Kittykat's Friends
Marius.O elas75
nathan BrutalGhost21
Always online and looking for people to play terraria,Mass Effect 3, Nintendo Land, Zombi U, bayonetta 1 & 2 and Lost Reavers
Gameheat Gameheat13579
Hi I like games like Minecraft. I like helping if I can and I'm funny :)
omg pop!!! smooshy101
ReadenMage 124FlyGuy
6 MIN LEFT Untill Miiverse Turns Into a Explosion That Destroyed a Planet. Good Bye..... FOREVER. GOOD BYE MIIVERSE!!! Btw Sebastion Friend Me. 6 MINUTES UNTIL END.
jac skyjac3007
Nash DegarioP11
Im Degario my best friend kittycat has a wii u to we play together come join us we will have lots of fun ive also got a youtube channel be sure to subscribe if you follow me ill follow you im sure we will have fun!!!!!!!! im not alowed to talk to people that are 20 and over please friend me my best friends are daniel Kittykat on my channel ill play terraria minecraft mario 3d world mario maker
DanTDM Dr.trayblox123
red kitty miowMAD
Pink kitty Pinkkittykat123
Troll Face freind_reqest_me
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brianna parrot5545
Hi my name is Sanny and let me tell you a little about me Favorite Dog: German Sheperd Favorite Game :Super Smash Bros. My Religon: Catholic I Stay Active And like to play outside Type Of Music :Gospel i like to wii u chat and text! I go for The Cowboys
bestmode89 picachu16
hi my favorite games are smash minecraft nintendo land runbow and donkey kong they are alot of fun. i alsolike to wiiu chat so i'll be open for that.hope that i get 500 followers and 100 friends!
☆★§Dark§★☆ thecatninjagirl7
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mees Mefledja63
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
Ani Mae Rosie_rocks1
Hellooo! I'm AniMae and this is my user page. If you have Mario Kart 8, pls friend me.♡ Maybe we can race each other:)
Raul Ralitotontito
Sophia tigor123
Destroyer pandamo91
Despair TanookiMario777
Hi! I'm TanookiMario777. I'm a gamer. I'm also known as the TheEcknoGamer (no spaces). (XD That joke never gets old, 'The The Battle Cats'. XD) I, sometimes do 'follow4follow', if you have done enough on Miiverse. But, I would like to be friends and I hope you enjoy seeing me. Plus, I post often. (And join the clan 'EC☆'.) (*Sighs.*).
Jack sarahmax
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nanger22 nanger11
ive played super smash bros, mario maker, minecraft, and nintendo land. ive also played mario kart 8
Batman skywalker204solo
hey guys i like playing LEGO GAMES,Disney Infinity and mario kart so if you like that stuff you can follow me send me friend request whatever But I watch YouTube a lot as well check my other account starwarsfinn
swaggy m swaggy_m2216
hey im greenfire big bro just joined wants to play minecraft and mario cart 8
ßle$$ blessed-family6
Khayden khaydendru
hello im khayden my fav game is undertale on the pc i have super mario 3d world and zombieu and super smash bros and minecraft good bye my users um derp :-> >_<
XxProxX Baba2468
Daniel MustacheGamer2
-Navn: Daniel -Alder: 13 -Land: Danmark -Favorit spil: Minecraft Mario kart 8 og Binding of isaac rebirth ============ -Name: Daniel -Age: 13 -Country: Denmark -favorite game: Minecraft Mario kart 8 and Binding of isaac rebirth
sans kkasabalis
i love minecraft and have a lot of friends now :) but i am bad at splatoon :P oh and pizzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jacob mist21577
Benny-Boy- BenHussey
edoardo elokelo03
John johncavan
Hi Im John If you wanna play multiplayer just ask..i am currently playing Pokken Tournament Mario kart 8 smash bros wii u splatoon and super mario maker
Kostik kostik.k
Hi!Ich bin Konsti Ich spiele viele Spiele gern!Ich Freue mich über Freundesanfragen! до свидания! [Russisch] Tschüss [Deutsch]
Ggeisbert ggeisbert004
Hi my name is George, I am a fan of Pokemon and splatoon, mk8 and more I live in the U.S.A. and enjoy playing with friends around the would on line and I also own a 3dsxl too
Whisper b1tmaster0
Fav. Characters: ¹ Whisper, ² Kirby ,whis Please join the #Whisper Wisdom Challenge on Youtube ,whis End,whis
FrozenFred frozenfred
charlietdm richardpatnem
Fat Chris NoxStripes
Hallo ich bin Christian. Wii U ist klasse. Vielleicht zocken wir ja mal zusammen? :-P
Hi miiverse friends l'm Dom-Cena. I love Lego games,Mario games and more. I have Splatoon, Mario kart 8, Lego marvels Avengers, Batman arkham Origins, Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Lego star wars TFA, Nintendoland and more. i like Shooting games, aventure games and sporting games. My real name is Dominic but i go by Dom-Cena. I like the wii u chat. I can talk to many people on wii u chat.
Brysen W BTW7409
I ♥ games
Kenadi kenadidobbins
joe joedshoe
MARIO:D kvangilder
hey guys Mario:D here welcome to my profile! here you can find funny post, super mario maker levels, and more!
fransi pallament
Nevaeh mountainjew16
hey fellow people though my name and mii is different doesn't mean im not still the all big freakachu♪ just to let u know my name IS Nevaeh and i sorta look like this plus im unbanned
Grande korben666
slt miiverse,hi my change de mii sur change my mii in miiverse. merci! thank you!
Ryhan Ryhan1
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Lucas saggyzebra
helloo! welcome to the place were i post!! ps.plez follow my 3ds to!nickname legendary!(now able to friend) i am creating a clan AND server. it will be called... GAME PLEX Also my clan is ... LEGION OF GAMERS
Sad kitkat cmgiorno
$$Tyler$$ zeldamastertyler
BAT10 xBAT10x
mama dkastro89
SF Bay Area Born in 1989 Totodile trainer Lover of the Johto region HeartGold: Pokédex 100% complete Pokêmon Y: Pokédex 100% complete Omega Ruby: Pokédex 100% complete Been a Nintendo fan since the NES days
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.