Users Lumanator Is Following
Fawful Pikalover456
I have stories. Fawful got his 2ds back in March 2013. He was very excited. He logged onto Miiverse, created an account that would someday grow into something more than just a website profile. Everyday he'd post on it, making cringe but having fun. Then, in 2016, he discovered the NSLUC. He made friends. He made memories. He had fun. So, Fawful will always remember you, Miiverse. And you, Friends.
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ILoveAG:3 Catsuria
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Laura Grelily
Shiro y Kento Algún día espero ser una buena mangaka, o dibujar bien Pokémon Unión ( un manga lleno de aventuras y misterios) una amistad de siglos!
(•×•) TheGreatBoi
No. Just no. I can't accept this kind of society. I'm the #1 loser of this planet, nobody's gonna top me. SOMEONE ONCE TOLD ME THAT THE WORLD WAS GONNA TROLL ME AND IT DID, LOL. Old name - :o)
Kena! Caku.Sharku
Hello, fellows. I go by many things, but call me Kena for now♥ Information on me now... I'm just a teenager who draws their OCs and the occasional fanart. I absolutely LOVE Roleplaying, and making stories. Pet_Shop and Lumanator are total babes
Adam Loudcap2
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Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
GK is mine and only mine. No one else can have her oh yes, it's true. Call me insane or weird, but your words mean nothing! I love her no matter what has happened and no one is gonna take her away from me haha >:] Also, this is the end of my Mv time here. There won't be a last drawing as I planned. Thank you for the good and bad memories here :) †††Long live AG†††
Moria☆Sun☆ kawaii-mg
Thanks everyone, I guess. I know no one will see or care this, but this place has brought me a few nice moments, so yep. Have a good day. :]
なのちゃん Bell-Kirby
【10/11更新】 SWITCHにいたりいなかったり。 青い鳥飼い始めた! ども、絵柄不安定な那乃です。 (Please call me Nano.) 共感・コメント・フォロー、とても嬉しいです!
Toffee Joz920
Hey. I'm Toffee. I love it here, the people here are so nice. Can't believe it's all ending soon.
かずと KazMatsu
よう。俺は和人だ。 目は2つ違う色を持っている:赤褐色と緑。変じゃない? 一番好きな季節は秋だ。秋の色、涼しい風、かぼちゃもの… 買い物をする気に入り場所は秋葉原のアニメ店だ。いっぱいあるよ。全部好き。漫画とか、フィギュアとかグッズを買ってのが好き。楽しいなー。 好きなアニメは:青の祓魔師、鋼の錬金術師、となりの関くん、ノラガミ、進撃の巨人、etc. 好きなゲームは:新・光神話パルテナの鏡、スマブラ、ゼルダの伝説、etc.
ゆいゆい♪ Mupppet
Hey, I'm ゆいゆい♪ and welcome to my profile! I'm weird ok? I don't really have anything else to say... So I guess bye for now.
KITKAT N.and.zekrom
I will leave you with this: You said you had a dream... that dream... make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it'll become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! I hope to see you all again! Well then, Farewell!
★*•ιυсα•*★ Kawaii_Desi
☆нειιο τнεrε, cнıιδrεη! ι'м Lυcα. ι'м ƒουrτεεη αηδ α gαмεr ƒοr ιıƒε! ☆Aηιмε ιs ιıƒε δυδεs ☆Cυrrεητ Οβsεssιοη: Yυrι οη ιсε ☆ƒανοrιτε mυsιc αrτιsτ: ραηιc! ατ τнε διscο ☆οτρ: γυrι χ νιсτοr ☆Rειατιοηsнιρ sτατυs: υgн ‹(★ω★)>~•º*☆
ピカすー nekomepika35
ポケモンアニメ&映画20周年!星のカービィ25周年!風のタクト15周年!夢幻の砂時計10周年!ルビー・サファイア&水の都の守護神15周年!今年も周年をお祝いすることに執念を燃やしている!!← ★投稿頻度:ほぼ毎日。最近は落書きやネタ系が多め。 ★ジャンル (メイン):ポケモン、ゼルダの伝説 (サブ):スマブラ、他 ★活動内容:イラスト&ラクガキ、ネタ絵、プレイ日記 フォローの際は投稿頻度やジャンル等を見極めて慎重に行ってください。フォローの付け外しは自由ですが、外されるとやっぱアレなので← 好きなキャラ:フライゴン、ネコ目リンク、カービィ、ヨッシーetc
Cringalice Alice_the_Pig
Hi there my good buddy, pal, chum, amigo, or friend! :D That's right! I'm talking to you, random person! :) Everyone here's my bud! :D Unless I hate you~! ~ I'm Alice. I'm a weird creep who will do anything for followers~! :D Wanna earn more friendship points? Go ahead & comment on one of my posts! :) I'm always up for a good chat! :D
レイ(ぷるぷる) G-cisLOVE
スナックワールド楽しい。 バニラちゃん天使。 ミバが終わるまで、バニラちゃんを布教します。 ポケモンは放置中。 そしてMiiアレが触角にしか見えないっていうね。もうね。うさ耳くれ。
Plutia PkmnShedinja33
I'm #Shedinja6888, no matter how much the mii changes. Smash mains: (WIP) •I'm not your parent •Whats a sonic? •Yes i really do like kirby... •i don't talk much..
Cjohnson ApSciCjohnson
Cave Johnson here, and I'm on this mess of a social media.
Natty natty76
♪ Thank you I'll say goodbye now Though it's the end of the world Don't blame yourself And if it's true I will surround you And give life to a world That's our own ♪
melty Loons.Sattelite
Main Account: Leilani.Sattler Leilani's goof around account Feel free to follow I guess?
PtatoPizza Darkweegeedude
Hello I guess. Surprisingly, I have opinions, So if I offend you, Don't get your Waifu's in a twist. But I hope you have fun here and enjoy your patrol through the cringe archives. I'm always open for drawing requests, Also If you end up commenting something random because of an arrow or for the fun of it Then i'll probably delete it, I'd rather them be on topic, So just don't.
ßεll♪ Link4Evermore
I've made some great memories, and made some mistakes. In the end though I'm happy I get to stay in touch with some of the awesome people I met here. I may not be the greatest artist but you all have helped me get a lot better. Without you all I don't know what I would've done, and I just wanna say I love you all. Goodbye~♡
☆Camille☆ DeeDee2017
Hello. I'm just a random user who loves to trashpost and yeahbomb. I'm a fan of cartoons from the 90s and the 2000s. I'm not very fond of most current cartoons. No rude/disrespectful comments on my posts. I don't accept friend requests of any kind. I don't Wii U chat or play online, sorry. I love Dexter. He is adorable. ºωº
アスナ JoiNOTstrider
こんにちは, みんな! 私は日本語を少し話します!でも、日本人ではありません。ようこそ! Hi there! Joi here. This is my Japanese console! Please be patient with me, i'm still getting used to the keyboards, as I am not Japanese.
MemeXMeme MemeXMemeAyy
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Timmy.H Timmyjr.Cressy
Timmy:Hey Miivesre. I'm a Pokemon Artist with a Love for Cresselia.^_^ I also have a Latios form too. Cressy's not only a member of the COP-Empire...She's also Princess's Oldest Sister along with her dear sister Darklia whose the Hybrid of Dreams and nightmares. Feel free to ask Ms.A to join and enjoy Miiverse! Main account: "Timmyjr.0904" Cresselia:Let's have fun til the end!^-^
grammar? who even cares about grammar?