Elizabeth's Followers
Mari WinterSnoBel
Hey Nintendo Family! May I Join? I'm Amari(16yrs). I Enjoy Watching Anime, Reading Manga, Playing Videogames, Playing Volleyball, And Drawing. ^_^ NOTE:If You Recognize Me, It's Because My Other DS Broke, Lost Everything-Had To Start Over, So Here I Am!....Sigh* -Also, I'm The Leader Of A Monster Hunter Guild Called 'Endless Illusions'
Phoebe PhoebePeach
Hello! All In And All New! Hope To Fit In Nicely! Let's Play Sometime!
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
★Yuki★ pugpug101
Hey, it's Ali. My favorite games are MH4U, Super Smash Bros, MHGen, And Majora's Mask. love drawing. Ummm.... I think that's all, I don't know. Before you go make sure to follow me!
Roy RoyTaylor123
budder3018 kisha3018
hi my name is budder (not my real name obviously). but the 3 online games that i play is mario kart splatoon and super mario maker my birthday is august 2nd 2002 i am 15 yrs. old have fun playing with me
concon asomepants12
Sandra SarahWilliams789
K0RR ShadyThug
Send me a friend request and let me know what games you have! Maybe we can play online together! A few of my favorite game titles are: -Zelda -Xenoblade -Smash -Mass Effect -Mario Kart -Monster Hunter -Splatoon -Pokemon -Hearthstone
GABE yellow.flash727
Jarred JDRT52615
hello I‛m currently playing monster hunter 4 ultimate :] wanna join?:D
Alex AlexHaunterxD
aldo :v aldo134
Me llamo Aldo Tengo 15 años Me gusta escuchar Rock y Metal Me gusta mucho pokemon Vivo en mexico El juego que mas me ha gustado es The legend of zelda Spirit tracks UuU
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Мαrα Jαde NolanToews
Hi! I'm 16 years old. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and crazy about the Hunger Games! I love playing Splatoon, Smash Bros, Disney Infinities, and Mario Kart 8+I'm max level 90 on Star Wars Battlefront on Xbox One. If you're not one of my friends I'd love for you to send me a friend request. My best friends are Cassidy, Stat, Noelle, ◆ģειςτ◆, Kaitlyn, and *ºρгiηсεςς. Please follow them! Thanks!
Prodigy ƒ jbmonkey540
Greetings. I am Prodigy but you can call me Prod for short if you want. I have a high interest in Math and almost anything and everything video game related. Feel free to ask me questions, though a might not always have a good answer. I like to post my progress in games frequently. ƒluffy member, joined 5/23/17.
Natalie Nataliajeni4
•Gaming/Sports/Music• •Thessaloniki/Greece• •13 yrs old• •I love CoD, Football and the electric guitar• •Don't judge me•
nassim KevinBG2004
Bonjour je sui nassim ma passion c'est le sport voilà mes des faut gentil★★★★★★ méchant★☆☆☆☆ amitié★★★★★★ homme♂♂♂♂♂★★★★★ amoureu★★★★★★★★
Michael17ƒ Michael16Pro
17. ƒ ⇒ Great ƒluƒƒy clan. MK7,SDSW,MH4U. "No matter where you go,everyone wants to love and be loved." -Michael Jackson -I no longer own a 3DS so all my posts come from my screenshot album.
wizardhail monsterkrusher12
I love to play games just like a gamer i love playing destiny im 290 lv 40 if you want to hunt whith me mh4u comment on one of my post i love to play bloodeborne and dark souls 1,2 and i cant wait for dark souls 3 im a anime fan i love watching anime i love doing parkour and thats about it dont forget to follow me also i play fallout 4 and i play gta 5 but not anymore like all the times
jorgeψζπχж supersainlucario
fear me for i am your destruction your fear but stop poking my face nya (>-<) ˘\(º–°)/˘ anyways humanperson i am the great meowster the silver wind nagakitty meowch a hunter poked me one moment RAAAAWWWWWRRR well sense you poked my face fallow me (^–^) more about me: im 15 male single im straight and christian my full name is jorge beauregard i love mhgen дпδжχ†
Princess Pink_Cures
hi my name is cheyenne
Eddi Shadowfire2255
All aboot the food! nom nom. :-) Welcome even though there is not much to see. I do post the occasional Smash 4 replay, other than that I spend most of my time playing RPG games, mainy Fire Emblem(If you could not guess from the image up top).
Old School Gamer Dad here. If your too young to remember cords between your console and your controller, don't fret when I don't accept your friend request. I game primarily on Nintendo Systems because I recognize quality. But I do not limit myself to only Nintendo. If your looking to game online hit me up. 3ds Players as well. Hit me up through Wii U to exchange ehem ehem....
Derek Archlyfe
Hey everyone im just a gamer that plays almost religiously, and enjoys varying gameplay experiences. Games I am looking forward to: Zelda Breath of the Wild Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Snipper Clips Fire Emblem Warriors NO MORE HEROES 3 Arms Persona 5 Rive Super Mario Odyssey Ever Oasis Horizon Zero Dawn For Honor Pikmin (3ds)
banana bananer01
hey i'm hannah
PardusKyro Parziel
*I prefer NOT to Wii U Chat, so don't ask/try* [Hobby: Watching lots of T.V. while playing games on the Wii U Gamepad.] Pardus Kyro was my original name, a long time ago... I'm an Introvert-- I tend to be pre-occupied with my own thoughts and feelings and minimize my contact with other people. I'm a clumsy, dorky kind of guy. I bought a Wii U in December of 2015.
CGSasuke CGSasuke
Well friends the day is coming. I just want to take this time to say its been fun indeed! Will miss all of you & don't forget the Switch will soon get its Miiverse soon so don't worry! It could launch on the day of Mario odd....uh nvm mind lol! Take care!
sebastian Avila-Vet
1¿ami me en canta tanto RAIMAN y globot? 2 tanbien mario kart 8
David jose dsuperior
i love Nintendo
lil gerdy ryushura
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Ikishrew Ikishrew
tatagirl17 tatababygirl1998
hey i am tata
saga mitsuomikurokami
Clarence Daveofalaska
You Rock, Rock
landon345 tartmart.p3t
hi! hey! a.. hello there my name is...... never mind anyway i'm just a guy on miiverse for friends
javion javionDaManMan
HEY GUYS THIS IS MY FIRSTLY POST: i got splatoon from gamestop boiiiii and super mairio maker thank yall for my first wii u !!!!
Revan SithMooCow
I can't say I didn't know about it, but I don't remember taking any part in it. I think my freedom cost me dearly, but I don't remember selling my soul so cheaply.
dj sandbox1906
Mark .___. churros101player
Hi!! I'm Mark and I am no where near an artist....I dont know what else to say but if you need help im here for ya :D..........( im the best at writing stuff) also I'm not always with my Wii u so I'm using my phone most of the time
diegu sinbuho
Tardis traveler // writer // The tallest man in your eyes
Zachary WiiU_kid_freak
Hey welcome to my profile age: 18 date: single games: mario cod bo ll wii pary u zombiu cod ghost nintendo land much more job: mariachi color: blue any blue purple idea game: Cod mercinaries dont steal thiz idea : thanks for reading u creep gf: single religion: catholic loves most of all: God info: gobble post created: 8-30-14 11:35[AM SATURDAY
Paulie donpaulieone
tech enthusiast, certified money maker, defender of truth, justice, and the American way, and a Nintendo OG (original gamer) since 1985!!!
Ralar Ralarssenth-JPN
This is my japanese n3ds profile!
Wolf DarkWolf0_0
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