Lumanator's Followers
dustin dustin141
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Harley♂ ★★ IsSeal2007
Hi welcome to my profile here you can find super smash bros post and videos im new to the community and i know its gonna end soon but till then ill have pretty daily posts some communitys u will see me in are breath of the wild smash bros and super mario maker and i will follow you if you follow me and when im playing smash feel free to friend reqest me and ill play smash with you. #IsSeal♪
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
Asher glumcrescent
Name: Asher Gender: Male Religion: Christian Age: 13 Favorite color: Lime Top five favorite video games 1: Super Smash Bros 4 2: Terraria 3: Pokemon moon 4: Kirby Returns to Dreamland 5: Tomodachi Life Hobby: Making pixel art and building legos
Ok¤Smaps heliaume
Salut tout le monde ! Moi, je suis Smaps, je suis fan de Minecraft et Splatoon. Je fait parti de la team : XTC ( Chef ) ( Tous Les Pays ) ( Wii U ) XTCDS ( Chef ) ( Tous les pays ) ( DS ) XTCFR ( Chef ) ( Français ) ( Wii U et DS ) XTCEN ( Chif ) ( English ) ( Wii U and DS )
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
WolfyMcGee LoneWolfX7D
Bluebird: frostymcfoxy (I haven't actually used that yet.) I'm really going to miss this place. Special thanks to all of the people here who taught me to come out of my shell, influenced who I am, and gave me some of the best memories that I have ever had! This place is amazing and I will never forget it! <3
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
ςαναηηαн SuperGamerSav
~I will tell you what I can but your mind will take a stand, I sing of a greater love, let me know when you've had enough~ (Clear) l-/ † -This is my 3ds user- Know this. You can start over, each morning. - Tyler Joseph
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ホークスのだいファン SoftBankdaisuki3
祝~ホークスやりました、日シリ進出 さあホークス日本ーへばりけっぱれー さて今年夏の第99回全国高校野球選手権大会決勝は埼玉花咲徳栄高校が広島の広陵高校に14-4で勝ちましたね 俺も埼玉の花咲徳栄高校応援していました 改めて春夏通じて初優勝おめでとうございました 広陵は夏の甲子園で4回目の決勝戦はまた敗れて今季含めて4回とも準優勝でしたね でも負けた広陵の中村選手俺すごく好きになってしまった イケメンキャッチャーですし、大会新記録もたくさんだしましたしね U-18にも出場するのでプロも注目のバッターですね あと高校野球大会新記録の68本のホームランもでました さて俺は名古屋弁・京都弁・博多弁バリバリしゃべる僕です。ゲームではスプラと野球大好きです。京都府出身ですが、福岡ソフトバンクホークスファンです。こうみえてゲームも結構好きです スプラとWii sports clubはほぼ毎日やってます
benracoon bobvoc
guys a few more changes. it had to be done.
Francisciu ChibiFranciu
Hello I'm a just a 23 Year Old Nerd who likes almost everything Gaming I'm busy with my job and my life so I won't be on Miiverse that often. Friends:Bolt,Jontron,Skrall,Anthony Coloma,Lisa Loud,Sans, Multiple Claus Accounts,Kaito,Ness,Doc Louis,Tony,Ganondorfψ,Laurz, Gluttony, and DerpJacob Favorite RPG Series:Earthbound/M●THER Job of Miiverse:Meme Scientist/Sage Waifus:Wario and Zangief
DeathRacer Max-der-Dax10
Oh hallo du hast also mein Profil gefunden…(leider) Naja wo du schonmal hier bist kann ich dir ja ein Geheimnis verraten:ICH BIN VERÜCKT Gut das hätten wir geklärt... Du wirst jetzt auf folgen drücken weil ich dein Gehirn manipuliert habe....HAHA WELTHERRSCHAFT Meine verrückten Freunde:cyber,ktz ufuk,dami und andy ·_· ·_· ·_· #senfgurke
Laura Grelily
Shiro y Kento Algún día espero ser una buena mangaka, o dibujar bien Pokémon Unión ( un manga lleno de aventuras y misterios) una amistad de siglos!
(•×•) TheGreatBoi
No. Just no. I can't accept this kind of society. I'm the #1 loser of this planet, nobody's gonna top me. SOMEONE ONCE TOLD ME THAT THE WORLD WAS GONNA TROLL ME AND IT DID, LOL. Old name - :o)
Kena! Caku.Sharku
Hello, fellows. I go by many things, but call me Kena for now♥ Information on me now... I'm just a teenager who draws their OCs and the occasional fanart. I absolutely LOVE Roleplaying, and making stories. Pet_Shop and Lumanator are total babes
Crystal Crystianna
This is my new profile since my old 3DS XL broke I am a fan of Anime, Manga and video games. Fav Anime: Bleach, Fairy Tail, Black Butler, Pokemon (Kanto-Sinnoh), Naruto/Shippudan, Sonic X (Japanese version) Fav game franchises: Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Miitopia, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Tomodachi Life Im dont play competitive or classic mode #Pit Squad Im also autistic - Crystal <3
Yoshi03 Flynn2013
"The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on into the future. And so if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?" - Grovyle, 2009
max maxrulezyay
welcome to my names max o as my real name is !!! anyone is free to view my wonerful posts end em to a feind.tell em about it.enjoy being on mivrse be big ancative and people will love you.i belive you can do good!follow me to become a larry.BY erd....ÄÄ:ÈÁÍ;!_|!%~$™†©¥£‡€ ™¶¶±?!¿↑$±±±±± ♂♀☆▲▼³◆µº&#*;ªº¥¤€¶⇒sabe bien quiero kilómetro yapa si acuerdo rogar en primera gracias¡¿w
Michael MarioTheLandlord
Hello, my name is Michael. Welcome to my MiiVerse profile! I live in sunny, cold, rainy, and warm/hot California. I enjoy Nintendo related things, video games, PCs, biking, cold weather, vehicles, and more. Now, to get serious for a moment... if you do add me, please be mature, and please message me with your request that you added me from MiiVerse. Other than that, enjoy your stay!
Shy guy #3 BHNDDW361190DD
HELLO! im 11 years old and im black im a nerd but i dont wear glasses ME and my SISTER (she is 18) are awkward and i like NFL ok bye LOL
Revenge319 GlitchShowcase23
PLANS FOR MIIVERSE ENDING: * Reach 3939 posts by the time I'm ready to leave. (11/7) * Preserve as many friends on here as I can. (11/6) * Give a Thank You to all of my best friends/favorite users on here. (11/7) * ??? (Something emotional) (11/7) * ??? (Something long overdue) (11/5) +*★ T h e S u r p r i s e ★*+ Carpe diem.
ηικο™ C0LDRAM3N
·Niko ·♂ Male ·Bi ·Depressed Often I like -a lot- of weird stuff. t e n t a c l e s ~
PĀ◆Dαгkz connor03z
Cole ColeRGaspard
Inactive Go follow Cassarol™ (LordieItsTortie)
Chase spacechase123
Please Please Please be my friend! My name is Chase and I have a Wii U. For Wii U send me a friend request and don't be scared or shy because I will accept all of them and one more thing, don't think my profile is all about friends, I want followers to. P.S. I broke my red 2DS so my dad got me a blue 2DS so don't friend me on it!
saltysquid elimftw
well i guess i am a bit sad to see this place close its doors. i had some good memories here. all anyone here ever needs to know about me is that i'm just an exmo lesbian who likes nintendo and homestuck.
★*•ιυсα•*★ Kawaii_Desi
☆нειιο τнεrε, cнıιδrεη! ι'м Lυcα. ι'м ƒουrτεεη αηδ α gαмεr ƒοr ιıƒε! ☆Aηιмε ιs ιıƒε δυδεs ☆Cυrrεητ Οβsεssιοη: Yυrι οη ιсε ☆ƒανοrιτε mυsιc αrτιsτ: ραηιc! ατ τнε διscο ☆οτρ: γυrι χ νιсτοr ☆Rειατιοηsнιρ sτατυs: υgн ‹(★ω★)>~•º*☆
Gustavo SmashGu00
EN: It has been three years of pure joy sharing my gaming experiences to all of you on Miiverse. Thank you~ ^_^ Remember, this is not a farewell... This is a "see you soon"~ PT-BR: Foram três anos de pura felicidade ao compartilhar as minhas experiencias de jogo pra todos vocês no Miiverse. Obrigado~ ^_^ Lembre-se, isso não é um adeus... Isso é um "te vejo depois"~ Staaaaaaaaaaay fresh~
. kooldude734
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マヨネーズLOVE☆ kirasayo0508
顔ポチありがとうございます! えーと、まずは自己紹介からです 本名 希星 リア友 マカロンおいしい! LOVE=のんたんP しゅん 好きな色 ピンク 黒 デニム ディズニーキャラクター アリエル チップデール ハマってること クプラ スライム スクイーズ 最後に一言 もし私も!僕も!これ好きです!っていうのあったらフォロー&フレンドよろしくお願いします! 更新 2017年 6月25日
★☆やばっちゃん☆★ MANAKA-170408
こんにちは! フォロバ100%です! フォローよろしくねー♪
Carlos,1th carlosyanes
1Hoppy:cool2Birthday:November 20th3Favorite board game:Cecks4Favorite ice cream:Chololate5Favorite food:chips6Play:one game7Favorite TV show:Lab Rats8Favorite drink:soda
grammar? who even cares about grammar?