Elizabeth's Friends
thamii Tamarinchi
Hola Que tal
Adriana AdrianaBannana
hi my name is Adrinana but you can call me Ana :)
ChidoSnake ChidoriSnake
Hardcore gamer, loves Japanese developed games (especially fighting and RPGs, but western games are awesome too), and I am known to be a team player! Check me out on YouTube! My username is ChidoriSnake.
Кiαлα kiaramia2004
Hey. let's play together somtime
Cassidy ChaoticOrderly
William Wilpower1234
I am #ThatWilpower
nayeli obaytre
Lu Cosmic_Ruby
Andrea Sarcasmagas
Razor HairRazor
Nintendo rocks! I guess you can call me a fan boy. I grew up with a Nintendo and will always have one providing they don't do something I don't like. I am a gamer and love games! Nintendo for life! *Wii U Chat I'm up for.
Allen Paul jaredrocksbass
Hello my name is Allen Paul im 17 this year and im a Christian Jared(^_^) is my Japanese 3DS profile so be sure to follow my other profile if you want. My most favorite games are: Monster Hunter Pokémon The Ledgend of Zelda series Feel free to follow me ;) Happy Hunting Every Monster Hunter out there, I hope to see you all out there! ;)
Legend oLeRoio
i wished that someday we all can be friends and have fun always huggy to!<(@^@#<) (>@_@#)> mhm!<(#ö_è#<)!;] fun will always bring happyness :`}!!$
iria iriana
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