Users Elizabeth Is Following
Wario Wario2012
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Ralar Ralarssenth-JPN
This is my japanese n3ds profile!
Sigurd Kamibushi
My handle is Sigurd. I'm a hardcore gamer and I can occasionally come off as an elitist but get to know me and I'll treat you as an equal. "The gods favor the brave."
Allen Paul jaredrocksbass
Hello my name is Allen Paul im 17 this year and im a Christian Jared(^_^) is my Japanese 3DS profile so be sure to follow my other profile if you want. My most favorite games are: Monster Hunter Pokémon The Ledgend of Zelda series Feel free to follow me ;) Happy Hunting Every Monster Hunter out there, I hope to see you all out there! ;)
blklight blklightning
dear whoever, I appreciate the time you took wasted in reading this. please go away. sincerely yours, black lightning p.s. random people that choose to follow me will NOT I REPEAT NOT GET A FOLLOW BACK. I DO NOT DO FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW. i follow whom i choose to because I like the person and/or their posts, those people will be followed back. the rest can go away. kthxbye
Shane PrincessP12
Boop Hiya I am a very small and fragile being with zero skills :3 I am also very nice and I looove candy. I accept any and all friend requests. I also don't post much (mainly because of lack of motivation) That's about it I think. Oh wait, I forgot something candy for all! :3
Ultra★wolf TempleQueen
Name: Layla Age: 13 Gender: Female. Online [] , Offline [*] reason: New school, moving, a whole lot of drama. ._. Games i play: pvz garden warfare 2, pokemon, mario, older sonic games.. Feeling: N/A Suprise, suprise i'm not dead friends :3
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