Lumanator's Friends
Harley♂ ★★ IsSeal2007
Hi welcome to my profile here you can find super smash bros post and videos im new to the community and i know its gonna end soon but till then ill have pretty daily posts some communitys u will see me in are breath of the wild smash bros and super mario maker and i will follow you if you follow me and when im playing smash feel free to friend reqest me and ill play smash with you. #IsSeal♪
TriangleV1 triangle-kid_v01
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Kena! Caku.Sharku
Hello, fellows. I go by many things, but call me Kena for now♥ Information on me now... I'm just a teenager who draws their OCs and the occasional fanart. I absolutely LOVE Roleplaying, and making stories. Pet_Shop and Lumanator are total babes
Jay SplatSmashDude05
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Cjohnson ApSciCjohnson
Cave Johnson here, and I'm on this mess of a social media.
Ruby EcoShaymin
Artist obsessed with Shaymin.
Phantasma PhantasmaForever
Main is purrma'd beclaws of Mack... That mackerel! I'm Phantasma, Queen of the Nya~SL-mew (NSLU)! Team Rocket admin! 2nd leader of Feline ξclipse, nya~ *And yes, I'm a furry and neko, and proud of it!* Nya~♥ Bullies need to learn their place, nya~... Phantasma > Bigley To find me again, look fur the great queen Phantasma on the blue book, ending with a Nya, there's Queen Phantasma! >wo
Valentine SpaceCnidarian
- Simon - On the edge of 17 - Trans dewd - Hon I'm gay - Single as a pringle - I don't care. No, really. I don't give a flying potato chip in space. - Hablo español. - I don't have TIME to be depressed. >:(
PS★Samie† samie_418
YO its ya gurl Samie and I... like chicken im the PS leader dont hurt me. OLIVIAANDTASHISANAREMYPRECIOUSBEANS ILOVETHEMSOMUCHDONTHURTTHEM. i also have a habit of switching artstyles and such. im sorry. anyway... im weird pity party, crybaby, and gingerbread man are my theme songs sorry.
Mikey kOOl_BoY650
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Shariq ShinemanTofuShop
This is Akaito again. My brother forced me to use this Mii for this since he uses it. If you still don't believe me, check the NNID. More Info: I'm the personification of trash. Also, no Wii U chat...
Marlon Marlon_universe
hey people out there I love playing smash bros but I still dont have gamecube adaptor so im not that good with the gamepad,I love beatboxing when playing online with friends, I play mario maker especialy the amiibo and automatic courses,also mario kart 8 but I dont have dlc, so if you whant to have fun I am acepting friend requests,I dont care if u are good or suck in this games so...¡game on!
Fritz FredGamerDX
admins have mercy on all of us. but... but mostly me.
Alex Tessaract3
IDK what I'm doing.
Meal Metalpeoplerock2
Barney - "I Love You Song" - The Meal Version I Love You, You Hate Me. We're a big family, with a great big hug and and a kiss from a devil, wont you say that you hate me too? I LOVE YOU, YOU HATE ME, WE'RE TERRIBLE FRIENDS LIKE FRIENDS SHOULD BE, with a great big hug, won't you say you hate me too?
Partygirl★ Partygirl102
☆online ★offline ← maybe forever :> ♥OMG HEY MISSED CHU!!! ♡Currently a person who lives her life looking at chickens and doing parties :D ♥ :): -shmood ♡→→WARNING←←: IM A CHICKEN LOVERRRR :) ♥FRIEND REQUEST IF Y'ALL WANT MY NUGGETS!!!! ♡ Time to crack open a cold one with the boyz :>
Jordan jaydino447
:3 Im Jordan. Im sixteen. and I love dinosaurs. Name a game.. I will beat you at it. ^_^
well hello everyone, my name is jonathan and i'm gonna tell you something about myself. in real life, i don't have any friends because i'm stupid and i make mistakes all the time when i play football and that's why i wanted the wii u. to make friends and play with them too so please, please do me a favor and please, please play with me too. and my sisters are bullying me too so i won't mind that
Big R DarkraiDaydream
Jojo EmblemThief
Eyoooo I'm just furry trash here because I ate trashy'os cereal Like: Nice people Overwatch Tekken Horror Other furs Art Yaoi ships JoJo Anime Dislikes: Excuses School (Gotta learn for a future tho) Bad friends and rude people Fur amino: (•Tekken-Wolf•) WARNING: I'm scum and trash. :) Still here? KONO DIO DA.
Antonio Hersheys90
Im Toño im a married man father of 3 ive been playing Nintendo for a long time,im a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda games my wife's favorite is The Wind Waker,my family and i enjoy old and new Mario games and own the N64,Gamecube,Wii u and a Nintendo Switch...i love my family with all my heart.
Rhys hewkia
Here is all you need to know. I play SSB4 competitively. Im always up for friendlies. Mains: 1:Diddy 2:Cloud 3:Ganondorf 4:Wario and 5:Doc. Secondaries: Mac, Mew2, and Jigglypuff. Other games I play are: (on PS4) Pokémon Sun and Moon Overwatch Star Wars Battlefront PvZ Garden Warfare 2 (level 3000+) Battlefield 1 Also im a HUGE canon Star Wars fan. So thats that, now, have good a day.
Emil Zelda-Amnell
Hey there, l'm Emil. I mainly play Smash 4, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fire Emblem Fates. l love to help people and play with nice and good players. l hate Smash Spammers and arrogant people. Oh, and l don't take random friend requests. May we meet online someday.
Serena Lynn957
I mostly playing on Mother/Earthbound, pokemon, Kirby or Zelda rom on my cellphone or I will being playing smash. I don't chat to anyone expected message them on there email or on miiverse. Let me know if you want to battle me or send me a friend request on the wii u or 3ds and let me know if you ever want to battle or team up fighting players.
tchelmynho tchelmy
hola pessoal
AMGP$$2000 AMGP2000
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CRAZ-CHILD crazymom79
Hi people my name is Emily and i accept friend requests that is all u need to know ok bye still there i see go away that is the end stalker you must like to stalk creep shoooo go now bye leave stop scrolling down ok stalker i am leaving good bye
Kanae★Chan chrixsproxs29
Holi yo soy Kanae Chan, he sido fanatica de Nintendo desde que tengo memoria, y siempre me ha gustado jugar juegos de nintendo en compañia de amigos asi que vamos a divertirnos todos juntos. :) NYAN
Mason Burton2463
ScaredyCat AlisonElric
Heya! ScaredyCat here :3 I enjoy, youtube, video games, and sweets. I have another account that goes by the same user, im more active there!
nicole emokitty5678
hi im nicole. i love anime and art
Andi MystictheLugia
LucaMania errorhi
Welcome. I have been expecting you. Anyone may dare to challenge me on Splatoon, Mario Kart, or Smash. See you around! And for anyone who dares challenge me in Smash... Prepare yourself, and come at me! Y sí, yo hablo español. I mainly post in English.
Dust Dusty0
Hello I play Mario kart 8, pokemon, and super smash bros 3ds and wii u. Want to be friends?
Acejinjo Jinjo1412
Hello! I'm a Pokémon fan! And I love Johto! My other favorites are: Tekken, Banjo-Kazooie, Team Fortress 2, Starfox, Duck Hunt and Fossil Fighters! And also, I'm very fond of dinosaurs & birds! Intermediate on knowledge... Veteran at best when playing! Favorite characters: Duck Hunt Roger Jr. (Tekken) Demoman (Team Fortress 2) Medic (Team Fortress 2) Birdo (Mario) Fox (Starfox) Tricky (Starfox)
Tyler grumpycat17
ØßĒγ Hendô Pokeswagg
Sup people!! hi ha, I like the Legend of Zelda and Kid Icarus series.(who doesn't) I'm a master at pokemon. My favorite generation is 4. I love to draw anything that pleases my eye and I hope one day I become the president of Nintendo of America or become a famous game developer for Nintendo. If your looking for me message me or video chat. Ok catch ya later!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
grammar? who even cares about grammar?