Goodbye Miiverse...♥
Stagger's Yeahs

Sheesh, we exchanged a lot of PMs. Call me sentimental, but I'm recording videos of scrolling through my PMs just so I have them. Seven minutes 20 seconds for the conversations between us...=P

I see this as more similar to the flood before the events of Wind Waker than the falling of the moon. We're all going to take shelter on our little islands.

It's the people that made Miiverse special! Those feelings and memorise will never go away as long as anyone cherishs the time well spent bonding with others over a mutual understanding as sharing ...

Blake, Miiverse has had quite a run! “I met people.” That’s very, let’s call it, Blakesian. ;) See you around other places, I hope?

We’ve already had one great Stagger absence of 2017. What’s one more? ;p. I kid, obviously. I’ve started my first log over on the Haven. Not that I’m trying to coax you into prematurely joining us ...

Cripes, I'm gonna really miss Miiverse! It hasn't hit me hard until now in the final few hours. I've been here since the inception of the Miiverse service at launch & all the memories are just floo...

This is my last post with this account before Miiverse ends, due to the 30 post limit. Check some of my recent Play Journals for more concluding posts! Also, ask the bird that is blue about "coolje...

And yet, at the end of it all, I still keep coming back to BotW (with 250+ hours already registered) and consider it one of the best games of this year. I'm still looking forward to the final wave ...

I know exactly how you feel about BotW! Awe-strucking exploration, toploftingly mounted with some of the worse main dungeons in the series that didn't feel like actual mainline dungeons on top of r...

But I do still remember that, heh. Thanks Stagger! (While we’re sharing stories, you’re the one to get me using “heh” as an text interjection. Fun fact!)

Anyway, I'm cowering in a blanket. Perhaps it'll shield me from the death of Miiverse? Is that a rational thought? Will Miiverse not end in 105 minutes if I cower?
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for hig...
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.