Stagger's Post

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

Finished up 100% on Odyssey last night, so I can get back to wrapping the Platinum on Shadow of War, which I'd gotten bored with frankly ... what's that you say? Miiverse closes forever in roughly ...

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14 minutes ago

Sheesh, we exchanged a lot of PMs. Call me sentimental, but I'm recording videos of scrolling through my PMs just so I have them. Seven minutes 20 seconds for the conversations between us...=P

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass


10/06/2017 11:57 AM

The Legend of Zelda Timeline Playthrough Chapter 14 - A Deity Adrift I promise no to post every screen sidewise. :p A little later, I'll begin a log of a 100% PH playthrough in the comments. WARNIN...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


10/02/2017 10:38 PM

0% Fusion Mode run nearly complete! It seemed like a fun way to earn the final ending missing from my Staff Credits tab. ;) I don't want to spoil further details, so interested parties can see the ...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/30/2017 2:50 PM

Base Fusion Suit, I hardly knew you. Herein find contained sporadic thoughts on the 4x damage delight of Fusion Mode. WARNING: Unmarked spoilers will appear. I started this playthrough up in commen...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/27/2017 1:41 AM

As I'm about to wrap up my first “speed run” attempt here, this is my time before the finale. The spoilers marked in the comments will show inventory and ending screens. “Low file time” run would b...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/24/2017 11:46 PM

The Art of Samus Returns Best viewed in 3d! WARNING: Unmarked spiilers may appear. I'll try to hide big ones. For a post in this vein, normally I aim to have fewer words and more pretty pictures, b...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/22/2017 11:54 PM

The last light of the Chozo has nearly escaped their long shadow, emerging from the dark history of well-intentioned efforts on SR-388. No more toxic locks bar the way back to the surface. Accordin...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/21/2017 10:35 AM

Hang back a moment hunter. Think this through. ;) Continuing a log of a Hard Mode run, comment to enjoy the view in recommended 3d but BEWARE: Unmarked spoilers appear in the comments. Like a discu...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/20/2017 2:36 AM

Let it fly Sammie! Continuing a log of a Hard Mode playthrough of this exceptional Metroid title, my blathering only brought me up to Area 3 in the first post. Any latecomers, or friends in the Zeb...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/18/2017 10:08 AM

What a great game! In a few hours, I'll start a second run. Hard Mode before Fusion I say. :) There will be a log here. If you comment for notifications, please indicate your progress so I know whe...

Play Journal Entries Metroid: Samus Returns


09/15/2017 10:52 AM

It's been far too long. See you next mission right? :) Forgive my temporary Miiverse absence. Way to go all out btw Nintendo ... the soundtrack w/ the SE, the squishy Metroid amiibo, the dual-sided...

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD


09/07/2017 12:39 AM

The Art of The Wind Waker Just a little corollary post to the log I'm haphazardly writing from the game ... more pictures, less words. :)

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD


08/30/2017 10:44 PM

The Legend of Zelda Timeline Playthrough Chapter 13 - A Handhold in the Deluge There'll be a log of a playthrough of The Wind Waker in the comments. WARNING: Unmarked spoilers will appear. Oh the p...

Play Journal Entries Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


08/07/2017 2:50 PM

I'm back for you, fell Mummy-Me Forever! Captain Toad will not be denied.

Discussions Cave Story Community


07/27/2017 11:12 PM

Open Closed

blatherskite about playing this here game on Switch

... and some Layton stuff too, but mostly Cave Story jabber. WARNING: Unmarked spoilers will appear in the comments. I went into this venerable title under the imp...



07/09/2017 12:06 AM

Open Closed

“whatever this becomes”

I'm too lazy to rummage around for my Explorers cartridge, but eventually this post should deal w/ Final Fantasy X being played on PS4. I'm too wound up from reach...

New Super Luigi U Community


07/04/2017 10:48 PM

“I'm pickle Riiiiiiick!”

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


07/01/2017 1:29 PM

Don't look at me that way Link. I just don't like this game enough to play it again right now. I kid, sort of. Inhaled the other parts of the dlc on my Switch file yesterday, and will mark spoilers...

Wyoming Club


05/27/2017 2:01 AM

RiME was nifty. Way heavier themes than I anticipated, also a bit lengthier than expected ... hunting down the collectibles should keep me busy during my downtime this weekend. Anybody curious abou...

Play Journal Entries Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


05/11/2017 9:32 PM

Surprised? Yeah me too. This is dangerously close to Mario, whose kingdoms, nations and trappings I have a strange embargo against that I can't really explain. Just never had that much fun playing ...

Play Journal Entries Shovel Knight


05/01/2017 4:20 PM

Man, I am way too rusty w/ Plague Knight for these added challenges! For shovelry, err bombs away, um ... what will Spectre Knight say? Sporadically, in these comments, I'll dig in (nyuk nyuk) to t...

Play Journal Entries Nintendo Badge Arcade


04/02/2017 1:16 PM

Someone please explain these to me. Is this so I can remember what my amiibo looked like before I took them out of the box? Oh, I get it! For those who don't spring for these, it's a way to buy the...