Users JJαγ Is Following
Nya morepengpuns
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TanukiDee ArcticTanuki2
DaedraBoo DaedraLord05
This is DaedraLord's(temporary named DaedraBoo) alt. He's an amazing guy that is scrap posting in NSLU. He also have a huge crush(he even says it is a obsession) on a classmate… W-wait!?!!?! Why did I wrote all that about me in 3rd person!?!!?? Well… basically we're the same guy. I'm gonna use this when I run out of posts. Halloween will be here soon, so Scary Halloween! Just call me Daedra!
καηα&αιιλ Dabossesoffame
Don't send me any friend requests It’s Pip. [and konameme] Pikacraft64 is my name everywhere [and konameme/scampforlife2]
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
Shadow koopantoad
I'm Shadow The Hedgehog Sonic's Rival. I have 4 play-throughs. I play Sonic Generations on Fridays. My Favorite Ride Is Rock N Roller Coaster. I'm Gonna Miss You Guys.
Link AKirbytotheLink
My alts are Triforce_hero_20, and Alinktothekirby2 I'm also known as RedUmbrella. I do video game videos. Also miiverse is ending uh...Bye?
Pkmn Queen JamesandZoey4Evr
I'm just a nerd My friends know me as Zoey Lover of sushi and anything japanese I have depression Bai!
Trashbot cs.go.s2nduser
bye miiverse Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot, I Make Drawings and Garbage I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic, Previous Account November 25th 2013 , This Account November 17th 2016, -American Irish Cool people Derpjacob Tigrex C Meister Grayson879 Cillian Laurzy Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life, -15
Espina WareWolveAlphaI5
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Ava FireGirl12
Hello. I'm Ava. (•-•') I'm 13. I like playing sports and singing. I play the drums. (^,^) My fav color is orange. Um... (o_o) That's all I got. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (ಥ_ಥ) o()xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Waaaaah (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧ Sooo fabulous! ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) FABULOUS ( ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /|
Tyler Pikajuice2004
Disco: I am Birby. But, I'm not the only Birby. I am Birby number 5389. Closed: Ramble
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Laura Laura4life
I'm gonna miss this place!!! >_< There are a few things you should know about me: •14 years old •Love complaining •Love debating •I rant about the education system. •Atheist •Autistic •Bi •Have Above average intelligence •Can draw •Mainly off topic Hope we can chat sometime. Remember to follow me. Yeah and comment regularly please. See you in my activity feed! ^-^
Nicole Wingull44
Hello. :D It is nice to meet you. :D Thank you for looking at my profile!! I like playing games but I love my Family and Friends. :D I am 16 years old. The games I enjoy are Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Tales of Series, The Legend of Zelda, Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart and Pokémon Art Academy. :D Mains in SSB4: Roy, Kirby, Marth, Corrin, Link, Ike and Cloud. Thank you. :D
Kaykay ROBLOX12244
♡♥Hello Im Kaykay (Kayla)♥♡ ♡♥I miss my 400 followers ;-;♥♡ ♡♥I like cheese and cookiez <•~•>♥♡ ♡♥I iz 17 yearz old. Im very old :0♥♡ ★☆Thatz enough info.☆★ →A good ninja follows Kaykay.→ A good ninja gives Kaykay a dounut. Now SHEW!!!! ˙˛˙
♪Toxic♪ My_Toxic_Romance
ª\['³']/ª "Hai! Welcome!" All About Mii; -I'm emo! -I'm Pan! (Not Peter) -I play flute! -I'm an artist! -I'm depressed! -Level 16 in life! :P #awkwardbabysquad! He's pretty chill. Music. Enough said. "Te amo a la Luna y de regreso!" xxToxic [×]Out of posts? ª\['³']/ª
~Sabrina~ TEPIG15
MY PROFILE Name: Sabrina Excell Nickname: Rina Age: 16 Gender: Female Dere: Yandere Crush/Senpai: Matthew Fleetwood (A.K.A ~ Matty) Status: Taken Boyfriend: Matthew Fleetwood. (A.K.A ~ Matty) Favourite Colours: Pink and Matty's eyes. Favourite singers: Taylor Swift, Matty, He Is We. Favourite Anime/Manga: Mirai Nikki/The Future Diary Country: England, North Devon. Please stay away from senpai.
Gon~X Giannibernard
Hello, welcome to my profile my name is Gon~X i love to Draw. Lets all be bestfriends! ~(˙˘˙)~ —————————— My twin:GojinX˙˘˙ Age:14 / Gender: Male About me: I Watch Anime,I like playing Games,hanging out with friends and Love to Draw! Favorite artists:Erikah :D, Angle:D, Jacky♪,GojinX˙˘˙and others. Please follow these great Artist! ————————————————–
Joji tv JaneDurnavitch poked my face so I assume you would like to know more about me...well here- I like to draw bad things, I love IHE and rebeltaxi, I play smash bros. but not competitively, I absolutely adore life (mostly) bye last updated 8/17/16
EG★Taylor Taylorlad
hi everyone welcome to my profile i am a big nintendo fan i love mario games and my hobbies are football skateboarding and i like trampolines my fav youtubers are Tanner fox lance stewart sullypwnz chris chann and cobanermani my fav music i like dance music and monstercat and thank u all the people who follow me i really appreciate it. Clans om¢ EG Thanks for Reading Bye:)
Nicole BearieandSealie7
Hello everyone. :D Thank you for reading my profile. I hope you are having a good day. I love my Family and Friends so much. :D I like games such as Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, The Legend of Zelda and the Tales series. I am also playing Super Smash Bros alot lately and I am mostly Link and Roy. :D I also like Sword Art Online and Attack on Titan. :D
Unforgiven Mieszko101
If you dont know what GB stands for in my username it stands for GothBlood my old username 2016 my miiverse cringey est year NOW GO
ε›κατε‹з Unbitten
Hello lovelies, I'm the one whose known as Katelyn and I suppose theses are things about me, if you care~ insta(below) »I'm 15 »wannabe writer »fierce and fearless »sometimes dark.... »love baking and chess »and I believe in equality and love Wanna know more, just ask. 260+ followers thank you!!! Love u ALL!! Follow4Follow~ please don't follow just to unfollow -_- ByeNerds :p @katie_the_zebra
¿¥Fιøηα¥¿ LoveFiona
~Hai I'm a 10 year old girl that has a crazy undying obsession for UNICORNS!!! I get called a goldfish in real life because how forgetful I am so if I forget you then I'm very, very sorry! My Lucky Charm: Moonlight(donash14) MV besties:Gp,Leah,Sorada,Lucy,Tajee,Dan,Joe, JJay,CodyV.4,MuffinKat,Kelsey You will be missed JJay but i'll be taller than you!! ~Bai
galaxy skidskate98.98
~ "I ate my first meal of 2017"-Me swkihqaihpslswuiwnkee. (Follow me,or I'll eat your cookies) *Comment on my latest post for a shout out* Follow or I eat ur Doritos. Jk.Thanks for the follow,well appreciated.(:
•ЯιснĠαηġ• jahlae27
Όϋсн ù ρσкёd мч ƒαсё меапïě! αηчшач şıňćε чоυг нёгё нìt tнατ ƒσιισω ьυττση άήδ ΐ αιωαуς ƒσιισω ьάск üñłėśş чоΰг ħιddèñ .-. ьαι. ~ςεηď мен а ƒгιепδ геqυεςτ~ «ƒаνοгατε ςόήġ řiğħτ ησω ις: Mask Off by:Future Ģόάł ←500 ƒσιισωεгς ρις→ ι δσητ ωιι υ снат ιм пот геаłłγ τнат астıνе αηγмоге... ı гłłγ δοητ саřε ιƒ υ υηƒοιισω мен. ↓ġσ dσωη āηd ğěț чσύг cооκίё↓ ←ςıκе→ &↑нαрру 2017↓
Trevin TheDesertPro
Ive decided to make this account my main, for chatting and playin games, while my second one (draconis2) for rps and stuff.
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
Xenomorphs for the win
I'm gonna miss you all. Take care guys and til next time.