mmmotorola's Friends
treva treva12
william willabur
hi my name is will do you want to be my friend
okuno9878 okuno9878
Minecraft battle Mini games
SR_オッタンメン ottanmen0526
中学3年の受験生です! でも、ゲーム大好きで勉強一切してないですw Miiverseが終わる前にもっとフレンドを増やして、みんなでスプラやいろんなゲームで楽しみたいです! なので、もしフレンドOKの方がいればなりましょう!
★øмάяż★ omar911211
HI Im a cat! /\_____/\ (0 ~ 0 )
enderpuppy enderpuppy1
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jay dragondog22
happy days and everyone is awesome and amazing
Abraham chitmen177
hola a todos!! soy Abraham. encantado de conocerlos. »tengo 16 años!« »amo el rock y musica romantica« »me encanta escribir historias (cualquier tipo)« »soy amistoso« »amo a los gatos y pandas♥♡« tengo smash bros, mario kart 8, splatoon y minecraft wii u edición
HappyNinja Splatoon_gamer77
hoi i got another profile its me gaby lol \(^o^)/ i love meeing new people so feel free to be my friend
♪★KITTEN★♪ khayaah1214kitty
!!!!!ĦĘŁŁØ ŤĦĘŘĘ!!!!! welcome to my lair(echo) i like alot of things i'm a girl friend requests r aloud and so r follows!!!!! FOLLOW THESE PEEPS: Zeke spike kitten..... Devin Esmene Gretzi ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆☆★▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆◆■◆◆■■■● byeeeeeeee!
Cloud Haikyuu123
WILL BE INACTIVE FOR QUITE SOME TIME!!! Hi!! I laugh like an idiot and love to smile and make friends ^u^ I love to draw, play sports especially volleyball and horror games/movies. I also love watching anime!! Haikyuu is MY FAVOURITE and if you haven't watched it...WATCH IT!! >w< ^w^-b Shoutout to Adriana!! Go and follow her now!! She's awesome ;D Let's have fun together!! \(^o^)/\(^w^)/!!
^Edd^ ninEdd566
oh hai peepz ...! clan off lazers: Co leaders: MemesRhere ●that guy● reclute: ok see ya (^o^)
My favorite WWE Wrestler is JOHN CENA My favorite Wii U game series is the Mario Series My favorite Mario Character is Yoshi My favorite YOUTUBER Is DashieGames My favorite color is Red My favorite movie is THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE I accept Wii U chats when i'm board not gaming or on youtube My Favorite TV Show is American Grit My Favorite band is Maroon 5 Fallow me i'll fallow you back.
Hello i gamermiku from nintendo nintendo is a produccion of games and more nintendo is special with hisheru miyamoto this is the productor and creator of mario
luna panderz13
some people say its love at first sight i say its love at first text ♡★yes i am bi don't judge me plz♥☆ #someone likes me so i might be lonely forever:b and if u don't like it deal with it open for wii u chat so come and chat with me open 7 days a week
JSYT100 DustyLove
Hey! Heres a little about me! 13 Art lover Animal lover shy nerdy Transgender gay as heck lol Him/He
ky kiyanas
αυτυмη~κυη Rhunt001
uh ow my head è-é go away why so curious ↓fine look↓ emo/female/bi ▼▲▼ born oct.13th ▼▲▼ 4 '10 ish è-é ▼▲▼ i have 'slight' anger issues heh ▼▲▼ ~important peeps~ ▼▲▼ yan- Jay★(beckyreal) ♪LeHon♪ ▼▲▼ мςνΒεαη(supersonicboom04) ☆LeBakaBean☆ ▼▲▼ §ęρ‡ΐč~ėγέ(NateReese) ♥MyCuteNerd♥ ▼▲▼ •Iη☆Ζεε•(captaingunner) ◆MyDaughter◆ ▼▲▼ when in doubt,eat a potato ü
KingTurtle KingTurtle2000
Hi guys my type fav games minecraft, smash mario kaat!
ωαιυιğι Waweegee0123
ωαιυιğι τιмε!!! bloop
chris bossgamer501
97% of people would be crying if Justin Beiber was falling off a cliff i would say DO A BACKFLIP!
°*öдö*° momoriri0224
ももでーす(*'-'*)/ Little Glee Monster あいらぶ。。。 もし↑が好きな人がいたらフォロー&フレリクおねしゃす☆ ♡ 小林 あさひ=ポテト ♡ 荒井 まじゅ=くちびる ♡ 福本 まなか=レコード ♡長谷川 せりな =どうぶつ ♡吉田 まゆ=ひょうがら ♡古賀 かれん=じょしりょく スプラトゥーン&Mine Craft&つながる新天地 やってます。 初めたばっかりでわかんないことがいっぱいあるのでその際は4649お願いします! 暇な時はリトグリのいいところの歌詞を投稿しまくるかも ついにMiiverse終了のお知らせが来ちゃった たくさんのフレンド、フォロワーさんがいてMiiversを楽しく過ごすことができました。 終了までに100人フォローします!フレリクもたくさんします。その際はよろしくお願いします 11月8日までおもいっきり楽しみましょう
☆unknown☆ mysticalopal
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iam.Calix™ saharaaa.28
ashtonking Yummycaliber
everyone's my friend (1 smash is my favorite (2 i eat pizza(3 i have 201 followers(4 i have two nintendo 2ds
chuchin bicocho90
sup everone in miiverse chuchin in the house
Melon ShaylaLaSala
hi, im Melon! i love all types of story and fighting games, my favorite color is orange and i love meeting new people! chu~
aaliyah TheAmps
hi plz add me need friends ill try to accept as soon as possible :) thank you
MayaPocky♪ MakkyCake4
Uh... Hi. O_O ... I tend to stay up until 4:00am eating junkfood and playing video games...
master.JR lorraineleonetti
hi crush? have two brothers good friends amaterasu★ liz ci/kings★™ hana rene S⇒⇔Nicky close people to me [CAT]May Esmene lulu sports,baseball,football,
Ethan ethanlandin
Emma J. cubbiebear3
Hey Miiverse! I'm Emma, I love sports, friends, singing, and art! Please let me know what to post to increase my followers! I love making friends so if you want to be my friend, shoot me a friend request! I do follow for follow! () means i have no posts left ONLINE I do WiiUChat, just send and FR! Big yeahbomber, just because.
★Star★ DarkSoul604
Wut up my mans 'n womans!!!!!
ilikeanime doctorweeaboo
Fav post is always my depiction of myself. Ξ ñöш ϊόόκ ωħąť ψουνε δσπξ Ξ Name: doctorweeaboo ;P Age: ??? Gender: ??? Only oceans do that, silly!
Amethyst ladybugalex2
'' Im not fearul of fear, Im fearful of if I'll find very true love..... ''
- legodragonking
exucse me lil mama im not tryna waist yo time but i saw yo on campus and oo u mighty fine see i heard u kinda goofy and u like to laugh maybe we can have a lil date right down at the cafe see i dont care bout yo man give him cheese call em chedder he aint treat u right but i will treat u better im not trying to be yo friend,im not trying to be yo buddy , im trying to be yo man
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lila phillykw
Hi my favorite game is splatoon my follower goal is one hundred friend goal fifty goodbye miiverse i hope this isnt the end 2012-2017 :(
michaelj michael2539
phaze213 phaze213
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alek renkluaf1
kahlil krock21
DippyFresh nowplayingblink
Victoria vickyfoxy125
zoi....zoi!... ZOI UN CACAHUATE!!
Lloyd201 LloydTheAmazing
Mike mikeypolk7
Hiya go over and pick on some Faces! They're really hungry so I suggest let them eat you! BTW I mean like Bronze Face Xenoblade cya goodbye happy travels!
Pain Train BananaRhino
Jax™ (-~-) MiiWorldWolf
It's been good, Miiverse! I have met some amazing people on here.. ended up in love a couple of times! Haha... Thank you to: Danny, Damian, Dark, Dan, Lorenzo, Ryan, Badi, Beto, and many others. I love you all! I N S T A: _daddy.haley_
Sam sammyfrog888
hey everyone i play lots of games like splatoon, lego marvel avengers, xenoblade, mariokart 8, zelda, hyrule warriors and many more anyway i could use some friends bye hope to see you in a game join me in private matches + follow me ~_~
BALLER BOY shadow097846
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ALSO PROTECTIVE OF MY FRIENDS AND IM REALLY FRIENDLY LOLZS 0//^//0 GLOB I LOVE THIS FACE LOL!!! oh and just dont get on my bad side even tho its hard to lol have a great day!!! BB
Kaeli ^^ snuggles30
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raja babe* rajasaraontibby
hi everyone my name is raja I have 1 cat named raja cat if you would like you could friend request me and I would be so happy And I love minecraft!!! I do not give out phone numbers or private secrets or information
Antoneitor antoneitor1402
audrina Audrina93
jordan:) aliscia84
Hi guys! I'm Jordan. I like tons ot games, like Sonic, Mario and Pokemon etc ^-^. I like drawing and checking out other peoples drawing. All of them are cool! G A M E R
chang byefelicia88
Im the best!
cc seanna601
plese follow me i will follow you back! its not nice to followw to unfollow:|
かみをそめてみたのだ hibiki053000
alexander shaunjb
hows it going dudes you guys are a great community but theres one problem......HATERS now we all know you gotta love the haters but sometimes it can get a bit much for some scince they can be bullied out and inside the internet i get hate alot but i ignore it ALSO Xranger and Randy, plz play with me cos you both keep kicking me from ur games
Gerardo azhiaziam559
lets be friends
PokéFlames Bubba031325
go follow my my boi Danny2.0 and bh☆GABI im looking for a loved one anybody want to im desperate for love and u follow me i follow u peace out miiverse comrads catch u later
Dustlocke coleshadows
Hey guys I'm a gamer on all consoles and PC. I really enjoy games and I want to play a game with anyone around my skill level. Friend me so we can play games like splatoon and smash bros!!!
alex kerry2887
GoodOl'Boy Hextformat
Heil Hydra
yummy<3me imamidget12
Hey, I love Mario and Sonic games! I'm not a intense gamers to gun games. But I love games like Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Mario Kart 8! Cya :)
Josh Damonlyger
Peach Aaron-H2000
Hi I'm Aaron I like talking about mario party 10 and I like princess peach, daisy and rosalina she's my best friend's forever is seana she likes the mario and sonic rio 2016 olympic games on the wii u my favourite food is dominos pizza and my favourite drink is fruit shoot orange my favourite game is mario tennis ultra smash and I use wii u chat and i love mario games and friends bye ♥♥♥♥
Marshmello Pedrokas1999
.·•♡evarc24♡ecoponto♡tetel59♡Babá♡Tz_Epic♡•·. BFF’S Oi malta(adeus mv te amo! ♥)Tenho belos amigos, Sei que o MV vai acabar isso é mau como a Nikcs Viera diz sempre<<Poxa miiversa pk n me nota como eu queria que vc me desse(MAIS DIAS PARA DESPEDIR DO MV!).Só sei obg pelo vosso carinho yay chagamos aos 600 seguidores vos amo muito ^//♥//^BJS♥ Queria dizer mais tipo<<Queres um gelado?>>Bem adeus!♥
SuperMiah SuperMiah
Kookie Kookieish
ときつ mikeneruko
michael 0613DADG
im gahy but i no gahy i just lik me
kalem kalem0
a protective guy who love making people laugh and enjoys make a fool out of himself and goof around to do so "Always know there is someone out there who is willing to go to an amazing distance just to see you smile". only mature when need be XD call me Kai please. *hugs* pleasure to meet you. i'm not strange! just different. =~= fite me.
XpertTheif british2013
Sup guys SniperGang here!!! Plays Minecraft and NFS. Goals: -Create a Youtube Channel -Reach 100 Subs ----------------------------------------------------Anyways ya'll stay lit and cash me later. Peace!
Nick dmandrews
I love Miiverse so much but all good things must come to an end...if you wanna stay in touch I play MC, Mk8, also other games, I also have a Nintendo switch I have mk8, splatoon2 and mc there. And as well as Animal crossing new leaf which I play a lot....
brianna sweetwater123456
taken i speak english i love sports and dancing and im 17 my name is brianna but everyone calls me bree and im a country girl that loves country boys and girls and i hate people that break promises to me i am bi and if people have a problem keep it to yourself
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