Finally it's here! My take on my favorite artwork from one of my favorite zeldagames! THANK YOU ALL!
Gugu's Post

New Videooo
Hi! It's meeee with a little update of my Youtube-Channel GArt^^ I posted a new video of coopa, a cover-singer, with a beauuuuutiful voice^^ Even though it is not ...

Quick little Update!
Heyo yes, I am still alive^^ I just want to let you guys know that I now have a YouTube channel called GArt, where I post Speedrawings! The first one is called "Dr...

2015 My first year here:')
2015 my first year here on miiverse, I'm so happy having met you all! To all of my friends and followers, thank you all for your support, you raised me up when I w...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

What do you think I should wish for Christmas? The legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes and The legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (don't have this game but played it through) or The legend of Zelda Triforce...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posti...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posting!^.~
My Words of Wisdom: kindness and happiness^^
Fav Videogames: The Legend of Zelda, the whole Mario Universe^^
Fav Animes\Mangas: Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Death Note
You can be my friend if you want and if you have a good reason but I won't do Wii-U Chats...