Users Inferno Is Following
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Mari★INKBC MariGamerPro82
BFF:Diancie♪ I speak english and im of warriorclan me encanta la cancion bad apple soy del clan .EXE, Boneclan deputy! prepare your claws! me gusta splatoon,FNAF,UD, CDM y pokemon Warrior cats oc icestar sky,and petalecho mightywing (BC) redstar Im love with animes (really I love a lot) is a long list I guees but specialy kill la kill and nanatzu no taisai #destielForever0w0
КÐ Richard OCT4V1U5
Hi, guys! Welcome to my profile. I accept drawing requests but I'd prefer them to be related to Smash. By the way my favourite game series are The legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros and Kirby (and I like FE too). ¤–]=====> ˘\_(˙˘˙)_/˘ U2b: Star Wanderer Please, no random friend requests or follow4follow.
marie PinkyWinkyBlinky
hi I'm the marie from splatoon my best friend and cousin is callie I am agent 2 in octo valley Please follow me and i will follow you I know the full English to callimarie inktation/ fuel the melody. I will introduce some oc's for some cool dialog favorites mario bros: luigi band: twenty-one pilots youtuber: skylander boy and girl song: rotten to the core so that's it STAY FRESH!!!!!!!!!!
Nintendo xXJuleanXx
Hi, my name is nintendo even tho im not really from or with nintendo, i love posting maybe almost daily sometimes, i post funny super smash bros post, i also post stamps from super mario 3d world!
daddy vatcheb
Hi My name is George! I love all nintendo games because there awsome and I love amiibo .
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Stampy xboxlivestampy
André GX GameXplain
The most exciting profile comment
Mankalor Mankalor
I don't follow or friend request people, so don't ask! Just another Nintendo gamer... who made 200 ways to fail in Mario Kart 8 & 100 ways to not succeed in Super Smash Bros. Wii U! I'm the real Mankalor, should be obvious by the NNID.
I'm stuck with my Wii U because I'm not rich and can't afford a switch!(that rhymed!) So, lucky f...
I'm stuck with my Wii U because I'm not rich and can't afford a switch!(that rhymed!) So, lucky for my followers, you have me until the next Nintendo console comes out!