Users Anju Is Following
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
Didith Kutoii
petite présentation ( my self ) nom/name : Judith âge/age : 13 classe/class : 4e passion/hobbies : dessin et jeux vidéos ( drawing and video games ) folow : Arc☆64 ChuckNista Amanda Alien Lynαllα Tiago Agathe ˘G&Kmaeva˘ Grithis JroViens Princess Mymily Jade Toutes ces personnes sont incroyables ! *n'hésite pas à t'abonner ^-^* folow me ( if you want, of course ) objectif 650 abonnés!
Elstreem Paper-Owl7
Games are part of my mind castle :) ...I guess it's about time I added more info huh? I'm a huge fan of Legend of Zelda and Pokemon, so most of the stuff I post is over there. Writing is my main skill, but I like drawing too!
Pinky mudstain66
I love to draw and sing.I like reading manga. I love to play Zelda,Skylanders,racing,action and horror games.I think my best drawing is a portrait of my mom, but I dont think i could draw like that on here though.I also got in chorus and and art club. I'm now thirteen; I've been wanting to see what this was for a while.I hope you enjoy! ♥♥♥♥
Lovisa Lolielle
◆If you want to see more of my art or find me after Miiverse is over, Find Lolielle on DA◆ A Girl that likes to play video games and draws about them alot! Hi! ... young (in)experienced swedish teenager... Hi! *~* I'm awkward... •16 •Loves the legend of Zelda •Likes Pokémon •@µ†¡$†¡© •...Aaaand I draw a LOT... (Second account used for doodles is Linebeck.)
Kaitlyn KaitlynKay
Hey i'm Kaitlyn. Im a 13 year old Australian who loves art.I do drawing requests. My favourite games are Smash bros, Fire emblem and Zelda!
サナ Triforce3.Zelda
ゼルダシリーズが大好きなゲーム初心者です!ブレワイ面白すぎてヤバイっす... 絵はたまに描きます。でも酷いんでそこはご了承くださいませ…(^^;) I love Zelda series, especially BW. Urbosa is my favourite caracter but...Princess Midna is first^^. 8/30追記:miiverseが11/8をもって終了してしまうことがとても残念です。少し早いですが、フォロワーの方々、いままで本当にありがとうございましたm(_ _)m P.S: It's very unfortunate that Miiverse will be closing down at 11/8. It's a bit early, but thank you for everything.
popo Alenae1
I´m a 17 years old idiot, who think miiverse is a sketchbook. Oh and btw I´m a huge zelda fan. (I´m french, sorry for my english) SALUT! Oui je suis française (on me le demande souvent), n'hesitez pas à me parler en français, je repondrais. Sinon comme je l'ai dit plus haut (en anglais), j'ai 17 ans, je dessine depuis mes 13 ans, et je connais zelda casiment depuis toujours, je suis une grande f
MAMA(^_^) rauru-rauru
MAMA(^_^)です。 ゼルダの伝説の世界観、ストーリー、キャラクターに魅せられひたすらゼルダシリーズだけしてます。 謎解き、楽しい♪♪ だけどボス戦は苦手……。 のんびり、ゆっくり派です。 ゼルダの伝説キャラクターの絵、時々描いてます。 絵を描くと、自分の心の状態がよくわかりますね。 心が穏やかな時は、いい絵が描けます 。(^^)
Nury JossMabbitt
Hi there!! My name is Nury I'm from Mexico city I love the legend of zelda, my favorite are twilight princess, SSBB, Pokemon, and more xD I like draw anime style. nwn Languages Spanish English Follow me n.n
たかこ nyanjirow
Miiverseで久々にお絵描きを楽しませていただきました。 素敵な場に参加することができ感謝しております。 皆様ありがとうございました! 一部の作品をpixivに残しています。 Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for the wonderful time. Sorry I'm not good at English.
Lily LillisMaximus
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1500+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :)
★Emma★ EmmyOak
Hi! •Welcome to my profile!• ♡I L0VE to draw, I'm a self tought artist named ★Emma★.♡ •I also love Zelda, and other Nintendo games -My fav LoZ games:TP,SS,OoT,and MM- •I'm mostly In Zelda & YouTube community• {Thank you for visiting my profile!}(^˛^) [] [] c (___)
Grace monkeyichi
Name: Grace Age: 15 Hobbies: Drawing, watchin anime, video games, listen to music, and sleep. Summary:I'm shy, but I love to chat if wanted, and I tend to be weird at times, sorry if i am, and I hope you have a nice day.
Dalinda Dalinda007
Hellooo I won't be able to post as much because of college You are appreciated =]
Renan renan_brum
Hi guys! My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. My top 3 Games: The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time Super Smash Bros (all) Tales of Symphonia My Favorite Character: Princess Zelda I also drawing a lot and always share something here, so I'm glad if you follow me and give YEAH on my drawings. Thank you so much and... Let's be friends! ▲ ▲ ▲
Madison Chicki
Hello, welcome to my profile! I'm just a 20 year old college student who like to draw. You'll mostly see Zelda, Tokyo Ghoul, and horse drawings, but I draw anything that perks my interest, so I always have variety in my posts! *I do not take drawing requests, but thanks! *I also do not video chat, so please don't ask, I will not repond. Thanks for visiting, yeahs, and following! :D
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Tana PencilKitty
I like to make art like Drawing and now Pixel work too! my Dream is to be a Traveling Artist You can look at the Stuff I made an Drawn by taping Post on my Page I all so love Adventures as well as makeing friends ^ω^ please support my friend Zelda she really needs to be inspired at time (Games owned/other stuff below on Favorites↓) K-☆
Gara GaraGM
¡Hola! , me llamo Gara ,tengo 17 años y soy de Canarias. Me gusta mucho dibujar, y más, si es sobre the legend of zelda, (es mi serie favorita) y también, splatoon, el profesor layton, mario, fire emblem awakening, super smash bros... y muchos más. Si me recomiendan algún dibujo, es muy bienvenido. (If you recommend me some drawing, it's very welcome).
Alice Alice_TLOZ
Hiii☆☆☆♪ my name is Alice, i'm 14 and i love The Legend Of Zelda ♡ My hobby are drawing, playing piano and violino and play at wii U and nintendo :*>
Seiga SeigaD
Welcome. My name is Seiga, i'm french but i can speak english. I'm a person and I hate chocolate...
Blu Blu_Berri
Nibelung Valesti! I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't play many Nintendo franchises other than Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, and 2d Metroid.
ヒロ Nekoronder
[お知らせ:長らくポケモン及びゼルダのネタバレ防止の為みん活の閲覧を停止中でしたが、限定的に解除させて頂きます。故に、もし共感通知が阿呆みたいに入ったらごめんなさい] ただし、ネタバレになりそうなものは全力で目を逸らさせて頂きます。(え) ポケモンとゼルダ大好き! 趣味でお絵描きをしており、ニンドリにも時々投稿してます。複数の持病と目の疾患があるので、体調不良が割とデフォ。 ポケモンは初代からの古参、ゼルダはオカリナ3Dからの新参。 ミーバース終了に伴い、どこぞの青い鳥でさえずりを始めたようだ。ゲームのプレイ日記はそちらで続けようと思います。 サービス終了日まではログインしてますので、それまではよろしくお願いします。(*´ω`*)ノシ Sorry, I can not speak English.
Burai Burai.1
I enjoy drawing, composing & playing music (bass&guitar), playing and watching video games. Thanks for stopping by. And may the < TRI-Force > be with you.
Célia celia_2706
Hey tout le monde ! Hi everyone \(^o^)/ Je m'appelle Célia, 15 ans, apprentie dessinatrice qui RÊVE de travailler dans le cinéma d'animation et d'entrer à l'école des Gobelins (ouais, je vise très haut XD). I speak english/Falo portugues :)
KawaiiChan LinkFanNumber1
um hello guys and girls! you can call me kawaii chan (●w●) i love zela games and my favorite characters is young link,toon link medli and midna!and..that's all what i can think of now (>w<) i love chocolate milk ps: i'm not very good at englishso i may not understand everything people said here
Selthe Morgomnor
Salut p'tite tête ! Je m'présente : Selthe, 19 ans ! Ma passion : Jeux vidéo bien sur ! Jeu du moment : Splatoon Parcours vidéoludique : N64 → NGC → GBA → PS2 → Wii → X360 → 3DS → Wii U Bonne journée/soirée
なっちゃん J.K1132
bradley JohnCenaRKO
Drawing is a big part of my life and i I want to share my skills with you by drawing pictures of my favorite franchises. Hope you like my posts ;-)
たそがれ かやの KAYACHAN
不登校になりそう☆ \(^^)/\(^^)/\(^^)/\(^^)/\(^^)/\(^^)/ ※すごく昔の投稿あまり見ないでね 見ると目が腐っちゃうから(><)ゞ 死んでもGame overにはならない黄昏です A連打、得意でおりまっする。 64の回転アタックで鍛えました。 BREATH OF THE WILDの動画を 見て、テンションMaxです。 commentはほぼ返せませぬ。 許せ。 いつもコメントをしてくれる皆さん。 Thanks for you comment! フォロワー様様。いつもお世話になっております。こんな奴ですが、相手をしてやってください。m(_ _)m
Nadja lovelyNadja
Hy ich heiße Nadja ^-^ Leider wird es ab 08.11.17 nicht mehr möglich sein, das MIIVERSE zu benutzen. Sehr schade!!! Ich wünsche allen alles gute für die Zukunft! VIEL GLÜCK UND VIEL SPASS!!! May see 'ya in paradise...
Julia UniYulia
I'm a 21-year-old graphic design student, a gamer and a geek. I occasionally draw stuff here. Thank you for your interest!
Rosa W11_h4v3_fun
Greetings! I am Rosa, a 17 year old native born Hylain and little sister to Link who has been helping her big brother on his adventures ever since I could hold a sword. After all, he is my big brother, and he needs all the help he can get. I've been an artist most of my life and Link is definetly one if the things I draw the most. Sometimes he doesn't like posing for me though. Farewell...
Toria♪ Toria-Hyse
I am a Christian. ☆Tø my ƒriends & ƒølløwers★ I appreciate your suppørt for the last 2 years ★Yøu will be what I miss abøut miiverse☆ I will not miss the admins è.é † Have a blessed day † If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Psalms 139:11 Just as there is light to drive away darkness, so, too, is there benevolence to banish evil. Princess Zelda
M Graceful22
Hello, I'm M ^-^ I'm mostly just your "average" gamer-girl A few of the games/game series that I like are: LoZ Kid Icarus: Uprising Puzzles & Dragons Z Super Smash Bros (I main Link and Dark Pit :3 And I'm decent) Xenoblade Pokémon Deviant Art: ShadowedM No Wii U chat ♪Thanks for 150+♪ ^~^♥♡♥ Sorry if I don't post often, I've been busy
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