Anju's Followers
stormtroop StormTrooper9009
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Phineas XxTwilitHeroxX
Currently playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Master Mode) -Also a Sonic fan & casual Minecrafter. -I occasionally "repost" some of my older screenshots through the favorite post feature. Check them out! :D -I don't accept friend requests unless I know you irl. Sorry! ...Goodbye, Miiverse...
Marty mariohero2014
i love pokemon
RedMask GoliMask
My Top 10 Game Series 1-The Legend of Zelda 2-Xenoblade 3-Final Fantasy 4-Smash Bros 5-Metal Gear Solid 6-Metriod 7-Jet Grind Radio 8-Soul Calibur 9-Okami 10-Illusion of Gaia Favorite Indie Game Nsala Liberation
Thomas GalacticaOfTime
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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Skynix Jeffery513
Like a BOSS!
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
Octopus S. Octopus_Squid
Bonjour je suis Octopus squid abonné vous !!! Je vous remercie déjà.Je vous aime ♥♥♥!!!
★Peach★SMV sherlyn2XD
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Jujube AlexisBegin1
ss ystamm
Hi, i'm 13. These are the games I like to play *Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild *Minecraft *Splatoon I usually have gamechat off. Thanks for clicking on my face:-)
ale99 barr99
Adios para siempre Miiverse , ¡hola! si estas leyendo esto, queria agradecer por aca a todos ustedes, he conocido a miles de artistas y personas bacanes y asombrosas , gracias por todo, la he pasado muy bien,nunca habia compartido tanto arte ,gracias por todos los aprecios estoy muy agradecida , algun dia acabaria esto.. no todo dura para siempre asi que gracias y gracias si leiste todo.Adios :')
Angry Joe opc1234
This user's profile comment is private.
Dit DitsyD
Ello, Jello I'm Dit! I'm a girl that draws cute stuff. Joined: 3/05/2017 Peeps!: Kogamii (My IRL BFF!) Zluigi (A man of great ideas) commie (A close friend) MLG★Sweety (My 1st fan) GiGi/Giselle (A sister to me!) eclipse (My homie) Katie (My MV bestie) Numa (A very close friend of mine) You should follow them cuz they are very important to me!
SBN まーつwww sei1216sei
フォローしてくれてありがとうございます!!目指せ!!フォロワー数 700人越え!!!お願いします!!!!!やっと600人越えありがとうございます!
りこ washirikorin
はじめましてりこともうします。 ゲームはそれほどうまく無いんですが、 「そうだね」をたくさんもらいたいです。 フォローよろしくお願いします。
Danny DMcNeil2
Chris ck5514
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kamron Emodja
envoi moi des messages
ELIAN eliangonzalez12
HI EVERY ONE IT'S ME ELIAN.G and i like to play videogames everyday and draw very good on paper and kinda good on screen!
SpoopySυn SunShineAnderson
*Wαvεs…* ωεl©oмε τo мαн τ®αsн♡ »ı ροsτ ®αndοм sτυƒƒ нε®ε ŇÔŤÊ: »ıм ωεı®d/vε®γ sнγ…вυτ nοω is γoυ® onlγ ©нαn©ε 2 ωυ© ωıτ мε. вγε Miivε®sε & Wii U Cнατ… †R.I.P мε вεing on нε®ε sin©ε I ωαs 11… 2012 - 2017† 2/13/17♡ ~ƒo®εvε® Love you Cris. ;u; you too Briizy…♥
Eva EvaFlevoland
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands. I'm 15 year. I can speak: Dutch: ★★★★★ English:★★★★☆ Second profile: Pit_en_Palutena I don`t use Wii U Chat.
Gяαсξ☆ Squizzy6
Hai im Grace and ill be posting random drawings˙ˇ˙… i guess you guys wanna know stuff about me well to begin with ★ im 15 ★ i draw random stuff ★im always bored ★i watch anime,read manga ★just a teen with deep thoughts
Jaylene MagicSaki
I love the Rune Factory franchise, and Pokémon. I play Animal Crossing, and enjoy Legend of Zelda games too! I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I'm not fluent yet. わたしのなまえはジェイリーンです。 あなたのなまえはなんですか? わたしはカナダじんです、あなたはどうですか?
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Andenette Iriswolf12
Hello! I'm Iris, I love playing Splatoon, and Super Smash Bro's. Splat ya later! Andenette: Hey you, ya you, The names Andenette, don't mistake me for some fancy squid who squid partys day and night, I'f your up against me in battle, I'd watch out, I'm a sniper, so I dont think twice about shooting. If your up to the challenge, friend me and we could Private battle some time squido, Thanks!
Ashley GZ ashley002
A very nice and cool person to be around. Also on everyday!! (^o^) Favorite Games: LoZ, Mario, Splatoon, Minecraft, Smash, Fire Emblem Favorite Animal: Cats!! My OCs: Ashley GZ, Ashlyn RZ, Asher AZ, Luke the Purple Inkling and Marcus the Green Inkling Also I have a Switch K bye! (>^.^<) Meow!!
Cooperpups Linksys04759Coop
Hey guys! Cooperpups1 here and I am a Water Pokémon trainer. My favorite Pokémon is Blastoise. I'm a female Blue cat that likes to have fun with others. HAVE FUN AND STAY SAFE! I also like to make memes and other random stuff. Follow me if you can PUG! PUG OUT!!! XD
Μеlοδу RosiBlueMonnie97
¡Holaaaa! Mi nombre es Melody, normalmente soy una persona muy amigable, dulce, sensible y pacífica, (aunque a veces esté un poco de los nervios >.<), amo la música en general (no reggaeton, lo odio ¬.¬), amo los videojuegos (es obvio, ¿no? xD), también veo vídeos en Youtube y leo, ¡y soy una grandísima fan de Zelda! :D (y también de Mario :3) En fin, adiooos (^o^)/ PD: No acepto Wii U chat. :D
ezra EzraJA913
hello im ezra and before i go on please follow my page and my favorite games are zelda and smash and splatoon check out all of my posts injoy! :p
natsu lieunard
salut! c moi j'mappèle NATSU! je vous présente plein de choses en rapore a pokémon,a yokai watch2,etc...mais s'il vous plait commenter, metter des ouais a toute mes présentation. SVP!!! je vous remercie les 345 ABO!!!!! :D gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★★★★ quand on cherche vraiment la m**** bête★☆☆☆☆quand vraiment vos commentaire son chelou (parfois) amoureux★★★★ objectif : les 370 ferais plaise SVP!!!
Hypnosaure Hypnosaurus
★A TRIP TO MARS★ Découvrez un incroyable voyage avec J. Cheminade, mes abonnés & moi! ★CITATIONS★ "Killing frogs is totally normal!" Britt ★PODIUM★ ☆2017☆ ⇒SEMAINE 22 •Kami •SteamWorld Dig •Mario Kart 7 ☆2016☆ •Animal Crossing New Leaf •Fire Emblem : Awakening •SteamWorld Heist »––†Яς––>
☆ Nεαεг ☆ Neaer567
★ Welcome to my profile! ★ Although you are a little late... Rest in Peace Miiverse 2012 - 2017
Target: 400 Left to go: 10 Senpai: Choco♪ and Sapphire Im really strange...... Imma gemini. I have three birthstones believe it or not. Fandoms: 2 many
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
hi im stephany and i love makeup .whoever wanna FOLLOW me aint gonna stop u so smash that botton !!!:] .i usaully play on my xbox ^.~ im the only person who keeps it 100!theses♥ daysXD fr tho if ur being rude then... my inner ghetto comes out just saying lol BE WARNED YOU could leave nowó_ó no fake ppl allowed here so skr skr outta here #northside dont trust nobody :`(!
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