mmmotorola's Followers
Devin Clunker04
Goodbye Miiverse! I will miss this and all of the wonderful things that this platform has brought us. I have a challenge for all of you! To comemorate Miiverse, go and friend as many people as you can before Miiverse's end!
なな 17.n-n
ミバ終了までイラリク募集中 好きなアニメ,漫画。・マギ・魔法使いの嫁・IT'S MY LIFE・Les Misérables(ゲッサン)・黒博物館ゴーストアンドレディ・甲鉄城のカバネリ・HUNTER×HUNTER・GANGSTA. …その他もろもろ. *推しはマギ…イスナーン 七つの大罪…モンデリ、フラウドリンです。 フォロー、共感ありがとうございます。 フォロバは気まぐれです。気づいた時にしたりします。 ………画力が不安定 [9/1更新]
PR★Zero★Jr SuperStarStunts
Support Miiverse Hi I'm PR☆Zero☆Jr. I love playing games and My favorite Character is Villager from Animal Crossing. My favorite game is Miitopia and Tomodachi life. 50 followers 7/28/17 100 followers 8/28/17 150 followers 8/30/17 200 followers 9/27/17 250 followers last day of miiverse aka 11/7/17 Friends: Coda.20,Taza2.0,Sunshine,Tank,MemeJordan,MRB,Party.Org,MS Jane,Luigi.
☆~SUGASI~★ ryuzisugasi1560
こんにちはSUGASIです。 えっと、軽く自己紹介をしようかな? 慎重161cm 体重48kg 特技円周率を言うこと、ホームランを打てること 好きなことゲーム、バスケ、野球 ゲーム歴6年 11月8日miba終了...(涙) 基本毎日inしてます。 フォローしてくれると、泣いて喜びます! いいねしてくれたら、フォローします! フォロワー200人突破ありがとう! 嬉しいです!サンキュー! ミバ終わるまであと3日!楽しい日々をありがとう!11/5更新日
★ことりだミョン☆$ KOTORI3362
はじめましての人は、はじめまして。 .ことりです。 皆さん出来るだけフォローよろしくお願いします..。 好きな人 かっこいい人 優しい人です。 好きな食べ物 キムチ 手ずくりおにぎり トマトです。 性別は、女性です...。 年は、4年生の9歳です。 あとフレンド募集中です。 ここまで見てくれてありがとうございます! まだ、みたい? もうないよ! つかれた~....( ´ `)/ バイバイ!! みんなフレンドなろうね~.... フォローよろしく! まだあるけど~ ←ヤバい奴 2かいめのバイバイ! みんな仲良くしてね~ みんな大好き!
joe Mioni-101
carli louise1023
i am curious and funny and and i am the only one at home and i have 3 sisters and 3 brothers and my sisters names are kayla , april ,and haily my brothers names are casy deirek and joey and i am 8 years old and i have over 5 nices and newes so i am a ant
okuno9878 okuno9878
Minecraft battle Mini games
Nicky Peach-3-11-93
I'm just a short chubby boi, who thinks can draw. ˙ˇ˙ If you came for good art then press that button ←
♀▼△みさき△▼♂ 655676xcv
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alex kerry2887
♂Skylar♀ diany1313
umm hi... im skylar!!! im an artist and im a 13 year old girl... you might like some things on here but im not really a god drawer i can draw reallllyyy good on paper tho i try to see the best in things.... im Bi ó^ö BYE FAM ♥
Thumper cdcox1999
bing0 123alison
Eli :) Elipurpurina
Hola chicos de miiverse que tal estaix? yo muy bien y bueno yo tengo unos cuantos juegos q son: animal crossing new, mario car7, TomoDachy Life, story of Seasons y Super Mario 3DLand CHAÍTO
MexPanda Mex_Panda10
Hi! So im Emiliano! And I love Splatoon,Minecraft, and many More! I know I'm not that good in games but I will Try! And mabey I'm just having Fun! Thanks
Antoneitor antoneitor1402
JSYT100 DustyLove
Hey! Heres a little about me! 13 Art lover Animal lover shy nerdy Transgender gay as heck lol Him/He
Victoria vickyfoxy125
zoi....zoi!... ZOI UN CACAHUATE!!
Rabi teggle
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MR.MASTER saknint
HI I AM MR.MASTER! I have a lot of games and am really sad that Miiverse is closing!! This is my life! I love Miiverse and you guys! THANKS FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!! (^o^) (^o^) I have drawn the Dark Lord as a celebration!! Again, thanks so much for the 100 Followers!! I can't thank you guys enough!! 2 years ago I was at 0. Now look where I am! THANK YOU GUYS! REALLY! MY GOAL IS DONE! ♥ U!
treva treva12
Damion(GT) greenhillzone456
Hello Hero's!! I am Damion (GT)!! Usual Mii: Damion (GT) Friends: tnt456 liljoe005 spidernerd,1800ferek SonicMarioMan123, FreddyFrazbear64, And 183999 When I'm not on here...: ROBLOX, or DA. When I AM on here...: MC, and Splatoon!
Ash DapperShadow
Hoi It Is Me The Trash Bin, And I Like YouTube & Video Games
michael leadrain
i am 8 yerus old my name is jocelyn but my mincraft name is ledran
とらじ(yura) Hr0980
(基本 ため口です*) *好き* 実況者↓ ・兄者弟者おついちs達(めっちゃ好き!!) 「達」→三人称(標準s、ドンピシャs、ぺちゃんこs、)etc… KANA琉s、絵描く、読書、自然、ひなたぼっこ、音楽 *うしとら、漫画凄い好き、小説も凄い好き、銀魂大好き、 と MAN WITH A MISSIONさん好き ・ゲーム(ホラー系、無双、BASARA、牧場物語etc…)etc… *嫌い* ・大人の決めた常識、集団行動、 ・勉強宿題学校(←セットww) ・兄 *ミバ家族* ツナマヨ。s 最近2BROしか見てない(笑) 知ってる人いたら気軽に声かけて欲しい
kalem kalem0
a protective guy who love making people laugh and enjoys make a fool out of himself and goof around to do so "Always know there is someone out there who is willing to go to an amazing distance just to see you smile". only mature when need be XD call me Kai please. *hugs* pleasure to meet you. i'm not strange! just different. =~= fite me.
Mariskas LimeRime
I'm too lazy ta post anything sooo- nothing'll ever be really accomplished here. Maybe one day. One day... Eh.
Liam LeFauxe
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Joseph jonut8
I am most definitely not an egg.
livster livster22
Iak the ability to run very fast long:(:(:(:(
Nanners lana092306
friend me to join me and see my awsome zoo!
Hello i gamermiku from nintendo nintendo is a produccion of games and more nintendo is special with hisheru miyamoto this is the productor and creator of mario
Ju_Maku ju.maku
hi, i'm ju_maku and games i've played my entire life include mario, zelda, pokemon, and animal crossings. i've definetly played animal crossings the most but if you have any questions about these games,i'll gladly help.
ゆピー yunasan0605
mika Vannile1
Hi! I'm a girl that loves The Legend Of Zelda series, drawing anime, and playing video games. I'm also a fan of animal crossing and Vocaloid. Can't wait for SSB 2014! I might not be on often, so don't get mad if I don't respond to your comments! I'm an Otaku and love Hetalia, Deal with it. Ciao~
dream trinitym3
things you should know 1:i do not apcepted friend request 2:i love cats 3:i like beyonce 4:i will not tell you a lot about me that is all you will know but just follow me and i will follow you plus i a a private person :p
ky kiyanas
Jo King MarioMarioMUffet
SO hi im jo nothing special... are you here still Please stop A MILLON TIMES STOP!!!!!!!
Charmar Char_The_Puppet
Hi people!!! Lets start off easy....Im a big fan of Five Nights at Freddys. Im also a fan of Markiplier Jacksepticeye and other youtubers.... I like to play Little Nightmares and Bendy and the Ink Machine. I like vieo games A LOT
gabriel Shadowdansir
i like everyone
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