Kittykat's Followers
mariah mariah214
$$Tyler$$ zeldamastertyler
Lucas saggyzebra
helloo! welcome to the place were i post!! ps.plez follow my 3ds to!nickname legendary!(now able to friend) i am creating a clan AND server. it will be called... GAME PLEX Also my clan is ... LEGION OF GAMERS
davoul richmusic
my name is davoul. i like to eat pizza. my favorite color is blue. i'm in second grade i'm seven years old. i have a baby brother. i live in a cold house.i look like my dad. i hate chicken-and-eggs i live in north carlinea. i like animals. i like going to the zoo. i like the lions. i also hate hats. i like to sleep on the floor. my mom kicks me. my mom is old. i like i
Knighter™ knighter6158
i like anime and i'm 22 year old and i like playing The legend of Zelda Breth of the Wild
Gameheat Gameheat13579
Hi I like games like Minecraft. I like helping if I can and I'm funny :)
camo camodude06
i love disney infinity at the moment but am in love with splatoons an mario maker
•ΔК★αмαιg• fredajane10
hello everyone My Name Is •ΔК★αмαιg• age: 15 Name Real: Kainula Team Join ΔК: .ΔК◆JameMV, ΔК★pugtato, ΔК★Marcus, ΔК★NEVE, Gender: Female♀ ♡Taken♡: ----- Thank-you For Followers 1790+ <3 ★Best Friends★: Maryoom, Jeremy, Yuki, Octobutt, Viktor, ~Panda~, scaryLilly, Woomy, ★TacoSquad, Iilmeme, fareed^^, Agent3, Neve, GamerKitty, Arnold, ♪ςς_ραηδα♪, CC★tomato2, jetwindbay,
Ċıαπe MaddalenaZ
º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º* Ciao! Sono un l'ho detto! MiPiace: Disegnare scrivere storie(sono felice di collaborare con chi mi chiede di farne una) Azurro Anime/Manga(Sacri) Seguite:Me,Megix,Iman,Ange..‹3 To be Young and Otaku! º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*º*
mom kthyberg1
vishichalu victorkenzowatab
end miiverse se o miiverse ainda esistir digo que foi bom ter a experiencia não tirem o miiverse porfavor eu sei que provavelmente o adm do miiverse não verão esse comentario mas nem tudo e do jeito do que ajente quer não sei porque mas pelomenos acho que vão colocar outro aplicativo enves do miiverse então essas são minhas últimas palavras no miiverse eu sei que e triste e eu sei que e triste /:
Dagan DiggerDag
PR∞AdrienS adriranger
Salut je m'apelle Adrien, je connais plein de youtubeurs.J'ai des oiseaux, des poissons.J'acepte toutes les demandes d'amis!Mes qualités:gentil★★★★★, méchant☆☆☆☆☆, joueur:★★★☆☆, gourmand★☆☆☆☆, n'hesitez à vous abonner ou à donner un ouais ou à me suivre sa me ferait super plaisir, profitez bien de ma communauté et je suis là pour vous soutenir et pour vous aider!^^
miguegamer mejorcr7
hola soy miguel y tengo 10 años y minecraft mola más que nada,mis juegos favoritos que tengo son: 1minecraft 2 nintendo land 3 splatoon 4 mario y sonic en los juegos olimpicos y soy un friki de SONIC y de FNAF youtubers favoritos: Itown gameplay,Bers,ROBLEISUTU,Vicio one more time y the alvaro890 ya somos 402 subs gracias a todos!! a por 450!!! segunda cuenta: mejorcr7_2 NX!!!!!!!
teddy sgv_2000
Hi im Teddy I love minecraft and build a lot. right now I am building a mansion in minecraft. when I am done I will let my friends go in it. and please follow me then I will follow you bye.
Dj Penguin sotoboys03
I Am Esteban Call Me Pig King. Favorite Game: Super Smash Bros.Favorite Movie: Pixels.Favorite Food:Taco.Favorite Color:Orange And Blue.My Birthday October 4th And 7th. Thanks To See Me On Miiverse :)
Ink boy DragonSwen
Hallo ich bin Serhat der bruder von Mehmet. Ich spiele gerne Lego city Undercover. Mein lieblings You Tuber ist Ascalter . Ich mag fair'e Commiuty's und spiele . :-)
Zabrina ♪☆ zabrinacoolXD
hola soy zabrina y soy novata quisiera hacer amig@s y tener seguidores si me sigues yo te sigo sin pensarlo tengo 8 years y vivo en mallorca XDXDXD :-):3;-)
Cobraz BigWorm7272
Aarron AarronPavett98
Profile comment hidden by admin.
joé JojoMora
hello amis miiverse j espère que vous allez bien. Ca me verais tres plaisir que vous vous abonnez à moi. UN GRAND Merci pour les 600 Abonnés♪♪♪ BYE★★★JOJO♪♪♪
Zoey Zoeyyouknowie
I am Groot.
Mr. jihjii Spaceghost1
Hello random person that is now reading this!
Gεммα gemaDG
Hοιαα Lοβitos !! Espera...Aun no lo eres?Pues venga dadle al boton de ahi arriba que pone seguir.↑↑↑ кαшαi y cutε Cosαs sobre mi: Nombre:Gεmα Lo que mas me gusta: Escuchar música y leer Colores favoritos:Rosa celeste y morado Asнειiεr y Dεstinεrα 300 loβitos porfa!! Grαcias por entrar en mi perfil!!
Pερσrrσ pepoDG
Holis gισьίtσs Que tal¡¡ oye espera,¿que no eres un globito?pues a que esperas? venga dale a seguir y ya eres uno de ellos y de regalo yo te seguiré si no te sigo es x que es oculto ¿ya eres un globito? pues voy a decir mis bbfdm: Iri gemaDG CristinaSB y julia !!!!!!!!!A POR LOS 500 SEGUIDORES¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Martin Strekosa22
Bacon23 burryboys
ドロハマキチョッキリ kurichan97216
フォローよろたーーん!! フォローしてくれた人お返しするからしてぇ(ヨロ!) 1000目指してるからヨロピク、、、ピク ※フレリク禁止! バアァイ!
Sarah bandaloo123
Hello everyone, I would like to say a few things i like which is anime/manga i draw i would also like to say im a socal butterfly i love music and im a person that will risk anything to help someone i love everyone care for hi lovely people and have a blessed day! :-)btw i love funny youtubers who make the funniest jokes ever#Kubz Scouts.. yandere...chan...Lol
Nevaeh mountainjew16
hey fellow people though my name and mii is different doesn't mean im not still the all big freakachu♪ just to let u know my name IS Nevaeh and i sorta look like this plus im unbanned
John johncavan
Hi Im John If you wanna play multiplayer just ask..i am currently playing Pokken Tournament Mario kart 8 smash bros wii u splatoon and super mario maker
i want to be a youtuber wen i grow up meet PEWDIEPIE and having an amazing life
Geo huntergirl03
Hi! Im Geo and I love gaming and anime. favourite games- legend of zelda, fire emblem, splatoon, pokemon, smash bros, mario kart, minecraft. favourite anime- fairytail, tokyo ghoul, Dragonball Z, pokemon.
Terrence SpeedyTC
I'm Terrence and I have super speed and I like Sonic The Hedgehog and Star Force Mega Man and i'm a fan of Bayonetta and I love her and I like Panic! at the Disco, My Favorite suit is the mii gunner dragon armor and a star force helmet just like mega man and I wield the Ultima Weapon that I got from Lady Palutena and I like RWBY and my favorite characters are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang
сαт lilninja1
Hi! I'm Cαt, And In Case You See A Profile That A Mii That Looks Similar To The One You're Looking At Right Now, That's My 3DS Profile (My 3DS Profile Did A Yeah On One Of My Wii U Posts). NOW USING ANIME MAKER! ...Won't Be posting regularly. I GOT THE SWITCH!!!!!!!!
todd liltodd05
Hi my name is Todd i play splatoon mario kart 8 and super mario bros u and mario party 10 and kirby and the rainbow curse please follow me if you havent it means a lot to me :D
nabil coolcoollala
Salut!sava moi,oui trop même bon bref je vais me praisenter ok doki. gentil:★★★★☆ nerveux:★★★☆☆ sympa:★★★★★ drole:★★★★☆ rageux:★★★★★ MERCI! bon miiverse a tous!BAY! ps:demander moi en ami(e) sa fait toujours plésir (sourtous les fille xD je deconne allez BAY!)
あかりんご。 1.20aka
はじめまして! 顔ポチ&フォローありがとうございます!!! フォロー必ずかえします! ~#。*自己紹介*。#~ ○中学2年 ○文化部に入部 *-.すきなもの.-* ○ハニワ ○スプラトゥーン ○さくらんぼ ○すみっコぐらし ○下の句百人一首 ○絵を描くこと((Thaド☆下手 ○お菓子づくり ☆------------キ- リ- ト -リ-------------☆ *YouTube* 実況者 赤髪のともサン あしあとサン ぺいんとサン ノエルチャンネルサン が好き。 最近ヒカルサンも好きー 赤髪メンバーが大好き♥(love フォローしてくれたら必ずかえすでゴサル。。 土日にとーこーしておりますm( _ _ )m 更新 8/07♥
Whisper b1tmaster0
Fav. Characters: ¹ Whisper, ² Kirby ,whis Please join the #Whisper Wisdom Challenge on Youtube ,whis End,whis
Jaylen jaylen2000
This user's profile comment is private.
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.