The W on Wario's hat means "waifu"
JJαγ's Yeahs

I have no respect for anyone posting NSFW on a family site. You need to stop it. You aren't clever or funny, you are commiting a crime.

"Wait giga gamby isn't gonna take all out comments"-Inklinlump He was my favorite users on here and was fun to talk I won't forget the times we had on miiverse.

I'm nót gonna MM57 júst because Miiversé is ending. I stíll have to keep some dígnity in these final hóurs
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
Xenomorphs for the win
I'm gonna miss you all. Take care guys and til next time.