LITheos's Friends
josh SunChief2017
Hello Miiverse
Junii Juniiiii
WolfWrath WrathOfWolf
Proud Crew Leader of the Legendary Wolf Fang. we love to smash and we chill on our Discord server. If you wanna join us, text me privately
Stickman marcus942
I'm baaaack! Stickman's the name, saving the Cartoon Universe for 9 years in a row and counting is my game! I like to smash in my downtime. Come join me and we can settle it... IN SMASH!
«Оς∞Salty» lololololhydra
Kids its now the end of meeverse So add me on the switch before i get band SW 744879296084
TH | Jace PokeSlyer2001
Jimmy Jaime_H20
Blu Kamui TheAuraBlu
[O$]Plushy PlushSniper
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ethan EG2016
Just here for the memes and dreams. 1v1 me on smash anytime.
Luna TheAlphaElephant
Hello Everyone its Moon and welcome to my little bio where im supposed to tell you stuff about me, but ye...Im not because I don't feel like it :3, but anyways make yourself at home. ~Sincerely, MooN^w^
★Ģм☆♪Clay Clay1018
Hi guys the names Ģм Clay I'm really happy that I made great pals,so long Miiverse,you will NEVER BE forgotten. TuT Pals: Urara Steven Plush sniper SenpaiLegacy Gamer Josh HydeaTeam Kumi Nepti Coffee Trash-Girl hunFamily (If I forgot someone pls tell me)
Peter HouoinKyuoma
»V«|Ibuki Gohan_3251
Hi! My name is christian and im 14 years good at video games, and my favorite kind of food is pasta! Favorite Food:Pasta. idk what to put anymore! if you want to know something about me, feel free to message me!! ^^ Thanks if u read all of it!!!! :):) :) :P Fite Meh
Luigi MaxNax2000
Isaiah white423
Hi i am Isaiah. I am sort of a all around gamer. My favorite genres are racing , fighting , and adventure. I am honored to be everyone's friend. I will accept anyone's friend request.My nnid is white432.
[AD]Heli Lunat1cz
[games] mario kart 8 ,disney lnfinity and mario 3D world [Friend requests] open [Wiiuchat] No P.S. Follow me i follow you
どうもこんにちは! 某大乱闘ゲームにハマってます。 フレンド登録ウェルカムです! よろしくお願いします! ちなみにIDは偽名ですw
ςн/ςςкσωσ™ chalo1964
hi if you want to squad in splatoon then sure so far ive only played minecraft splatoon mario kart8 super smash bros and pikmin3 i do game chat and if you send friend request then i will accept and im level 50 rank A- on splatoon bye have a great day! well so clans im in are ƒτι★, SS★, αшρ◆, ραηdα◆, ωω★, ςςк, SND
Tricky DotuSplat
☆~К8у~☆ giefrends
Comment loading... Please wait... . . . Comment loaded! . . . Hello! My name's Kate and welcome to my profile! I'm a big fan (and player) of Minecraft, Splatoon, Pokémon, Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing! I don't Wii U chat, so please don't try.
NiNJAH Yoshiibo444
I love the game splatoon
Robertrulz Robertrulez
CONGRATULATIONS, you can read. now on to the serious stuff, if ur actually reading this I am 14 years old and a really cool, crazy guy who likes skylanders and smash bros. i do alot of other games too, like splatoon and minecraft. no yeah bombers allowed here. i would love to play with you in multiplayer games. just send a freind request and well go on a magical journey over the rainbow.
Apollo Jellykipz21
Wassup peeps! My Ssb Mains: 1.Link 2.Shulk 3.Greninja 4.Lucina 5.The Comeback King :LUCARIO
Nyko NInte sony42233
Gerina splatoonfan133
Hello im Gerina. Im a Splatoon person. Im lvl 50. Rank A-. My favorite food is Pizza,im 18(will be 19 in 4 days),i love drawing. Favorite things: Steven universe,Splatoon,Mario.Sonic,Zelda. Im trying to get good at gamepad art. .___.
TG1 sThegreat1
Cassidy Robotboy44
yo, waddup cool kids!
Xrocker Xrocker_Ted
Cyrekt YouGotCyrekt
TG|Youri Youri-Valentino
#Team ZeRo I am Wondering ( Youri Lignos ) my youtube channel is called Youri Lignos where i show much diddy stuff but also stuff about other characters so subscribe if u want and i shall be your friend well that was it see u next time bye and send a friend request if u want to play friendlies
♪Dylan♪ Maysgamer132
Hello lovelies. I welcome you to the universe of Dylan! I am a fun loving, caring person who is very protective of all meh friends. X3 Be nice and we wont have issues. Friends include: SND|Jack (Bestie) Panda (Silly) Crimson (♥) Kaylee (Crazy) Emotion (Kawaii :>) LegacyBear (Twinsies) (MK)Matt (Bestie 2.0) Saint Wolf☆ Hikari♥♡ And many more you know who you are loves <3! Hugs!!<3 <3 -♥Dylan.
Kirrah CuteyPichu
Hello! Nice to meet ya! Welcome to this fabulous place! :3
das SuperSmash5298
No Game = No Life
Stu thisiswho
kevin kevin051303
↓ Nova [ß] LegandsOfLink
Name • ↓Nova [ß] Competitive Super Smash Bros Player. Mains • Cloud, Bayonetta Pokken Player • Garchomp Loves Anime.
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Kyleo Hammython
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Mattchu Mattchris671
★CSA~Woomy adeel490
Hi my name is Zain, nice to meet you im free if you want to play Splatoon with me ;) Well you could see the games i have at my fav communitys so byeeeee!!!! And $ταу ƒrεςн
Sonic sonicandre2
hey u poked my face. Hey guys how u doing my name is Sonic,and im a pro Gamer.Well i dont usually accept friend request but if ur cool then prb i will accept it. I hv pretty much most games on the wiiu so yeah. best friends : Cristian,SupaJ,Brookyln♥,Evilbucks,John,Modo,Brenden and more what i like: italian food, games,art,anime and i like conversation And i'm a Christian
Novice novicetrainer
Carinosa cam117344
\(ó_ó)/ \(^~^)/ \(ö_ö)/ Fav. Games Sm4sh, XCX, Bayonetta 2, and Resident Evil Revalations And I don't WiiU Chat
Pressure♪♪ Animejose123
hey! what brings you here? curiosity? well that's good i suppose?.. i am in a former team in splatoon. and as you can see the ττκ mostly on discord is where we format practice and sometimes scrims. at the age of 18 im fairly decent at splatoon but im not god like so if you would like to join me let know and ill see to it but for this it nothing too intresting but yeah see ya!
andy mr.mario213
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lucas_20pk smasher21
Is the year 20XX and this young boy with no mother (lucas) lives on .-. ssb4 mains: Lucas ZSS Cloud/Marth/Corrin
$CaPer$ Capen764
Sip everyone Caper is here. I am a SSB4 player andi will be happy to face anyone who wishes to play. Thanks
Rippin AntiTripsin
Best Ryu on the west coast. I'm always looking for friendlies to train my Ryu. GGs everyone!!
hombre bajabah
Jůąņ thecoolezt
~Wave~ AwakeDream6
Ryu main, but play most of the cast for fun. Give it your all \m/
SquidBox MegamanPikachu
MJ justcelo68
Smash is life
Flare flares2580time
Meowsthur julianb1201
Derp RoadToLevelCap
trigga Triggar
Roxas X13DTRiX
Suicune l.graham
party cool captainethan
Shulk BondNTT
Lalo Sourworm96
kam kamtheman56
Cri2mo Crismo671
SwagMaster javylo
Sup boiiiii im the swagmaster my name is litgit huh? lol jk anyway my favorite game is splatoon and smash bros i am a funny person....well at least i think i am anyway ill try to make a post everyday and if u want to play or be in a squid squad just friend me or measage me and trust me when i say this im not a good drawer i cant even draw a good stickfigure XD and remember: Work hard Play hard
Matthew doodguy
ExtremeGmr sonicshadow33
Be sure to check my channel ExtremeGamer875
serg pokenerffan
P-2 tweety4
ども。名前が一々変わるので、普段の名は『名無し』と言います。 投稿はあまりしません。単純にネタがありません… 後思い付いても紙絵なんでやらないのです…ちゃんと生きてます…(-_-; スプラ2楽しいぃぃいいっでも何か飽きてスマにまたハマったぁぁああ クラ、ロイ、リン、カム使う。(全員剣や その他FEシリーズ。つかもうミバ終わるやん。
Hi im Matt but now called Zero. Im a very experienced player in many games.Im 15, my rank in splatoon is S+99. my discord name is Ζεяσ™#9908!cya!
Gρ™Silver Silvereye
Member of SSB4 Clan: GP (Gifted Prolifics) Trying to improve my skills. Mains: Bowser Jr & Mewtwo Subs: Olimar & Megaman Pockets: Dark Pit, Sonic, Fox 24 years old and have been playing games since I was 3. My top 5 IPs in no particular order: Sonic, SSB, Mega Man, BlazBlue, & Kingdom Hearts. Consoles: PS4, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii U, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, 3DS, GBC.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta...
Name: Jack
Games: Splatoon, SSB, SSM, MK8, bayonetta 1 and 2
WiiuChat: No
SSB Mains: Bayonetta, Cloud, Corrin, and Ryu
favorite splatoon wepons: Charger, octobrush, and blasters
Best Friends: S.D.Legacy, Zero, GM Clay, SquidBox, Ethan, Jamie
Thanks For Reading And Please Sure To Hit That Follow Button also go and see the memorys I made with these friends.
discord LITheos#4581