Gugu's Friends
★Gabriel★™ LpMarkus20
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James 77421LONEWOLF
Hello! I'm James! I'm going to miss everyone when they get rid of Miiverse. Goodbye my friends! Have fun,be happy and stay awesome!
fexalves fexalves
Abner Abner.manuel.7
Que onda Gamers!,bienvenido(a)a mi perfil,soy un Gamer de Panamá y Nintendero de corazón,soy fan de la saga Zelda y también de otras sagas como Smash bros,Donkey kong y los juegos de Mario!me gusta dibujar,pintar escribir etc.Busco amigos y si quieres serlo...pues siempre eres bienvenido vale,pues nada gracias por ver mi perfil amigo(a)....te gusta mi dibujo?a que si...siempre puedes darle un ajá!
MTM mtmartist
I asked for one hair from her golden head …she gave me three. <3 Well, hello there chaps. Love: The Legend of Zelda Riven MarioKartDD MetalGearSolid Civilization3 Kingdom Hearts SilentHill Portal Assassin'sCreed D.Gray Man tLoU FoM AnimalCrossing SonicAdvance2 HaloReach HarryPotter BFME2 OregonTrail Angel Alex HughJ.Nys Tori Bri Sana☆ STARS Monopoly Risk R~ … grey ships pass Into the West.
☆Dani☆ Dani015
Hi everyone I'm Dani. I'm 17 years old and I draw random stuff:) (Just for fun, not for fame!;)) I love to play games, especially The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros., and to watch Animes (Death Note, Kuroshitsuji, Mirai Nikki ect.)! I guess that's all.. I hope you enjoy my drawings... Oh wait! I'm a little bit crazy. :D Bye-bye♥
crissi SkywardsordZelda
Hey everyone! ^^ I'm Crissi. I love games especially the legend of Zelda. I also love mangas/animes, Cosplay, drawing and looots of other things! I'm drawing a lot here and I would be happy if you like my art! Also I'm extremly happy about my 1000+ followers! I stil can't believe it... *.* But I thank you sooo much for your support and all your kindness! I really appreciate it! ^^
Line Godzilla2K
Ich bin ein absoluter Zelda und Anime/Manga Suchti. Ich nehme Freundschaftsanfragen an, mache aber keine Wii U Chats. No Wii U Chats.
Stalker123 OriginalStalker
Nickname: Katie Im a huge nerd! I love video games to death! And Youtube is my best friend! I especially love RPG's, Horror games, The legend of Zelda series,The last of us, and FNAF'S! I also like-Markiplier, Cryaotic, Vanoss Gaming, Silent Droid, Onision/uh oh bro, TheRadBrad, Cinneama sins, TheGameGrumps, Dark5, Alltime10's, azzman, JackSepticEye, ect. -Memes r life-
Rogocat Rogocat
18, geek, unhealthy Nintendo-obsession ▲ The Legend of Zelda is great af ▲ WE WOMMY BACK♡ ò.ó
Sean iamseansdad
By Desirée umikoJaponaise
Hi Everybody~‹3 This Is Désirée! :) I Draw,Play Video Games and Love Manga Since My 5 Years (Im 17)! *U* Im A BIG Fan of Nintendo!!(All Games Of Nintendo!) *//O//* Thank's For All Comment and "yeah" I ‹3 You So Much!!~ +6000Followers.... Thank You... My Adventure in miiverse is Amazing ☆//U//★ Thanks! Love And Peace For EVERYBODY!! ●//♭//● ~Everybody Deserved Love~☆★
Lawliet Krisage
Link it to the world, link it to yourself.
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posti...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posting!^.~
My Words of Wisdom: kindness and happiness^^
Fav Videogames: The Legend of Zelda, the whole Mario Universe^^
Fav Animes\Mangas: Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Death Note
You can be my friend if you want and if you have a good reason but I won't do Wii-U Chats...