Users Kittykat Is Following
Rémi.•°ŤÐČ Lilipop2002
Boujour :): •Remi •15ans •Joueur ACNL,SDSW... •Gentil: ★★★☆ •Dans les delires:★★☆☆, enfaite ça dépends •Team ŤÐČ: la chef est Kiyo, pour plus d'info sur la TDC: Recherchez: "MorganeDina" •Dedi a tous les membres •N'hesitez pas à donné des ouais à mes dessin :D. Abonnez vous! et merci à tous mes 2860 abonnés \^ω^/
Lucas saggyzebra
helloo! welcome to the place were i post!! ps.plez follow my 3ds to!nickname legendary!(now able to friend) i am creating a clan AND server. it will be called... GAME PLEX Also my clan is ... LEGION OF GAMERS
Gameheat Gameheat13579
Hi I like games like Minecraft. I like helping if I can and I'm funny :)
Knighter™ knighter6158
i like anime and i'm 22 year old and i like playing The legend of Zelda Breth of the Wild
•ΔК★αмαιg• fredajane10
hello everyone My Name Is •ΔК★αмαιg• age: 15 Name Real: Kainula Team Join ΔК: .ΔК◆JameMV, ΔК★pugtato, ΔК★Marcus, ΔК★NEVE, Gender: Female♀ ♡Taken♡: ----- Thank-you For Followers 1790+ <3 ★Best Friends★: Maryoom, Jeremy, Yuki, Octobutt, Viktor, ~Panda~, scaryLilly, Woomy, ★TacoSquad, Iilmeme, fareed^^, Agent3, Neve, GamerKitty, Arnold, ♪ςς_ραηδα♪, CC★tomato2, jetwindbay,
camo camodude06
i love disney infinity at the moment but am in love with splatoons an mario maker
Joshua jpind6
My name is Joshua My favourite game series is the legend of Zelda I am 14 turning 15 in december My favourite game is the legend of zelda breath of the wild
luke poptheboo
Joshua qwertyyuuiiio0
Hello there,my name is qwerty or Joshua I'm 10 Years old I like dogs, RPG, action, Sport games (as said on profile).I also love Pokémon and my favourite is Dartrix from pokemon Sun and moon. If you like my photos then I may or may not send you a friend request, well thats pretty much it so see you later byyyyyeeee!! but thats not it because I've got a YouTube channel called Tbogua08 GTG bye!!
MichaelC18 21mschavez
Hey guys I'm Michael, I like to make posts and play Nintendo games because they have so much swag! Give my posts yeahs, comment, and definitely follow me!
Dagan DiggerDag
teddy sgv_2000
Hi im Teddy I love minecraft and build a lot. right now I am building a mansion in minecraft. when I am done I will let my friends go in it. and please follow me then I will follow you bye.
miguegamer mejorcr7
hola soy miguel y tengo 10 años y minecraft mola más que nada,mis juegos favoritos que tengo son: 1minecraft 2 nintendo land 3 splatoon 4 mario y sonic en los juegos olimpicos y soy un friki de SONIC y de FNAF youtubers favoritos: Itown gameplay,Bers,ROBLEISUTU,Vicio one more time y the alvaro890 ya somos 402 subs gracias a todos!! a por 450!!! segunda cuenta: mejorcr7_2 NX!!!!!!!
PR∞AdrienS adriranger
Salut je m'apelle Adrien, je connais plein de youtubeurs.J'ai des oiseaux, des poissons.J'acepte toutes les demandes d'amis!Mes qualités:gentil★★★★★, méchant☆☆☆☆☆, joueur:★★★☆☆, gourmand★☆☆☆☆, n'hesitez à vous abonner ou à donner un ouais ou à me suivre sa me ferait super plaisir, profitez bien de ma communauté et je suis là pour vous soutenir et pour vous aider!^^
Dj Penguin sotoboys03
I Am Esteban Call Me Pig King. Favorite Game: Super Smash Bros.Favorite Movie: Pixels.Favorite Food:Taco.Favorite Color:Orange And Blue.My Birthday October 4th And 7th. Thanks To See Me On Miiverse :)
Ink boy DragonSwen
Hallo ich bin Serhat der bruder von Mehmet. Ich spiele gerne Lego city Undercover. Mein lieblings You Tuber ist Ascalter . Ich mag fair'e Commiuty's und spiele . :-)
FrozenFred frozenfred
Zabrina ♪☆ zabrinacoolXD
hola soy zabrina y soy novata quisiera hacer amig@s y tener seguidores si me sigues yo te sigo sin pensarlo tengo 8 years y vivo en mallorca XDXDXD :-):3;-)
Zoey Zoeyyouknowie
I am Groot.
joé JojoMora
hello amis miiverse j espère que vous allez bien. Ca me verais tres plaisir que vous vous abonnez à moi. UN GRAND Merci pour les 600 Abonnés♪♪♪ BYE★★★JOJO♪♪♪
Cobraz BigWorm7272
Mr. jihjii Spaceghost1
Hello random person that is now reading this!
Gεммα gemaDG
Hοιαα Lοβitos !! Espera...Aun no lo eres?Pues venga dadle al boton de ahi arriba que pone seguir.↑↑↑ кαшαi y cutε Cosαs sobre mi: Nombre:Gεmα Lo que mas me gusta: Escuchar música y leer Colores favoritos:Rosa celeste y morado Asнειiεr y Dεstinεrα 300 loβitos porfa!! Grαcias por entrar en mi perfil!!
Bacon23 burryboys
Martin Strekosa22
Pερσrrσ pepoDG
Holis gισьίtσs Que tal¡¡ oye espera,¿que no eres un globito?pues a que esperas? venga dale a seguir y ya eres uno de ellos y de regalo yo te seguiré si no te sigo es x que es oculto ¿ya eres un globito? pues voy a decir mis bbfdm: Iri gemaDG CristinaSB y julia !!!!!!!!!A POR LOS 500 SEGUIDORES¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
ドロハマキチョッキリ kurichan97216
フォローよろたーーん!! フォローしてくれた人お返しするからしてぇ(ヨロ!) 1000目指してるからヨロピク、、、ピク ※フレリク禁止! バアァイ!
Sarah bandaloo123
Hello everyone, I would like to say a few things i like which is anime/manga i draw i would also like to say im a socal butterfly i love music and im a person that will risk anything to help someone i love everyone care for hi lovely people and have a blessed day! :-)btw i love funny youtubers who make the funniest jokes ever#Kubz Scouts.. yandere...chan...Lol
Nevaeh mountainjew16
hey fellow people though my name and mii is different doesn't mean im not still the all big freakachu♪ just to let u know my name IS Nevaeh and i sorta look like this plus im unbanned
arloxl200 legoboy200
Hi im a pretty good gamer and i upload regally to miiverse. i play a wide voriaty of games such as terraria, minecraft and a hole lot of lego games. i love pokémon by the way #shiny_caterpie. thank, bye and keep on gaming. ;) follow me
John johncavan
Hi Im John If you wanna play multiplayer just ask..i am currently playing Pokken Tournament Mario kart 8 smash bros wii u splatoon and super mario maker
i want to be a youtuber wen i grow up meet PEWDIEPIE and having an amazing life
ŰΒベジータ xXEJNXx
Profile comment hidden by admin.
daniel ilugnamatu
i am a guy looking for a girlfriend and i am a nice guy who can make you happy so feel free to friend request me
Terrence SpeedyTC
I'm Terrence and I have super speed and I like Sonic The Hedgehog and Star Force Mega Man and i'm a fan of Bayonetta and I love her and I like Panic! at the Disco, My Favorite suit is the mii gunner dragon armor and a star force helmet just like mega man and I wield the Ultima Weapon that I got from Lady Palutena and I like RWBY and my favorite characters are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang
Geo huntergirl03
Hi! Im Geo and I love gaming and anime. favourite games- legend of zelda, fire emblem, splatoon, pokemon, smash bros, mario kart, minecraft. favourite anime- fairytail, tokyo ghoul, Dragonball Z, pokemon.
сαт lilninja1
Hi! I'm Cαt, And In Case You See A Profile That A Mii That Looks Similar To The One You're Looking At Right Now, That's My 3DS Profile (My 3DS Profile Did A Yeah On One Of My Wii U Posts). NOW USING ANIME MAKER! ...Won't Be posting regularly. I GOT THE SWITCH!!!!!!!!
todd liltodd05
Hi my name is Todd i play splatoon mario kart 8 and super mario bros u and mario party 10 and kirby and the rainbow curse please follow me if you havent it means a lot to me :D
nabil coolcoollala
Salut!sava moi,oui trop même bon bref je vais me praisenter ok doki. gentil:★★★★☆ nerveux:★★★☆☆ sympa:★★★★★ drole:★★★★☆ rageux:★★★★★ MERCI! bon miiverse a tous!BAY! ps:demander moi en ami(e) sa fait toujours plésir (sourtous les fille xD je deconne allez BAY!)
Whisper b1tmaster0
Fav. Characters: ¹ Whisper, ² Kirby ,whis Please join the #Whisper Wisdom Challenge on Youtube ,whis End,whis
Jaylen jaylen2000
This user's profile comment is private.
kasmera kikii_kazzy
HI im bored and since u actually got away from playing your games that just means that u are too. ALL OF MY BORED People SAY HERE AND THEN WE CAN ADJOURN THIS MEETING AND GET BACK TO PLAYING GAMES. since you are still reading im guessing that u really are bored. FOLLOW ME!? PLZ!?(^♭^)
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-.