JJαγ's Followers
Nya morepengpuns
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DaedraBoo DaedraLord05
This is DaedraLord's(temporary named DaedraBoo) alt. He's an amazing guy that is scrap posting in NSLU. He also have a huge crush(he even says it is a obsession) on a classmate… W-wait!?!!?! Why did I wrote all that about me in 3rd person!?!!?? Well… basically we're the same guy. I'm gonna use this when I run out of posts. Halloween will be here soon, so Scary Halloween! Just call me Daedra!
καηα&αιιλ Dabossesoffame
Don't send me any friend requests It’s Pip. [and konameme] Pikacraft64 is my name everywhere [and konameme/scampforlife2]
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
magikarp used splash its super effective the world has destroyed also i like mudkipz and marshtompz and swampertz and mega sawmpertz i am a pokemon freak
Shadow koopantoad
I'm Shadow The Hedgehog Sonic's Rival. I have 4 play-throughs. I play Sonic Generations on Fridays. My Favorite Ride Is Rock N Roller Coaster. I'm Gonna Miss You Guys.
Jacob richards9498
Things are looking grim... I'll miss all of you deeply. Thank you everyone, for all the great times. Now, some info on where you can f¡nd me. Universe that's closed: My name, mii, and everything is the same. (;
Destiny prettylittleyana
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Ok¤Smaps heliaume
Salut tout le monde ! Moi, je suis Smaps, je suis fan de Minecraft et Splatoon. Je fait parti de la team : XTC ( Chef ) ( Tous Les Pays ) ( Wii U ) XTCDS ( Chef ) ( Tous les pays ) ( DS ) XTCFR ( Chef ) ( Français ) ( Wii U et DS ) XTCEN ( Chif ) ( English ) ( Wii U and DS )
TanukiDee ArcticTanuki2
********** sc355323
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Alex boomboy12345
the end of miiverse is only a few hours away so really not long now! I am staying on miiverse until the very end!
Link AKirbytotheLink
My alts are Triforce_hero_20, and Alinktothekirby2 I'm also known as RedUmbrella. I do video game videos. Also miiverse is ending uh...Bye?
Hi thank you for clicking on my face ;) my name is Ami and i love games! I like platform games and all mario games. i love drawing as well! if you follow me i will try my best to follow you back ;) about me: *i like drawing * favourite food: pizza!! *i love making new friends ★☆★☆ * i love sports thats all, enjoy your day ;)
Pkmn Queen JamesandZoey4Evr
I'm just a nerd My friends know me as Zoey Lover of sushi and anything japanese I have depression Bai!
ÐĀŘĶTajee Darknessawaits5
Hi its me Tajee and on the new 3DS. yes the one that excepts amiibos! ^.^ shamefully I made a dumb mistake with my recent 3DS but eh its about to die soon with the state its in. So I'll be representing the ÐĀŘĶ clan by my good pal chris. I will soon be masked and abandoned for the rest of my life.
CσδγCσμgαλ CodyBeCougar
Hey Yall May Know Me As CodyTheCougar....Well Ive been Through Like 52 Accounts Bc Of Bans...So I Keep Coming Back Everytime My Account Expires... •Been On Miiverse Since 2013 •Been Through A Lot Of Drama On Miiverse.Cb On Wiiu •Really Big Toadette Fan •I Also Play Acnl & Mk8 •Kari,Tajee,Adam,John,Katelyn, Cuber,Stephy,Riley,Lucy,Dan, Zoey,Joe For If You Stay On Miiverse Beware Or Be Banned
Trashbot cs.go.s2nduser
bye miiverse Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot, I Make Drawings and Garbage I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic, Previous Account November 25th 2013 , This Account November 17th 2016, -American Irish Cool people Derpjacob Tigrex C Meister Grayson879 Cillian Laurzy Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life, -15
Corey CoreyJWatson
I'm actually female Sexuality: ? Stuff I like: Rick and Morty, OK K.O! Lets be heros!, etc. I... like being weird. I'm e d g y . That's all for now. boo
Espina WareWolveAlphaI5
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¤→Maria→→¤ shria12
ωειсоme to my t®ach →Age:13 →Indian →sèlf t@ught α®тìşł →©hèè®le@der&Dάn©e® →→»»»»»←←←«««« I am a Cheerleader but i don't BITE #FOLLOW4FOLLOW→→→↑¶¶÷§=§===§§ I AM A Yeah bomber...so BLOCK ME IF YOU WANT TO →→→→→ğéł őųł→→→→→→
チェッキー kanaryu0825
ねがさん、ぴくとさん、あしあと、ともさん面白くて好きです。ゲームは大好きです^^ 年は11歳です スプラトゥーンのウデマエはS15~30です プラベいつでも誘ってください。フレ登録待ってます フォローもお願いします 絶対に返します!
trav trav2014
i'm 11 i have a 3ds xl i have a wii u my favorite tv show is henry danger and game shakers and the thundermens i have alot of friends my life is awesome my friends that i talk to on miiverse is luigi fan! the Wiz and nutter dog lover and savanah and jessica and joshua naticia and ivy i like puppy's and dogs.i joined miiverse 3/23/ 2014 at 2:24 pm LOL! LMAO!
nice >:] fanficc
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Gludeoooon BeyBonelessBizza
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Ava FireGirl12
Hello. I'm Ava. (•-•') I'm 13. I like playing sports and singing. I play the drums. (^,^) My fav color is orange. Um... (o_o) That's all I got. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (ಥ_ಥ) o()xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Waaaaah (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧ Sooo fabulous! ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( •_•) FABULOUS ( ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / / /|
Laura Laura4life
I'm gonna miss this place!!! >_< There are a few things you should know about me: •14 years old •Love complaining •Love debating •I rant about the education system. •Atheist •Autistic •Bi •Have Above average intelligence •Can draw •Mainly off topic Hope we can chat sometime. Remember to follow me. Yeah and comment regularly please. See you in my activity feed! ^-^
iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
gяαyфωδζƒ 2dsmop
Im a gray wolf and night wolf. All wolves are family to me. If you are to follow me, follow other wolves out there like Nick Wolf, Fire Wolf, FluffyWolf and so on. Favorite pokemon(s): Incineroar, Lucario, Moon form Lycanroc MK7 VR: 14k+ MK7 Coins: 16k+ Thanks for 500+ Followers! Shiny Pokemon: 470+ I HAVE SHINY HOOPA AND ZYGARDE! ______________________________ #WolvesRuleDawgs
Dan Brand1738
What's up Dudes
hi my name is Rihaan i love finding glitches in video games my favorite hobbies is playing sports my favourite youtube channels are nicobbq,nathaniel bandy , unspeakable gaming and i love using my 3ds also i live in africa and i am 11 my favourite game is super mario bros 3 i also play minecraft
Rihaan 2 kawserbapa
Hello my name is Rihaan I love mario kart 8 and I play Minecraft , My favorite part of Minecraft is Redstone ( Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is one of the best games ever) and I ain't a savage , umm miiverse is ending so byeeeeee. ( HEROBRINE IS REAL)
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
A laid back lad who has mates. Help my mates anytime when I can be bothered.
Xenomorphs for the win
I'm gonna miss you all. Take care guys and til next time.