Thank you for being the best group of friends I have ever had, and probably will ever have. And thanks to the entirety of Miiverse for being the best darn community of gamers the world will ever se...
Jayse's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

The Eight Instruments have begun to play. The Wind Fish will soon awaken and this world will disappear. Let's all fly to a Haven and sing together for many people!
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

My final fun fact! Through nine different masks, four bark tones, the ability to have a branch (with or without berries) in the left, right, both, or neither hand, and the fact some can fly, there ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

My final Legend of Zelda theory! Even if it is a repeat, this is still my favorite that I posted here. Ganondorf is a genius tactician in the first half of Ocarina of Time. And in the comments, I w...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Finished up 100% on Odyssey last night, so I can get back to wrapping the Platinum on Shadow of War, which I'd gotten bored with frankly ... what's that you say? Miiverse closes forever in roughly ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

And in the end, The love you take, Is equal to the love you make. It’s been a great ride guys. Even if it is ending a little too soon. I guess it’s time that some of us depart to the Grey (Haven)s...
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: of...
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: often) I slack and don't do that.
The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series. I've beaten every game in the series, 100%ed nearly every game in the series, and recently I've been interested in doing minimalist runs of games in the series.