Users ώñìñ◆Jàdзп Is Following
Isaiah isaiahmarquez
Miiverse is dead, my friends. We laughed, we smiled, We got together for a while. It was fun while it lasted, but alas, It has passed. Thanks for being friends, thanks for being foes, it was all worth it, I hope. With Nintendo finally pulling the curtain, it's time to say goodbye. But always remember, that we, will be alright... -Isaiah, November 5th, 2017.
ClubTF ClubTF
This is ClubTF. *Check the comments of my fav post to find out how to join* A completely new way to experience AdamTF art, contests, Ask Adam, shoutouts, and SO MANY other privileges provided exclusively to ClubTF members.
AdamTF_2 The_Fish_Is_Back
****(Look at my friends list to find my main profile), **** Yo, sup? The names Adam, and welcome to AdamTF_2 This is a backup account just in case my main account (With over 1700+ followers) gets Admin'd. I'm not very active on this account yet. So go check out my main account AdamTF (find it in my friends list)
Nothing marksenpai626
Robocop thelunarwolf77
Wassup? I'm Robocop! I'm a 39yo Mario&NintendoFanSince NES in 1985 I'm From The Planet KO-35 I DoWiiU Chat.PleaseMessageB4UWant2Chat Wii U:2Many2list,but all5Mario&Favorites are,SmashU,MKart8,LittleInferno&CoasterCrazyDeluxe(All my games are downloaded currently) VirtualConsole:60+ Wii(Wii&Wii-Mode):VirtualConsole:7, Discs:4,MarioWii&WWE'13 are Favorites 4GameCube BigWWEfan NoBlankRequests Thanks!
Nin◆mikel maoriboy19
hi my name is mikel (age 14 favourite games) smash bros ,mario ,kart. minecraft, donkey kong tropical freeze and more ask me if you want to join Nin jess clan. you also have to follow freind
Nin◆ωìηțęř LetsplayMK8
Hey there all you weird people looking at my profile, I'm Winter, part of Nin◆Clan, I like Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8, but mainly MK8, we should play sometime. Leader of Nin◆: Nin◆Jess Add him at Glitchjess1 to ask him if you can join the clan, if you want to. In case people want to know, I'm 17, so, yeah. Yo hablo un poco de español también. RIP Miiverse you shall be missed.
Ender King kingzombie50
This user's profile comment is private.
Gtoda4 Gtoda4
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter of Monsters and watcher of anime! Name:Garrison [not really] Level:1900 Class:N/A Skills:Seasoned Hunter Temperment:Friendly Equipment:3DS,Wii U, PS3, among others Our friends are a reflection of ourselves in that we are drawn to qualities of ourself. ~Garrison
Mike Hammer80
I'm a family man who enjoys games later at night after my wife and kids are asleep. Been gaming my whole life. Wii U is an amazing gaming system, it's very underrated. I play more Nintendo then anything else. 3ds is also great! Can't wait for the switch. Game on!!!!
sinner #4 UnknownGamer52
★Got S+ rank on 5/11/17 It's been a pleasure Miiverse. You will be missed. Thanks for all the memories over the last 4 years everyone.
Mike bmicha20015
Allons-y. sXe. Yeah bombers and trolls get blocked. Books currently on my reading list: •As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride (currently reading) •Fallout: Equestria •Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons •Murky Number Seven Thank You Miiverse
AdamTF Fishleadam
Yo sup? The names Adam Thanks for 4000+ I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon. Few things bout me: 1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests 2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD) 3 I don't Wii U chat 4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam Make sure ya check out AdamTF_2 This is the fish, signing off -AdamTF
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Nin◆Daniel barrerabrothers
Hello! I'm looking for my other friends! Can you help me find them?
Alex SmartGuyAlex2
Hey people from the internet world! My name is Nin◆Hi :D! I like playing games such as Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8! I'm also part of the Nin◆ Clan! If you want to join ask our leader: Nin◆Jess! Thanks for checking out my profile! Mainly Active On: Super Smash Bros. 4/Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Mains: Toon Link, Ness, and Lucas. MK8 Mains: Baby Luigi, Baby Mario, and Toad VR: 6K+
Mari globetrotter123
Try me KJ
☆ Rikyo ☆ VanessaFelixds
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nin◆damian damjusliv
pewds thanks u so much i love you
Nin◆ƒlame™ Smashman123456
Hi im hector im new here. :) Im 16. And i hope to have fun here. :) And i am in the Nin◆ clan. if you want to join ask the leader. Which is XNin◆JessX Shoutout to him. And the other clan members.
Nin◆~Nikki juanice9
sup everybody if u like my posts then u like me S:Sensitive,Strong,Sassy,Sour,Supreme B,P:Bold,Powerful,Pretty N:NICKDOMINATES Shout out to all my friends in the Nin◆ clan Games Super Smash Rm legends Just dance 15,14 and the starter two NO WII U CHAT EVEN IF UR MY BF
Nin◆Fire Monado_Fighter
um i be friend with anyone im nice friendly :)♥
ITZSEAN itzSean45
hey guys im Sean leader if the splat∞clan ΅ςрιατοη΅ im a kid in 5th grade i accept any friends request has no crush and im single im not trying to get a gf mate T_T Bye!
Tana PencilKitty
I like to make art like Drawing and now Pixel work too! my Dream is to be a Traveling Artist You can look at the Stuff I made an Drawn by taping Post on my Page I all so love Adventures as well as makeing friends ^ω^ please support my friend Zelda she really needs to be inspired at time (Games owned/other stuff below on Favorites↓) K-☆
Ayden AydenIsBoss73
º•.Hello.•º ★Ayden ☆16 ~ 11th Grade ★Trashposting until MV ends ☆R.I.P. Miiverse 11-8-17 :'( ★I <3 Mario, Splatoon, & Art! ^v^ ☆Switch Games I Own: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, FIFA 18 ★Amazing Pixel Artists: MemeSenpai, Emma II, & AdamTF ☆Thanks For 1825+ Followers! ★Obsessed With !'s :3 ☆Last Updated: 10-04/2017 ◆¬◆ ⇒µ łεīк мε ргöƒεΐł? Ī ħœp ςσε...ιει {μ ¢απ ςτσρ гεαďįηğ πσω}
Oddgar Oddgarguy
BlueBlaZe§ Dinoblue
i will return... please take your shoes off before entering... i just mopped. i am a loreseeker and horrible artist [apologies in advance] i write an odd little series of shorts in FE fates [conquest], play halo, main R.O.B, makes mixed sets in MH4U, and i'm soft-resetting for a good tapu fini in pokemon sun.
Corwin Deadmanppete
Lightning LightningDog1234
Hello. Welcome to my profile. I have forgiven you for poking my face. I am Lightning, but you can call me Luke. I am random at times. Also, I AM NOT THIS CALM!!!!!! 13 year old memer Cool games: Super Smash Bros. Minecraft and Splatoon I make lots of random posts.
Joey HyruleHomie129
*sigh* I probably need to say something, huh? Alright. I'm 15. I'm 6' 0'', 120 lbs, and have recently found out I have the characteristics of a sociopath. My favorite band is Rise Against, and you can usually find me watching Youtube, playing video games, or other... activities. Remember to fight with tools. What're you still doing here? It's over. Go home.
Ryu Loki-Kitsu
Jack™ JackGamerPro
(I ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH) Hola soy Jack y bienvenido(a) a mi perfil, soy un gamer que gusta de jugar videojuegos en especial los de Nintendo, mis títulos favoritos son Pokémon y The Legend of Zelda, me gusta mucho dibujar todo tipo de dibujos ya sean anime, personajes de nintendo y entre otros más… (Suelo contestar mensajes en 1 o 2 horas.) ¡No olvides seguirme y dar "Aja" a mis dibujos…! ;)
Nik randomnumbers594
age:14 1/2
Ruri Mr.Magikarp654
Well, miiverse's end draws near... It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds. Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here. Wish you all the best. This is not a good bye. This is a see you soon. :)
Daniel shooter009
Hello! I have a 3ds and I love capcom and nintendo games. My favorite 3ds games are Super Smash, pokemon x, and monster hunter ultimate 3g and 4g, and shovel knight.
JamtuVξ Jammin-Thunder
Hey, I'm Jamtu. I get competitive when I play. Into Tourneys and stuff. Ask for my Discord. I play 7 characters in SSB4, & I play by Smogon OU/UU Rules in Pokemon a lot. My real name is James, but thats boring. My backup is: Dr. Jam I like Poison and Dark Pokes. I say XD a lot, XD. Love my Boi, Muk. Say hi to my wife on my favorite post. :D. JK. I am in Kaizo, Mega Masters, and other clans.
Nin◆Jess Glitchjess1
Im Jésus call me Jess Leader of the Nin◆clan. Join? Ask me Big fan of mario Favorite game Sm4sh shout outs 2 Nin◆clan members your all awesome. Main:Mario Check out my posts Mario is op. I have so many best friends so i cant name them all Definitely a huge shout out to Carly :') Plz follow Carly it means so much to me :') Also a shoutout to Gisselle and leighanna :)
Ant Antbanks
Hello all, I love gaming, watching movies, playing sports, the outdoors, and spending time with my wife and my two boys!
Danielle mcbobo3
Hey all! I'm a 16 year old artist from Canada! I draw art...obviously. Mostly pixel art, used to do great looking arts, but don't have the time with high school now. I don't have time to draw on weekdays, so usually I draw 1-3 times a year. I like to chat, but that darn 30 post limit limits my capabilities of chatting. So yup, that's it. Have a good time looking at my posts!
Yooooooo Wassup My Little ▲Doritos▲, Jaden here.
Thanks for 200+ Followers!!!
First Day: Octobe...
Yooooooo Wassup My Little ▲Doritos▲, Jaden here.
Thanks for 200+ Followers!!!
First Day: October 23rd, 2014 (10/23/14)
Last Day: Last Day of Miiverse, November 8th, 2017
3 Years...
з ~ Leader
Nin◆ ~ Co-Leader
ώolves ~ Member
Favorite Games:
Gameboy: Final Fight One
Nintendo DS: Mario Party DS
Wii: NASCAR The Game: Inside Line
Nintendo 3DS: MH4U + MHG
Wii U: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate