちしてます I'm waiting for your Request. 電車が一番だと思う! フォロワー500人以上! 皆さんありがとうございます! 好きな言葉→It's me. 2017/11で終わるとか聞いてないぞ /(´-_-`;)\! 2017/10/10/23:08:35更新
SwagMaster javylo
Sup boiiiii im the swagmaster my name is litgit huh? lol jk anyway my favorite game is splatoon and smash bros i am a funny person....well at least i think i am anyway ill try to make a post everyday and if u want to play or be in a squid squad just friend me or measage me and trust me when i say this im not a good drawer i cant even draw a good stickfigure XD and remember: Work hard Play hard
Miria☆#2★♪ Militiri
Hi!Things about me! name:Miria,age:11 animal favorite:Bunnies#Bunnie4evah! My BFF'S: mn sergio, Lady A, Valentina★, Star, Rubí♥, Rachel, Carol★òωó☆,Nerea★☆,María, Sandra, Mariví, Clara,Iziar,Mavia,Celia, Vero,Pipa,Leila,Carla,Raúl,Bianca,Eshter,Chloe and Lucía♥(some are real life) My Boyfriend is: Alex♥ My first account is: mn miria (Miritili) I speak Spanish too! follow4follow♥ Bye!ßγε мίίνεπςε
Swordie2 Swordie14
Does it seem like I like to argue? Nah, I just like to remind people of what's right, and why. I like Zero Suit Samus, Cloud, Mario and Marth (this changes almost every week, stay tuned) Follow me if you like to see noobs put in their place ~~T be my bae~~
juan nito1738
hello my name is ju@n and i just have to say that i like yoshi ↑ is pronounced like this (waun) dont judge me i did not pick it out so good bye and a happy new year ♪♪♪♪'_'←?
[AD]Heli Lunat1cz
[games] mario kart 8 ,disney lnfinity and mario 3D world [Friend requests] open [Wiiuchat] No P.S. Follow me i follow you
boone dboone9787
DяB-Hαzel Hazeleyes2000
Main Account: -Nick- (green4224) Splatoon account for team Dragon's Breath. Other Wii U: DяB-Sandra Working my way up the charts to S+ 99
Satoshi SJRC10
Hey Splatoon fans please be my friend Anime is my life, drawing is cool Please tell me to join Squid Partys My favorite friend is Cpt.Woomy And $țα¥ ƒrξ$ħ!
★CSA~Woomy adeel490
Hi my name is Zain, nice to meet you im free if you want to play Splatoon with me ;) Well you could see the games i have at my fav communitys so byeeeee!!!! And $ταу ƒrεςн
[O$]Plushy PlushSniper
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ttk↑?????? aristosilio
Hello!!! My real name Aristotelis. I'm from Greece and i'm a big fan of Nintendo. I can speak Greek (of course), English very well and German (not like English). Huge fan of Splatoon, it is probably my favourite game for the Wii U.
willy master_of_luck16
p please f follow m me p please :'(:(:-(:-<:'-(>_<
UltraAwsum ultra_awsum100
Hey guyz! New minigames out now and coming soon! Also, new city world coming out and available to play. Im on every day so we can always play! Allright, see yall.
CFF★Blaze NewLeafFan
What are the odds? Ya found me! Hello, and welcome to my tiny corner of the Miiverse universe. Allow me to provide you with a brief description about myself. My name is Blaze. I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on March 13. I'm a male. Now let's talk about myself in Splatoon. I am a proud member of the CFF clan in Splatoon. I really like Callie better! I am a MAJOR fan of taking group selfies!
Cat KittyCat535
nathan nathan.doogle
I think u guy's are awsome and go check-out kieran's porfile and follow him okay.
χHey★Gelø☆ Gelopogi102
Hello, I'm Gelo. I'm a filipino. I'm 12 years old.My favorite games are Minecraft and Mario Kart 8. I have a Wii which I don't use it anymore. I have DLC! Pack 1 & 2! :Played the Wii for 3 years :Plays Soccer,Basketball,Volleyball :Plays Minecraft ALOT! :MkWii VR 8k (No longer playing) :Mk8 VR 13k :Plays Roblox! Thats it! See ya later! :D
owen SnipeZ0wl901
hey im owen you think im 8 or somthink but im 10 in 2017 i learrned that never give up somthink you love even if somthink is new stick with what you love and it will give you a great future like i had over the 3 years i have been on the wii u now i will see you around thease are people you you should check out OLIVIA★☆★☆ The Real Catboy Dan and jayland and robi and YOLOEEE
Sad Alex Alexa395
$ώιβι loulou662
Κικου α τοι Įε мαρρεζζε Αмβπε ετ įαι 12 αηş ετ įε şυιş ςнεζου,δπσζε мαιş ραπ δεşşυş τουτ τιмιδε Мεş įευχ ρπεƒεπεş şοητ Мιηεςπαƒτ,Уο Και Шατςн 2 ,αςηζωα ετ ρκмη Įε πεмεπςιε αυşşι мεş 504 αβο ετ мεş 89 αмιş ♥♥♥ Οβįεςτιƒ:550 αβο αβοηηεş νουş αυşşι α camillou30 ken41200 alex55652 ετ lazerultime Αβοηηε τοι (įε πεηδş) ^.^ Сιαο мεş ζουριοş ♥
Byron1330™ byron13330
Hola Mis Amigos Me llamo ♥Byron♥ Soy de chile vivo en valparaiso No asepto Wii U Chat Soy muy feo O talves no :V Tengo 14 Años Mi juego favorito es ♥ Mario Kart 8 ♥ Mis mejores amigas: Son Barby, Jochi , Jazmin, Anv ★Amigos: Yamemazu, Kurisuto ★ Agregame y quisas puedas ser algunos de mis amigos Favoritos ♥♥♥ Sigueme Y yo te Sigo ♥ Me Encanta El Chocolate ♥
Johnny Flechet
☆★Hi l'm Jonathan Q. Stephen aka JohnGamer456!★☆ l'm DJvgBoy123's replacement as he left and joined the jay black family! l only Wii U Chat with Squad/Clan Members & l'm member of SG,SM,SE,SDNA,SBIU,FIς,GG & SYU Clans! Buddy/Best Friend: Jayden l'm a Rainboots Boy and my favorite game is Splatoon!
King Spicy JOHNLUDY18
Hello I Am King Spicy I Like Watching Anime A Lot I Would Like To Thank Everyone ~★καωαιι~★ Mayo Evo James T&Ffan BabyButter Lia ShemGod Addy Aceyandkc UminekoBatman Lil'Dεvil AndyPascoe KappaFammy YungBreezy FazeMia Soniciscool2004 Lemon & ZoeyRulesAtGames EvaWilson Madoka Paige Bedblom Eridan Karkat Simew Timmy Diggle Riley Darkwolf And Ciaran i'll miss you all
(☆˘ν˘) Capricieux
jasmine JasmineJewel
meow!! hi, my name is jasmine looks-i have black long curly hair and brown eyes with a light blue around them and im 5'3". personality-kind,smart,protective,funny,and can be mean so dont get me mad... likes-anime(attack on titan),cats,music,piano, and the violin. this is everything about me! p.s. almost forgot i'm also a yaoi shipper. eren x levi foreva! i also act like levi ackerman...
Chelsy chelsyrey17
i am a nice friend and sometimes i get crazy. i kind of like fnaf and school. I like social studies and reading. Also i like minecraft. Its really great to have some friends and to make miiverse peaceful and fun for kids or other people and to share good post to people to make them feel more relax and to have peace. Also i will always try hard to make miiverse being peaceful like always.Heisenberg
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta...
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta, Cloud, Corrin, and Ryu
favorite splatoon wepons: Charger, octobrush, and blasters
Best Friends: S.D.Legacy, Zero, GM Clay, SquidBox, Ethan, Jamie
Thanks For Reading And Please Sure To Hit That Follow Button also go and see the memorys I made with these friends.
discord LITheos#4581