ώñìñ◆Jàdзп's Followers
Isaiah isaiahmarquez
Miiverse is dead, my friends. We laughed, we smiled, We got together for a while. It was fun while it lasted, but alas, It has passed. Thanks for being friends, thanks for being foes, it was all worth it, I hope. With Nintendo finally pulling the curtain, it's time to say goodbye. But always remember, that we, will be alright... -Isaiah, November 5th, 2017.
ClubTF ClubTF
This is ClubTF. *Check the comments of my fav post to find out how to join* A completely new way to experience AdamTF art, contests, Ask Adam, shoutouts, and SO MANY other privileges provided exclusively to ClubTF members.
Nothing marksenpai626
Robocop thelunarwolf77
Wassup? I'm Robocop! I'm a 39yo Mario&NintendoFanSince NES in 1985 I'm From The Planet KO-35 I DoWiiU Chat.PleaseMessageB4UWant2Chat Wii U:2Many2list,but all5Mario&Favorites are,SmashU,MKart8,LittleInferno&CoasterCrazyDeluxe(All my games are downloaded currently) VirtualConsole:60+ Wii(Wii&Wii-Mode):VirtualConsole:7, Discs:4,MarioWii&WWE'13 are Favorites 4GameCube BigWWEfan NoBlankRequests Thanks!
sandfly tyrellwesfield
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Caitlin x GraceTabby
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G.NUT$ pabm4544
Hi, I'm G.NUT$ (^-^)! Even at age ♀38♀ I still love playing Nintendo games♥ The WiiU an super awesome system, I only buy Nintendo game consoles [They Stand The Test Of Time]. Just sucks we're not getting Metroid WiiU anything (WHYYYY¿). Moving on, I'm like an open book. One never knows what the book is really about until ★Self☆ takes time to read it. Hmmm, oh & I really love Nintendo LaLaLa (^O^)♪
Ender King kingzombie50
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Ren Roc Paradroids
Wii U games to look forward to: World to the West, Shadow Blade, A.N.N.E., DEX, A Hat in Time, Antipole DX, Aqua Moto Racing Utopia, Project Light, Heart Forth Alicia, Earthlock, Poi, Assault Android Cactus, Pankapu: The Dreamcatcher, Bizerta:Silent Evil, Cryamore, Liege, Over My Dead Body for you, Rocket Fist, Ruff Copy, Skullforge,Strength of the Sword, Vegas Prime Retrograde, Volgarr the Viking
Wyatt wyatting
hello. im wyatt. i do mm2 trade conventions, drawing contests and other things.worlds second trashbag of tattletail, batim, fnaf, undertale,and roblox. im guchi with all. roundness equals square.bye.
Esther SoyEsther
Hola soy nueva en wiiverse tengo 9 años pa 10 años y pa la comunion espero pasarmelo bien en wiiverse soy de 4º de primaria espero caeros muy bien me gustan los perros tengo un american stanfor es una raza peligrosa es hembra se llama Noa bueno... ¡ESPERO CAEROS BIEN!
The Killer marcel0077
?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ benneuman
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sinner #4 UnknownGamer52
★Got S+ rank on 5/11/17 It's been a pleasure Miiverse. You will be missed. Thanks for all the memories over the last 4 years everyone.
Nin◆~Nikki juanice9
sup everybody if u like my posts then u like me S:Sensitive,Strong,Sassy,Sour,Supreme B,P:Bold,Powerful,Pretty N:NICKDOMINATES Shout out to all my friends in the Nin◆ clan Games Super Smash Rm legends Just dance 15,14 and the starter two NO WII U CHAT EVEN IF UR MY BF
cthldpsyco 17b344
Hi I'm DJ Cubone I love pokemon, zelda games and splatoon. I also love minecraft, so I'll be showing a lot of that. I only really post on my Wii U so don't expect much screenshots from DS games. I'll let you join my world as long as you don't destroy anything. I'm a creative player, so only creative. I also don'tuse voice chat!
Μėmeρêгśőл Ilikelink2005
√Evan™ sami0303
Have a great day!!! :)
Riley 578tut
hello im jadon not jaden but it sounds the same my favorite games are EO4, EOU, EO2U, FE13, FE14, FF3 and Cube Creator. my favorite songs from games are: id(purpose), ChRoNiClEsEvEn, no justice, lost in thought, EO 5th stratum theme and tower of the magi. I also a bit of a weirdo too. Also my mind and 20 other people were modifed by a race of interdimension aliens called the eden to be super smart
Nin◆Daniel barrerabrothers
Hello! I'm looking for my other friends! Can you help me find them?
☆ Rikyo ☆ VanessaFelixds
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Tana PencilKitty
I like to make art like Drawing and now Pixel work too! my Dream is to be a Traveling Artist You can look at the Stuff I made an Drawn by taping Post on my Page I all so love Adventures as well as makeing friends ^ω^ please support my friend Zelda she really needs to be inspired at time (Games owned/other stuff below on Favorites↓) K-☆
Katie 5of7kids
Its me мςν κάłīē here \(^o^)/ Extremely proud member of Anime (and mario) Club!♪^-^♪ Best friends: AllTimeLow, Lemony S., Kortnie See that button up there that says "Follow +" ? Slap that button silly for a cookie ˇ\(^•^)/ˇ Thats all folks! *ba-dum-crash* Stay cool Byeee Thanks for 370√ followers! ;) Love you all!
BlueBlaZe§ Dinoblue
i will return... please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped. i am a loreseeker and horrible artist [apologies in advance] i write an odd little series of shorts in FE fates [conquest], play halo, main R.O.B, makes mixed sets in MH4U, and i'm soft-resetting for a good tapu fini in pokemon sun.
ひぐま chatatotanta
ゲームとアニメと動画にまみれた廃人(腐女子)←ここ重要 最近ミバ始めたばかりなので生温かい目で見てください(切実 やっているもの ゲーム スプラトゥーン等々... アニメ おそ松さん(十四松推し コンビでは筋肉松 トリオなら問題児組好き というか十四松が入っていれば天使) ワンパンマンetc... 実況者 最終兵器俺達 漫言放語研究所 主に絵を投稿していますがまれにプレイ日記を投稿をするかもです フォロー返しはなるべくできるようにしますが、遅くなります これからよろしくお願いします
Lightning LightningDog1234
Hello. Welcome to my profile. I have forgiven you for poking my face. I am Lightning, but you can call me Luke. I am random at times. Also, I AM NOT THIS CALM!!!!!! 13 year old memer Cool games: Super Smash Bros. Minecraft and Splatoon I make lots of random posts.
Daniel dalmcu
Jovem jogador nesse universo nintendo. Venho da sony com ps4 e microsoft com xone, acabou de chegar meu New3DS :) Seriados?? E quem não gosta? CHEGA LOGO STRANGERS THINGS 2 TEMPORADA
Joey HyruleHomie129
*sigh* I probably need to say something, huh? Alright. I'm 15. I'm 6' 0'', 120 lbs, and have recently found out I have the characteristics of a sociopath. My favorite band is Rise Against, and you can usually find me watching Youtube, playing video games, or other... activities. Remember to fight with tools. What're you still doing here? It's over. Go home.
Christmas1 Nechy1
Things u should know about me... My age: 14 My fav color: RED, WHITE, BLACK My fav food: TACOS! My Fav Game: Super Smash Bros. Shoes that i wear: J'S My fav joke: KNOCK,KNOCK, who's there, Daisy, Daisy who, Daisy me rollen haten^_^ MY FAVORITE SUPER SMASH BROS. CHARACTER IS KIRRRRRRRRRBY!!!!!!!!!!^_^# HOMIE G! my fav moves to dance: Hit dem Folks and Dab If you follow me i wont follow you(JK)
Ryu Loki-Kitsu
さかたぎんとき R.S3120
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Kooper■jr☆ koop444
i love all my fans some day i wish to have a thousand i love foxes i donate to wwf and the animal asociashun im a hard worker who dedicates my life to basketball im not single i have a beatiful girlfriend named abby shes a big part of my life shes super supportive for everthing i do wanna be part of team jirachi must be a follower go to mii maker and put ■ at the end if your name stay strong
Jackonator gamehead07
Its a bird! It a plane....No its jackonater the one you count on for fun =3. Heres some things I♥.... Favorite candy:Hersheys Favorite Superhero:Cyborg Favorite music:Chainsmokers Favorite sport: Foótball Favorite games: I love lego games Favorite show:Family guy (dont judge me) I think thats enough i have 3 bros and 4 sis (all nice) Now i have to save the world bye!!!!! Btw Stay cool$
Δircгaft xXLaFerrariXx
Nik randomnumbers594
age:14 1/2
★beykick★ Beykick125MC
Hello, i am beykick125 and i love to play Zelda and SSB4. Dear people on Miiverse, i have moved to the Nintendo Switch... So this means im pretty much not going to be on Miiverse that much... R.I.P. MIIVERSE I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU GUYS/GIRLS!!!!!!! WON'T BE ON FOR GOOD, THIS IS MY LAST MESSAGE. Bye :(
Alicia☆ AliBren
Hi everyone! I love music and I'm always looking out for friends!!! Also if u follow me i will for sure follow u!!!!
Daniel shooter009
Hello! I have a 3ds and I love capcom and nintendo games. My favorite 3ds games are Super Smash, pokemon x, and monster hunter ultimate 3g and 4g, and shovel knight.
Yooooooo Wassup My Little ▲Doritos▲, Jaden here.
Thanks for 200+ Followers!!!
First Day: Octobe...
Yooooooo Wassup My Little ▲Doritos▲, Jaden here.
Thanks for 200+ Followers!!!
First Day: October 23rd, 2014 (10/23/14)
Last Day: Last Day of Miiverse, November 8th, 2017
3 Years...
з ~ Leader
Nin◆ ~ Co-Leader
ώolves ~ Member
Favorite Games:
Gameboy: Final Fight One
Nintendo DS: Mario Party DS
Wii: NASCAR The Game: Inside Line
Nintendo 3DS: MH4U + MHG
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate