Users Gugu Is Following
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
たかこ nyanjirow
Miiverseで久々にお絵描きを楽しませていただきました。 素敵な場に参加することができ感謝しております。 皆様ありがとうございました! 一部の作品をpixivに残しています。 Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for the wonderful time. Sorry I'm not good at English.
James 77421bear
(^▽^)あかりん★ Happy-smiIe-lIIl
Welcome to my profile.o(*^▽^*)o~♪ I am always glad by much comment For the person who wrote bad comment, I make block correspondence without mercy 体調が安定してきましたので、絵を少しづつ描いてミーバース投稿を再開します♪ 投稿ペースは、以前より遅くなりますが 良かったら応援してください(*´∀`*)/♡ MHFGの再開は、まだ未定です また、どこかでお友だちの皆に会えるのを楽しみにしていますね☆
Angel HeavenlyAngel-08
Hello, Miiverse! I love to draw so most of my posts are drawings. I hope you give a like to them and have a nice day!!! NOTE: I will be doing drawing requests, but only if you comment on my posts, otherwise I wont see your request.
Rob Membranophonist
Jules risingwiiu
Nice to meet you! Thanks for taking a peek at my profile! Jules | 17 | Christian! I LOVE animation and lots of different games! Would love to get involved in something like that some day. As of now though, I just want to make people happy with some little drawings! Apologies for infrequent updates though.
arugam arugam
Wave, snow and Epona rider Miiverse was so cool... :( Thanks for your so many yeahs and comments. Greatly appreciated ! But many friend requests I can't accept... Sorry for that. Feel free to follow If you like my stuff ! :) Aru
Hi! Welcome to my profile page. Enjoy!★ こんにちは! 私のプロフィールページへようこそ. 楽しむ!★ Ciao! Benvenuti nella mia pagina. Buon divertimento!★ Salut! Bienvenue sur ma page de profil. Bon amusement!★ Hallo! Willkommen auf meiner Profilseite. Viel Spaß!★ ¡Hola! Bienvenidos a mi página de perfil. Diviértete! ★ P.S: ¤ Comment on my posts in any language! ¤ If you like my art, follow me! ;) ∞ ƒι®εвι®δ ∞
luk linklink7875
zorro tristan_onoe
Sólo me dedico a dibujar por estos lados. No muy seguido pero trato de aportar con algo. Si ves que los comentarios están desactivados, es que estoy trabajando en algún cómic dentro de un post. Eso, amor y paz.
イツキ&のぞみ nekogasukisugiru
Lesuna´∀` Lesuna
※フレンドについて※ 遊ぶ機会が減っていますので募集していません。(I don't want to be friend! Friend request No Thanx!!>:-O) フォローの付け外しについては、ご自由にどうぞ! 時折、絵心教室スケッチで絵を描いております。コメントを頂けるのは大変嬉しいのですが、コメ欄にある"注意書き"を必ず読んで下さい。あと“一言や無関係なコメントや新作以外の投稿には返しません”のでご了承下さい。(I'm happy because you write a comment. But please read the attention picture in the first comment!)
★ゴールデンネ☆ kiyomisa0327
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ こんにちは~♪ ★ゴールデンネ☆です。 ☆★ リラックマと すみっコぐらしが 大好きです! ☆★ あと、 ゴールデンボンバーが 大大大好きです(*´∀`*)/ よろしく お願いします('(T)')/ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Knight HappyHylian
Hello and welcome! ^_^ I'm a person who draws for fun. My drawings mostly include (but are not limited to) characters from The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Undertale, and Pokémon. Additional info: *I don't take requests. *I also don't accept random/blank friend requests. Thank you for visiting my profile!
WWB◆MrCube MrCube
"Rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à point." Hello and welcome. 30-year-old Nintendo fan and video game music addict, who draws occasionally. Thanks for all the yeahs, comments & follows.
Sky Luvpetz
Oh, hi there! Welcome to my little profile. Since it IS my profile, I'll tell you about some things I like. ♡Anime/Manga (I love a good romance.) ♡Drawing (Mostly manga) ♡SSB4 (Marth and Robin are my two favs) ♡Candy (Gummies are my favorite, though.) If you need to smile, please comment on one of my drawings and I'll make you happy again. :) Come again (^ ^)/ P.S. Hope I made you smile.
みなひこ dragons-grey
Thank you for everyone indebted to miiverse!! I was very happy for five years ,able to interact with everyone who loves Zelda around the world. It is very sad that miiverse ends,but the feeling of loving Zelda does not change. I am also looking forword to seeing you somewhere. Thank you!! ...I started twitt..>▽<ゝ これまでお出会いした皆様、楽しい日々をありがとうございました!長いようで短い5年間でした。 これからもゼルダを愛し抜きます!今後は青い鳥で出会えると嬉しいです みなひこ
Juli juli1211
Durchgeknallt und so ;)
R Rontrium
My Posts are only available in Japanese. The mistake in English is a promise. The mistake in Japanese ia aslo a promise. スプラトゥーン ついに購入いました ゼノブレイドクロスは全然進んでいませんが(汗 マリカやスマブラは完全に放置気味>< ※フレンド登録は、関わりのある人物を登録したいと思っています。
Sammy Kat~ JaYbirDwilly
:') ❀Special thanks to all my followers who stuck with me and encouraged the drawings.. can't say how much I appreciate that my little drawings were liked. <3 ❀Sir Raven, Blythe, Millicent, SnapperZz, Ryan, Adrehh, Judeh, White, V, Uncle_V, KiaN, Brittany, Seige, Jampster.. (and recent peeps/friends!); Y'all stayed from my start.. ty for meeting me and being my friends ♡
☆*Yυmi*☆ minou3000
°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°Hello°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙° •This is my first account ~ •My secondary account: aPotterhead •I'm 14 years old ~ ★•·.\(*~*)/.·•★ •I'm in many fandoms: Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Marvel… ~ •Δlωαγs in my heart: ☆Alan Rickman ☆Mika ☆Johnny Depp / Tim Burton •Smile, that cost nothing and it makes happiness all around ~
Momo mymspieler
Kath mimkath
Hi, you can call me Kath, Katrinalink or Metacat... all those name mean the same. sayonara, miiverse. I would like to thank everyone who supported me here... I would never had been the person I'm right now if you guys didn't support me, thank you for everything. Oh, and I'm 15 years old btw.
Matt Omega93
Hi, my name is Matt. Started Miiverse in Dec. 25, 2012. I do not draw for popularity. I only draw for fun. *I DON'T TAKE DRAWING REQUESTS* I also don't Wii U Chat. I can only speak and understand English.
MireilU MiziLina
*Requests closed* Hi, I'm Mireil! I use to draw Dark Link a lot because I really like him. I also draw about my favorite franchises occasionally, hope you like my profile! *No estoy tomando peticiones de dibujos por el momento* Hola, soy Mireil. Suelo dibujar mucho a Dark Link, realmente me gusta demasiado, también dibujo sobre mis franquicias favoritas ocasionalmente.
Seige SeigeWishMaker
Hello everyone! This page will mostly post bad art samples of: -The Legend of Zelda -Pokémon (with a preference over pokémon mystery dungeon & pokémon ranger.) I'M NOT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH, I hope you understand. Hope you enjoy your stay! ‹3
みどり«ふーみん» wrbyno100
みばが盛んだった頃は迷惑ユーザーも多くてサブアカがあるだけで悪人扱いされて叩かれたので、それ以来自分が誰のサブかは特に表記してません。でも…わかるよね?ふーみん別アカです この旧3DSは本アカの旧3DSが絵を描くのが限界になった時の引っ越し用に買いましたがNew3DSの登場で宙に浮いた形です。ちなみにその本アカの旧3DSは現在壊れて電源も入りません(危なかった)…ここでは主にスプラのソフトからの投稿やゼルダの絵を描いてます[本アカはNEW3DSに引っ越し済みです。] 2015年11月26日WiiU購入して紐つけ…
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Karo☆jcksn Acykleff305
»Somebody once said it‛s the soul that matters« – Michael Jackson ———————————— *MJ voice* Shh I´m Karo‘s speaking caption hee hee >:D ———————————— ♪German // Moonwalker ♪Artist, singer and songwriter ♪Splatoon, Pokémon, the Simpsons, Spongebob & Sonic the Hedgehog ⇒trying my best to stay active ;3 ———————— ▲We are the world so let‘s heal it for our children▼ ———————— ☆IG: karo.jackson☆
Siг Rανεn 300Spartans
Hey, I will be drawing/tracing pics of the LoZ Manga Series randomly or a Specific Character. So there will be no credit source/author in each drawing I do. Pardon if my drawings are not that perfect for I am doing them fast. *I will not be replying much only if there is more than 5 comments or something of relevance. Instead,I will yeah.* *Not accepting drawing requests of any sort. Sorry.*
Links JLinksesV
Hi, I love drawing! I don't really have any favorite game (might be FE Awakening...), but I love LoZ, Pokémon and Fire Emblem English isn't my native language so if I do any mistake, just tell me! ( º^º)/ (I speak french btw) Anime/Manga's I really like: Yuri!!! on Ice, Inazuma Eleven Go, Parasyte, Eyeshield 21, One Punch Man... I highly recommend them★ (ps: I'm a girl) ☆Have a nice day!☆
Luna☆ Luna22
My favorite game franchise: Tales of Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Super Mario Donkey Kong Ace Attorney Animal Crossing Love Kpop!
Carmen xCARMZx
Won't be on Miiverse that often anymore... Uhm, Hi, I'm Carmen I really like to Draw, Write, Game, Listen to Music and Watch Anime. I mostly Draw TLoZ related stuff. I Write stories, like Fanfictions or things i want to make a Manga with. I play lots of Games, but mostly TLoZ. I like almost every Music genre, but I love Japanese music the most. I also like lots of Anime genres. Bye x
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
Rogocat Rogocat
18, geek, unhealthy Nintendo-obsession ▲ The Legend of Zelda is great af ▲ WE WOMMY BACK♡ ò.ó
Sarovsky PotatoDesu
Hi! I'm Sara, a 15 years old magical unicorn~ My favourite games are The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem Awakening, etc... I also like animes such as One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, K Project, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Punch Man, etc... I also have a deep love for BTS and Seventeen members (ouo Oh, and also Genos and Kishibe Rohan. ❤ Bye kids!!
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posti...
Heyo, glad to see you! Welcome to my profile!
What I am doing? Just drawing, commenting and posting!^.~
My Words of Wisdom: kindness and happiness^^
Fav Videogames: The Legend of Zelda, the whole Mario Universe^^
Fav Animes\Mangas: Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul, Sword Art Online and Death Note
You can be my friend if you want and if you have a good reason but I won't do Wii-U Chats...