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Hi! It's meeee with a little update of my Youtube-Channel GArt^^ I posted a new video of coopa, a cover-singer, with a beauuuuutiful voice^^ Even though it is not ...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posti...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posting!^.~
My Words of Wisdom: kindness and happiness^^
Fav Videogames: The Legend of Zelda, the whole Mario Universe^^
Fav Animes\Mangas: Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Death Note
You can be my friend if you want and if you have a good reason but I won't do Wii-U Chats...