Jayse's Friends
G O A T MarkusGentry1234
Im D'Markus. But You Can Call Me Markus. You Can Follow Me If You Want, You Dont Have To. But Im 13 Years Old. I Was Born On October 20th, 2001 (10.20.01) In Saint Louis, MO. My Favorite Things To Do Are Hang Out W/Friends, Play Super Smash Bros. And Also Hang Out W/My Little Brothers And Sister.
Elijah SuperMarioEPlshU
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Jacob execution101
This user's profile comment is private.
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Sollain Sollain
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: of...
I'm Jayse. I like to look for easter eggs and post them onto Miiverse. :) But sometimes (read: often) I slack and don't do that.
The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series. I've beaten every game in the series, 100%ed nearly every game in the series, and recently I've been interested in doing minimalist runs of games in the series.