Inferno's Followers
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
sahara mostlovely
Hey everybody i love minecraft and splatoon! ;) also friend me and follow me! dont tell anyone but i am awesome! ;)
Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
bella bellam0205
Hi I'm Bella. I am 8 years old and I'm in 3rd grade.
Mary♂♪ marydarkheart
bazinga my bronies i want to be friends with all im the insaine fangirl of 11 or 14 guys so done make me mad
mikenna Koopakenna
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Its me Cj skywalker is my sub name i love super smash bros and resident evil revalations only on 3DS i dont have a wii U YET here are some random things about me - I want more followers and stuff - I love to travel - ssb is my top game [next to resident evil revalations] - i like to challenge people if there willing to play but it looks like people dont got 3ds these days well thats it mostly
sergio onate7
I have all the dlc characters except Lucas and Mewtwo!I found cool things you can do in Super Smash bros. with Wario's bike,Ryu's ranged special and Sonic.Please send me a friend request!!
kaile lekendra2002
hello! :D im kaile favorite songs : cant stop the feeling build our machine mad hatter favorite color : purple i am friendly ^-^im a kid well bye! i said bye._. your still here? shoo fine ill stop ur too smart
nin 1985 lleytongiggsy2
Hi this is Lleyton (Nintendo85) this is my 2nd account my id to my main account is lleytongiggsy
jishpopper xXlegendpopxX
add me we can play splatoon and other games
Lleyton lleytongiggsy
Hi i love splatoon...i like to have squid parties as well! I'm from england (UK). If you wanna play splatoon just ask me anytime...oh i also like Attack On Titan! My favourite squid sister is Marie and my favourite food/treat is definitely vanilla fudge! I hope you have a good day! Btw i support Manchester United.
marie PinkyWinkyBlinky
hi I'm the marie from splatoon my best friend and cousin is callie I am agent 2 in octo valley Please follow me and i will follow you I know the full English to callimarie inktation/ fuel the melody. I will introduce some oc's for some cool dialog favorites mario bros: luigi band: twenty-one pilots youtuber: skylander boy and girl song: rotten to the core so that's it STAY FRESH!!!!!!!!!!
Liam n8young
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ika ikari-kun
~this isn't me, i'm not mechanical...~
daddy vatcheb
Hi My name is George! I love all nintendo games because there awsome and I love amiibo .
Cindy Luma74
Heyy there , My name is Cindy Deleon :) I am 12 years old :] Folllow me !!! Folllow u back !!! Byeee........
Mari★INKBC MariGamerPro82
BFF:Diancie♪ I speak english and im of warriorclan me encanta la cancion bad apple soy del clan .EXE, Boneclan deputy! prepare your claws! me gusta splatoon,FNAF,UD, CDM y pokemon Warrior cats oc icestar sky,and petalecho mightywing (BC) redstar Im love with animes (really I love a lot) is a long list I guees but specialy kill la kill and nanatzu no taisai #destielForever0w0
˛(•¯•)¸ swordsand
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PJYZQ paulca1
My nickname is Pj so please call me by that name. if you own smashbros and/or splatoon, and play it alot, friend request me, and we will play!
gonzalez emg831
if you want to challenge me bring it on!!!!!
RedOrigins Flare66
I can't belive this thing won't let me type cr*p.Thats racism!
Hi, CompetitiveSTAGE Legalish Custom Stages #CustomStageProject
sam$ cbsam12
Hi im Sam nice to meet you. Enjoy Miiverse! Post lots of good stuff. I'm sure that miiverse is an excellent way to post about games. Show how you love games. Hope you like it You follow me and i follow you. If you follow me i will yeah your post. Goal 100 followers I like mario games and kirby. Im getting animal crossing new leaf. I love mario golf world tour! I bet i can beat you!
I'm stuck with my Wii U because I'm not rich and can't afford a switch!(that rhymed!) So, lucky f...
I'm stuck with my Wii U because I'm not rich and can't afford a switch!(that rhymed!) So, lucky for my followers, you have me until the next Nintendo console comes out!