Jayse's Followers
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
youyou younesrouat
adieu miiverse tu va me manquer mais restons tous ensemble
いしぜき たくま AmazyDayzee
好きなマリオキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Mario Characters) 1: きらめくパンジーさん (Amazy Dayzee) 2: マルガリータ (Valentina) 3: キノピコ (Toadette) 好きなゼルダキャラTop3 (Top 3 Favorite Zelda Characters) 1: メドリ (Medli) 2: テトラ (Tetra) 3: ルト (Ruto) ビデオゲームに登場する種族になれるとしたらTop3 (In top 3, if I am able to become a race that appears in video games) 1: リト族 (Rito) 2: モーグリ族 (Moogle) 3: ゾーラ族 (Zora)
Cooper CoopTheGamer17
You know what they say: "When life gives ya potatas, ya make potata salad." And I've got just the recipe! I'm very sorry to be kept waiting for a new Kid Icarus game. Play The Wonderful 101. DO IT!
Tori Torseph
kierra pinkmema
Tutus Fireguy83
what's up
Sanzee Sanzee
Hello, my name is Sandro and I am 17 Years old ;) *Location: Austria, Carinthia *Favourite Music Genre: Metal + Rock *Favourite Wii U games: Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD,Splatoon,Mk8,Bayonetta *I'm a Zelda Fan! -->Botw hype So that's it guys. By the way if you want to play splatoon or Mario Kart 8 you can add me! :^)
mbrim mdbrim2
I enjoy playing smash, mario, pokemon, pikmin, splatoon, and zelda. I also LOVE KIRBY!! <('.'<)
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
Debbie trinity0223
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
JP10 LuckyDude23
Dark Ray darkray2
Goodbye everyone! Miiverse had a good run! This is rayolinels's alt.
Stagger Lanayru79
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.
Ryan Axed84
Amusingly Rambunctious, Disney Extremist, Nintendo Enthusiast, Sharknado Aficionado and Crazy Cat Lady
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
joey joebo1980
quintin Quintin7
Ross rosstimusprime
My favorite system is the SNES. My favorite games are the Donkey Kong Country series, Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario RPG, and Mario Kart.
Comic Sans 500001jack
r.i.p. miiverse. november 18, 2012 - november 8, 2017. 1 olympiad, 11 months, 3 weeks old.
axbdre axbdre
Gamer GamerAW99
Hi! I'm a Fan of lots of nintendo characters including Sonic! I may change my mii, but it would take a long time to happen. (That was Random) I play some games like Smash and Mario Kart 8 so feel free to friend request me! Also I don't wii u chat. Well, that's it, so have a good time and check out my posts!
CODKyle chekoro
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Raichu>¬< Mr.Charmander600
Hi!!!!!This is Jaydens (or Raichus) MIIVERSE profile! NOW GO AWAY!!!!!!!! JK You can stay all you want:3 So umm... My favorite color is green! penguins are the king of du universe! AND IM DA BEST! Of course im a real Raichu! SHUT UP (._.) 3:< here, have a donut
princessM★ Bridges3211
Hi Everyone Welcome To Micah`s page.who loves to get on youtube and watch stuff? . I do gymnastics. and i like to beat my friend madison At mario kart. Hope you follow me and Madison. Bye. ;) :-)
∞Patrick∞ Luigi2019
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue to use both accounts to make posts and talk to you all. Game series that I enjoy include Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. I look forward to talking and gaming with you! See you in the gaming world! Current Account/Now Playing: Wii U [α]: SSBU/Super Mario 3D World 3DS []: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Nat'l Dex)
Benja★SSM! SaysmeBenja
¡Hola! Gracias por leer =) Y ¡Bienvenido a mi perfil! * Desafíos de New Super Mario Bros. U *Disponible rondas de Mario Kart 8 (Desde las 19:00 hasta 03:00 de la madrugada.) *Conectado desde 14:00 PM. hasta 03:00 AM. *Acepto Wii U Chat. I love System of a Down! ♥˛♥ I ♥ New York! TheofficialRevenge! >w< Gamer Rockero Anticapitalista Naturalista "Si la vida te da limones, has limonada" ~Bye
Chloe DragonDudette
Beep bop! Hi peeps :P ,my name is Chloe,i'm 12.My favorite games on the WII U are Art Academy Sketchpad and Mario Kart 8.Also im nice i'm not mean unless if u make me mad.I love GREEN and I LOVE TACOS!I also love yeah bombs! I'm also EXTREMELY shy and...i like hugs!. p.s I'm single NOW DOING DRAWING REQUESTS!!! Leave now Ok fine, you get a hug! ^.^
★Jack★ lionman790
follow me or else.
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
idk... lol mariotime727
hi, welcome to my profile. I am a big fan of metroid, sonic, and ssb4 wii u! (I also really like earthbound!)
duncan Duncan_Issac
This user's profile comment is private.
andrew LegoBoy24
This user's profile comment is private.
elijah annmiller13
i have a dog my name is eli my goal is 50 fellowers friend request me please i will expected it ps yes you can call me in wiiu chat
Papa Master_Of_Mario
Why does everyone call it the raccoon? It's a flying squirrel. Hello? Acorn? They look nothing alike. I am me. I don't know what to say here.
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: of...
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: often) I slack and don't do that.
The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series. I've beaten every game in the series, 100%ed nearly every game in the series, and recently I've been interested in doing minimalist runs of games in the series.