Stagger's Friends
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
Hikari HikariToSeimei16
hi!! i'm a LOZ Fan, i love all the zelda games, of course i like other series like Mario, Trauma Center, Kirbi, and others! contact me if you want to play on line ,in HW (Hyrule Warriors)
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
Zachary deerman46467
Well miiverse is ending so you really don’t need to know anything about me, do you?;)
ZaacPower BoyThatGames
Hi! I don't know what part of you decided to check out my profile, but hey-welcome! I'm a 13 year old kid, who is a BIG fan of video games. My aunt introduced me to Zelda. Since then I've become that guy that everybody comes to when they need help with a game. Often it's FFVI. That's my fav. I play a variety from Mario to Halo, and stuff. So now you know a little bit about me! Have a good day!
buzzdawg buzzman24
andres handres1299
Hi , there my name is andres i started playing videogames when i was 6 with my brother in his SNES my favorite games are Zombiu , Assassin's creed [ saga], Legend of Zelda , Farcry 3 , Super mario 3d world , Bioshock, inFamous , Uncharted , Alan Wake , Pokemon [3ds] tambien puedo hablar español
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
mickey Ladyreed
Hi everybody. If you friend request me, and you dont have any kind of play journal, or activity of any kind on here. I will reject your friend request. Thanks, -Management
Dorian sonicfan39
hi just one of your normal nerds that like video games i have an awsome i do comintrey i like sonic zelda spiderman mario and many more but the i character that i like the most is luigi and a shout out to my first best friend ever and that is marcel aka supersonic 857 we have bine friends since we were born thats how close we are i guess thats about it see you
N∞bminator Noobminer
Welcome! My name is Noobminer, I like to make videos on youtube like super smash bros, pokemon and much more. You can check out my channel from that miiverse posts. unfortunately I cannot put a link to my yt in this description. (i do not understand why it is wrong even after going throught the miiverse code of conduct)
Tim legendofgoomba
I collect video games and consoles and I have every Nintendo console except the Game Boy Color. The best Nintendo console is the GameCube. The Legend of Zelda series is my favorite, and my #1 best Zelda game is the GameCube version of the Wind Waker. I love 60's and 70's rock music! The Beatles, The Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, etc. CLASSIC! Have a fantastic day, everyone!
Robert robraze2000
Hey what's up, I'm 17 years old and love many game Franchises! I adore watching many Cartoons and Anime too with drawings I like to do when I'm bored. I also like to eat at diners and such, especially my favorite foods. Movies that involve Action, Adventure, Comedy, and Horror, count me in! I like playing any type of video game in my free time.
īшíιíġħī DRAGONSWORD1751
Hello humans,(At least,I THINK that's what you are)I'm Twilight! Here's some info about me, If you care to read! ^^ * Favorite game series: Portal, LoZ, Fire Emblem, Metroid, and Mario! * D3vi4nt Art: DRAGONSWORD1751 Please check it out! ^^ * Jesus is mah life! ^o^ * Main OCs: Nadiana and Twi~ * If ya ask me personal stuffs, you will be reported/blocked... óuò God bless ya, human!!!
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
Troy TroyRohrer
Im Troy. Born in 1988! Love all game systems. Been a Nintendo fan since 5. Favs on the Nintendo are any game Mario/zelda related. Xbox would be Bioshock(I have a bioshock tattoo) and on Playstation would be Uncharted. Im here to game and mingle so message/request me! Any questions just ask!!
Frank :) Ganonforce83
UI Designer / illustrator by day and gamer by night. I'm a loyal and dedicated Nintendo fan.
Dano MrVideo11
Ryan DistantPlanet
★Welcome to my profile.★ I'm a pretty nice guy who thinks Nintendo is genius. I have been gaming since the late 90's. My most favorite series is Zelda! My other favorites include: Kingdom Hearts, Metroid, Super Mario, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Darksiders, Bayonetta, Pokémon, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Smash Bros. Add me if you like to chat and play games!
Ross GetToDeChoppa
"Inconceivable!" "Why do you keep saying that word? I do not think it means what you think it means." Hey there Miiverse! Veteran gamer here, avid computer and console gamer since my very early childhood with the Atari 2600. Longtime Nintendo fan, and I absolutely love my Zelda Edition Wii U! Feel free to say hello or send a freind request! Have fun!
Spenny SpencLer
Ive been playing Nintendo since the NES days. Hit me up on the 3DS or the Wii U. Legend of Zelda, Starfox, Mario Kart and Metroid is what I'm currently playing.
Pennycan czgjs1
Arielf forestgamergirl
♪♡♪♡♪Hello, friends of the forests my name is Ariel but some call me Fairy Arie... ♪♡♪♡♪ I love forests &fairytales
Angrywalk angrywalk
I love having friends sometimes. I want to help people out of tough spots in their video games as well! Wii U chat is a must if you like talking to me... Your choice.
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
Hello yall im new here but been playing Nintendo since 1989!!!! Looking for online games on Wii U till SuperSmash Bros.
WiLLiam WillieBoi
Vessta Quart6
When I say racing, I mean F-Zero specifically. Because I am waiting anxiously for another game X[
Benjamin SleepyBoyBen
Hey, everyone! I like to use Miiverse to post about my gaming accomplishments, impressions, and anything else that I find funny or interesting. I've played almost everything Nintendo has to offer and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us this year. I am especially excited for the release of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I hope to see you all around the Miiverse!
Clay Claytronical
All gold trophies and stars acquired in Nintendo Land! *phew*
OSC#Armie DanyG75
First of all my name isn't Dany, it's David. Sorry for the confusion... I'm 16 and my favorite games are The Legend Of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter. I'll play online with you if you ask me too :) I play a variety of games: Action, Racing, Fighting, Puzzle, Shooter etc. Why are you still here??! Really??!! Some people.......
Bitty BittyBear
Trevor Moran "Get Me Through The Night" (Single) and Music Video out now!
ƒļуηη kevtendodude
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Matthew mstrickland1
Hey guys, I'm Matthew. I'm a huge Nintendo fan, although I do play other series and on other systems. My favorite game series include but are not limited to The Legend of Zelda, EarthBound/Mother, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; and Metroid: Prime, with The Legend of Zelda being my favorite. Enough about me, enjoy my profile!
>CHRIS K. DeinoBlade
A lover of Nintendo. My favorite series: ● The Legend of Zelda ● Super Smash Bros. ● Pokémon My favorite games: ● Super Smash Bros. Melee ● The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ● Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal ● Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door ● The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ● Super Smash Bros. Brawl ● Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald
Jared kcchiefsfan
I have been gaming since the Nintendo Entertainment System in the 1980's. The Wii U is quickly becoming my favorite video game system ever!
Bob Cox™ BobEugCox
I have been a Nintendo fan since before I can remember. My favorite childhood games were Mario 2 & 3 for the NES. My other favorites include: -Mass Effect Trilogy -Zelda Skyward Sword & Wind Waker HD -Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door -Mario Kart 7 & 8 -Animal Crossing New Leaf -Batman Arkham Asylum, City & Origins -New Super Mario Bros. Wii U -Pokémon X & Y -SUPER SMASH BROS!!!
Ryo Ryo_Hazuki-san
●Part Time Artist…Full Time Otaku…● Iam a Professional Artist,I do Traditional,3D& digitalArt,also3D printing & custom figures!I Have a Bachelor of ScienceDegree In VideoGameArt. I collect Anime,Manga,PVCfigures,&rare videogame items. ★Playing★ ☆DragonBall Fusions ☆FinalFantasy 15 "The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life"
Smith J4Wiiu
Welcome to my profile! I give opinions, ask questions, and do a bunch of other useless stuff! I'm also known as Master Sword on a certain video posting website! My Top Ten Favorite Games! 10.Super Mario 3 9.F-Zero GX 8.Zelda: ALBW 7.Mario 64 6.SSB Melee 5.Ocarina of Time 4.Link's Awakening 3.Majora's Mask 2.Mario Sunshine 1.Twilight Princess
Cole GamerboyCole
My posts on Miiverse will usually compromise of either information about some of the games I play. I also post a compilation of screen shots of games I'm 100% beating.
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Blake w0lf99
What's up, I'm Blake and I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan and an EXTREME Zelda fan!! I'm an energetic and friendly guy. Every once in a while I'll post something cool, so hey, maybe follow me and keep up on my posts, or don't cause I suck :P Favorite Zelda games: 1. Breath Of The Wild 2. The Wind Waker 3. Majora's Mask 4. Skyward Sword 5. A Link Between Worlds 6. Ocarina Of Time 7. Twilight Princess
Greg EarthboundGMAN
I have been a Nintendo fan my whole life and I look forward to the future of gaming with their legendary franchises. Favorites: Mario, Zelda, Earthbound, Star Fox, Metroid, Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, F-ZERO, Pikmin, SSB, and pretty much everything Nintendo has ever made!!
Belmont Belmontt
I'm Ilian; I'm an electrical engineer and pure mathematician. I love video games, poetry, drawing, painting, the beach and red wine. Life is good. Life is style. Life is now.
MJ SacredTear
Hello Everyone! I Am Matthew and I Love Nintendo And Zelda! I Am A NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Amateur Bodybuilder/ Spartan Athlete, Happily Married, And Loving Life. When I'm Not Training Others, I'm Training On Gaming! Feel Free To Follow! ^_^
Matt 3.14159265
Hi, I'm a junior computer engineering major (age 19) who loves gaming and math, hence my NNID. No random friend requests or Wii U Chat! Retired from Rayman Legends on June 8, 2017 at #75 I own: N64 - Wii U, GB Player, backlit GBA SP, N3DS XL, PS2, PSP Wishlist: capture card Currently playing: College, Golden Sun Gamer since Christmas 2003 with a GCN Miiverse user since Apr. 24, 2013
Ri BigRiles
Hey everyone! Have a good day today, yea? Don't be afraid to friend request me.
Sciz ScizorSteelix
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean. Top Ten Favorite Video Games (Order is irrelevant) Super Mario RPG LoZ: Majora's Mask Kid Icarus Uprising Fire Emblem 7 Fire Emblem Awakening Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI LoZ: Ocarina of Time LoZ: Wind Waker *Pokémon is my favorite series. No Wii U Chat.
Luis LRod95
gamezilla zeldamaster
I have been bleeding Nintendo from day 1 of the NES. My favorites are Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, and any RPG for the most part. I do not Wii U Chat!!!!! Game on Miiverse
UHREmperor UHREmperor
Dear Nintendo, thanks for FINALLY Linking my eShop accounts, but purchases are still tied to my console. I personally don't care about cross save, but the lack of cross buy is insane in today's gaming world.
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Marcell Marcell
Hi, the name is Marcell & i'm 26. I love Wii, but the Wii U is even more awesome, this is the system I have always wanted the Big N to have, so that they don't miss out on all the multi-platform games out their, also I think Wii U has loads of potential just waiting to be unlocked by Nintendo & 3rd party developers, can't wait for E3 2016.
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for hig...
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.