Anju's Friends
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Ichimatsu HyliaCat43
All you need to know is that I don't have my Wii U anymore. You can find me anywhere else though. Look for Ichi-the-Idiot. I won't check Miiverse all that often. I don't have motivation to do so and am simultaneously too busy.
WhiteIsMe GameNgeek
Hi, I'm just a simple guy who likes to play and draw stuff. A good chat means more than yeah or follow to me. Feel free to comment on my posts even old ones. You'll be soon able to find me on other sites, just look for an avatar that looks like my mii. Currently: Online
Gugu Gugu700
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile! What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posting!^.~ My Words of Wisdom: kindness and happiness^^ Fav Videogames: The Legend of Zelda, the whole Mario Universe^^ Fav Animes\Mangas: Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Death Note You can be my friend if you want and if you have a good reason but I won't do Wii-U Chats... Bye! Gugu^.~
Aftertaste SilverWolfSilent
crissi SkywardsordZelda
Hey everyone! ^^ I'm Crissi. I love games especially the legend of Zelda. I also love mangas/animes, Cosplay, drawing and looots of other things! I'm drawing a lot here and I would be happy if you like my art! Also I'm extremly happy about my 1000+ followers! I stil can't believe it... *.* But I thank you sooo much for your support and all your kindness! I really appreciate it! ^^
Billy RubricalFob124
Hello, I'm Billy. I'm a gamer and an anime fan. My top 3 favorite gaming franchises are: 1. Metroid 2. Zelda 3. Fire Emblem I use Crunchyroll to watch anime cuz they pay the anime developers which also means more anime. Anime I've watched recently: Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) Shiki KONOSUBA! Gamers!
Poofy Parsnutigan
Sonika Fastesthe1
Hello! I am gamer with a strong passion for The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem series. I am currently attending college in hope of joining the video game industry! My fave Wii U/3DS games: -Breath of the Wild -Hyrule Warriors -Tokyo Mirage Sessions -Splatoon -The Wind Waker HD -Super Smash Bros. 4 -FE Awakening -FE Fates -FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia -Project X Zone 2 -A Link Between Worlds
~Gothling~ Sugarplum261
.*ºÐαzαί, Сhυyα, Sεsshσмαrυ, Rεησ, Aχει, Сσвrα, & Gαjεει αrε bαεº*. ★☆Colors3D: Gothling☆★ ↑More active there than anywhere else atm. :V↑ Anyways. Sorry for low activity, I'm a busy person nowadays. Sort of. ……………………………………… ♡Thnx to my MV friends for putting up with me + the support ★I DON'T TAKE REQUESTS: I will take suggestions and only do requests for my friends. Sorry.
daisy ragedaisy
hi, I'm Daisy and I love the Legend of Zelda games. Besides playing those games (incessantly), I also enjoy making drawings, discovering and sharing nifty background details and other cool stuff. I speak English, Dutch and a little German (ich möchte mein Deutsch auffrischen)
Link Link777777
Age-18 Hobbys-games and knife throwing Physical Description-annoyingly attractive Favorite Color-green Favorite Games-EOU / EOU2 / LoZ Twilight Princess Favorite Quote-(Shawn Spencer) We are men Gus the world is our toilet Favorite YouTuber-Matthew Patrick (Game Theory)
Cobra Cobra140
Welcome ^-^ l'm just a random person u click and visit his profile, thx x3 l'm 17 year old, Canadian I post rarely and sorry if l'm not super active >~< can be busy ^-^" (or just no idea ^-^") Thx to have read everything, that's pretty much all, Stay Fresh! (^o^) -Thx u all so much for +50 fellowers ♥¬♥
Eli FusedSouls
25 Welcome to my little slice of Miiverse. Feel free to check out my drawings from random series. I'm a huge fan of Zelda, as well as the Tales of series, and pretty much anything Square Enix. I love FMAB. Thanks for stopping by! No blank friend requests, please. †
Zaborger zaborgerSeven
Faded fadedispirit
I like Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. My hobbies are anime, manga, light novels, visual novels, sewing and crafting.
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
Jack★ Fourwheelerrider
Hey, just a guy who loves the most games offered on Nintendo consoles and handhelds. The franchises I like are... Pokemon Sonic The Hedgehog The Legend of Zelda Shantae Rune Factory Harvest Moon Super Mario and More. Also I will most likely will not be doing video chat, you could ask but I most likely will say no, sorry. Thank you and good luck with your work.
Annyllel FairyMaiden
I love the outdoors and work out in the garden a lot. I enjoy reading a good story, knitting, writing, and playing certain video games. I love the Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney, some Mario games and a bit of Monster Hunter. Currently I am working on an Ocarina of Time novelization. Though it is in its infancy right now, I am confidant about its future. It is titled "The Hand That Holds Courage".
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
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