Users LITheos Is Following
MrandaSing evandoherty
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Viper heromie
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SwagMaster javylo
Sup boiiiii im the swagmaster my name is litgit huh? lol jk anyway my favorite game is splatoon and smash bros i am a funny person....well at least i think i am anyway ill try to make a post everyday and if u want to play or be in a squid squad just friend me or measage me and trust me when i say this im not a good drawer i cant even draw a good stickfigure XD and remember: Work hard Play hard
Stickman marcus942
I'm baaaack! Stickman's the name, saving the Cartoon Universe for 9 years in a row and counting is my game! I like to smash in my downtime. Come join me and we can settle it... IN SMASH!
ttk↑?????? aristosilio
Hello!!! My real name Aristotelis. I'm from Greece and i'm a big fan of Nintendo. I can speak Greek (of course), English very well and German (not like English). Huge fan of Splatoon, it is probably my favourite game for the Wii U.
CFF★Blaze NewLeafFan
What are the odds? Ya found me! Hello, and welcome to my tiny corner of the Miiverse universe. Allow me to provide you with a brief description about myself. My name is Blaze. I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on March 13. I'm a male. Now let's talk about myself in Splatoon. I am a proud member of the CFF clan in Splatoon. I really like Callie better! I am a MAJOR fan of taking group selfies!
$ώιβι loulou662
Κικου α τοι Įε мαρρεζζε Αмβπε ετ įαι 12 αηş ετ įε şυιş ςнεζου,δπσζε мαιş ραπ δεşşυş τουτ τιмιδε Мεş įευχ ρπεƒεπεş şοητ Мιηεςπαƒτ,Уο Και Шατςн 2 ,αςηζωα ετ ρκмη Įε πεмεπςιε αυşşι мεş 504 αβο ετ мεş 89 αмιş ♥♥♥ Οβįεςτιƒ:550 αβο αβοηηεş νουş αυşşι α camillou30 ken41200 alex55652 ετ lazerultime Αβοηηε τοι (įε πεηδş) ^.^ Сιαο мεş ζουριοş ♥
るすばん rusban_ssb4
dβ|ταγlσг blueman2171
Member of Arcadia MK8 Splatoon Team: Deep Blues Member of Charged Brigade MK7 Division MK7: 9th American to reach Max VR:99,999 First American to reach Max Stats
ethan EG2016
Just here for the memes and dreams. 1v1 me on smash anytime.
Raul RJningamer6989
Hello and thanks for coming by!!!. The Name's Raul a mii nerd who likes using Miis in certain games and such. I would like to remind you that i can't accept friend requests on the Wii U (belongs to my brother in law) but however on the Nintendo Switch i don't mind at all.
BlueEyesWD camikalz
hello, my name is cameron and I enjoy dancing, art and games. when i'm not too busy working I can usually be found playing some game or some other form of mental stimulation i'm more of an alternative style then i notice of other people Everyday has two 4:²°'s(ē^ē) ★♭♥tiesto in search of sunrise remix☆♪♡
Ch.Yugi(2) Yamiisback
Hey guys I'm Yami Yugi but call me Yami for short I do RPs mostly Fire Emblem I like to have fun I sometimes do a joke here or there. I play Smash bros Fire Emblem Mega Man Sonic Mario Punch-Out Code Name steam and soon the FE called Fire Emblem If in Japan. My goal is to reach 200 followers this year. follow these guys/gals Skye (Skyethehedgehog) Revenge223 Sora ☆★§kye☆★(Alt.Accout4Skye) σgςMya
yami yugi Yamiisback2
Hello this is Yami from Ch.Yugi(2) this is my second account so my goal is the same for a two hundred followers follow these guys and gals ☆★Skye☆★(Alt.Accout4Skye) Revenge223 Jon Kyle N (KyleNealy13th) Master TJR σgςMya.~.(mimcat14) Oh yeah I'm a nice guy to make people's day so follows and yeahs also no hateful or mean comments and no yeah bombs ethier
Overscore™ rilesjrfam
(>●•●)›––★•:˙º·.▲◆▼ ___________ Overscore ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Greeting, It is I, Overscore! Lol Hello users of miiverse. I'm a very i n t r e s t i n g (not) person. So if ya' like watcha' see, don't hesitate to S M A S H that follow button! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ • Skeppy is best MC Ψoutuber. •Learning Japanese (J•υ•)J •I mainly post In NSLU. ____________________ Thanks 4 your time! (ÔωÕ)/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Ferboid Ferboid
Aaron UncleLuigi
I am the great Emperor Andross! In the closing moments of Miiverse, I want to thank my MV BFFs for standing close by my side thru the whole way:) Always remember, I'm not done yet. I am always lurking out there in the galaxy...waiting for you, Star Fox!
Gabby CuteLilBabe001
Hello, welcome to my page! I am a 16 year old, currently in 12th grade. I really like video games, but most people who know me wouldn't guess that based on the way that I look. My favorite games are Fire Emblem Fates, Rune Factory 4, Persona 4, and Fire Emblem: Awakening
Zach Zachary136
My current Wii U's disc reader is on the fritz. I am trying to get a new one so I can play my Wii U titles again. That is why I have been "away" from Miiverse for a while. When I get a new one, I'll hopefully be back to posting on Miiverse again. Hey everybody, I'm a fan of Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, Smash Bros. and Fire Emblem. Enjoy, and feel free to follow!
lw willipaq-laf
Oscar TheTwilitMiner
Hi, magnificent all! To say something, I've been playing games since maybe 5 years, and now I probably couldn't live without them. It's fun still, and hopefully it will stay that way!
kilan 54nd4ls
steev richardmercado
MavHunterX DaKiIISwitch
My current systems include PS3, Wii U, 3DS, PS Vita, and PS4. Top Nintendo series- Smash Bros Zelda Metroid F-Zero Pokemon 3D Mario games(64,Sunshine,Galaxy) Mario Kart Fire Emblem Donkey Kong I also like Anime, my favs are- Bleach Case Closed Inuyasha Yu Yu Hakusho more.
Boojeezy Booman190
Big MOTHER series fan(Earthbound/MOTHER 3) and cant wait for MOTHER 4, MOTHER 3 VC to be released big anime fan as well Especially One Piece, DBZ and just a cool laid back person who is just currently enjoying life always looking for new things people and friends to meet! follow me and i'll follow u back. Feel free to add me as well looking to add ppl round my age group and others. Age: 22
Rob metalsonic3336
hey robert here i like ssb4 and i just love games. if you wanna play a game with me just message me or ask
3DSX5790 yoyodibou
● Bro: NU1017 ● Wii U: Afifis ● Friend: Greenlui45 ● Pet: A dog named King ● Follow 4 Follow ● Age:12 ● Favorite Game: Super Smash Bros. ● Favorite Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball Z ● Favorite Character: Meta Knight ● Favorite Band: Black-eyed Peas ● Favorite YouTuber: Markiplier ● Favorite Book: Warriors: The Darkest Hour ● I play the trumpet in band ● Clash Royale: Arena 9 ● Clash of Clans: Silver II
Charlie Cheezits5678
Hey! I'm Charlie! I'm a huge Nintendo fan. Thanks for following or just visiting my page! Stuff I Like Zelda Smash bros Gravity Falls Anime(Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online) Pokemon Magic:The Gathering Munchkin Fire Emblem Writing/Reading AbdallahSmash026 Marriland Game Grumps
Vashek Vaap123
Goodbye Miiverse..... I love you all guys especially the Main creators and Admins.thank you.... Bye miiverse
Atory Bumble123Bee
i pooped yellow ink
αîë× AlexTLW
Miiverse has ended, i dont know if anyone will see this in the future but i had some good memorys here. *Still* a loyal supporter of Ridley for any future Smash game. no matter what your excuse is i'll never stop supporting him to be playable, king k rool as well (friends) I have a Switch now see u there, wiiU is a sinking ship, im getting off this boat and going to the switch cruise ship.
Nicholas TheRandomGuy9
Heyo! My name is Nicholas! You can call me Jason. I am a gamer like you. A few things that are cool for me: Tomodachi Life Yo-Kai Watch Super Mario 64 Animal Crossing NES REMIX Zelda amiibo DBZ Kai/DB Super No school The people who support me on Miiverse Sonic D.J.s Pizza Making series of random things Being random NO WII U CHAT PLZ D: Thank you for supporting me! Ok! Bye-bye! Jαśσл ι:
sam bonnbonn1
hi im sam i like fnaf undertale mlp and more i have an oc named summer she is a wolf oh my friends are lightning terra Kibry marblesoda and ... Kyle. my favorite undertale character is sans dont just follow me cuz i do follow 4 a follow P.S DON'T FORGET INVADER SEL SHE IS AMAZING her art is amazing too and if you like this profile you will LOVE hers Sick: yup :(
boomone boomone
hey im corbin i grew up playing games the first hand held game i ever played was donkey kong country 2 on the game boy color i was 4 2nd was pokemon silver wich i still have and is playable both games and my original gameboy and gameboy color and im a retro gamer i play lots of old games like super mario 64
Pug Knight PugKnight
Hi, I'm Pug Knight! Link, Roy, Ike, Corrin, and Ryu are my strongest fighters. Top 11 Games 1. Breath of the Wild 2. Wind Waker HD 3. Splatoon 3.5 Super Smash Bros 4. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright 5. Super Mario Galaxy 6. Super Mario 3D World 7. Mario Party: Star Rush 7.5 Sonic Generations 8. Twilight Princess HD 9. Ocarina of Time 3D 10. Mario Kart 8 10.5 Skyward Sword 11. Super Mario Maker
TDP|Thoron HyruleGamer64
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Bethany J★ bethhere
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Ghosty bob121978
Hello! I am Ghosty the ghost. I am very friendly and artistic. I usally give virtual gifts to people with a birthday post! (and maybe some cake too!) I am part of the TS★ clan. And I think I might be in the UYK but I didn't ask ask so maybe not.
Jyst Szieth
Catch me on Splatoon, Fast Racing Neo, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U!
catgoselol KKMoonshadow
Im kiwi girl i lik to draw and do screen shots ~(^.^)~ lel and i do faces (^-^) :-p plz follow :3 ~kiwai girl
(☆˘ν˘) Capricieux
Crystal pianistongrape2
I'm a young teen who fell in love with the Nintendo franchise at a very young age.
a bigdaveofiowa
jayjay brandinator456
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta...
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta, Cloud, Corrin, and Ryu
favorite splatoon wepons: Charger, octobrush, and blasters
Best Friends: S.D.Legacy, Zero, GM Clay, SquidBox, Ethan, Jamie
Thanks For Reading And Please Sure To Hit That Follow Button also go and see the memorys I made with these friends.
discord LITheos#4581