Trav's 3DS's Followers
deku NarutoHiro2017
hi my old name was originally .0. or zero as my full miivereser name but im on my original 3ds now so that's why im starting on this 3ds system file now ^~^ +just as my old profiled stated i'm open to becoming and makeing aqeaome miifriends and i love to work on my own manga in the works called ''Spirit-Blade'' my 2 main characters are Hironu-Zero and Luna :p :3
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
Robbo TenaciousPunk
Dream Address: 7A00-0012-42D7 It was fun while it lasted now lets all enjoy this last ride together.
zozo zozolucky
liline pauleline
en vrai je mapelle eline je suis nee le 3Aout 2008
Julie JulieSophy
Hallo ich bin neu in Miiwerse. Ich bin 8 Jahrealt. Ich will gerne mit andern Nutzern spielen. Wenn lemant mit mir spielen will möchte gerne Supermario 3D Wold spielen oder Wii sports Club spielen.♡♥Ich froje mich auf neue Freunde! Wer will mit mir spielen? Wer will mit mir befreundet sein? Ich spiele gerne Mario3DWold! Geburtstag: 10.02.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
LaserTom10 Tomasdaniel
Hi everybody, I'm LaserTom10. I'm an intermediate player. My favorite characters are Mario, Link, Sonic, Shadow, Iron Man, Pikachu, etc. I make good drawings and I love playing video games of adventure and action like sega and nintendo. I also like to play online, share my experiences as a player, upload screens of my achievements and see certain animes. *If you follow me, I'll follow you too!
Alibaba™ CaptainQuint75
heyooo i'm back from a short break :0 anywayyy... Check these peeps out: °•memesenpai⇒★★idol child★★ °•Kani⇒creativity boi ˙˘˙ °•Hope~♪⇒smol art child★☆ °•_DERP_⇒meme machine •—• °•Bia⇒anime picasso ♪♪ °•Anne Chovy⇒mp100 friendo ϋ °•Emma¦:)⇒sweet art child ♡♡♡•°
Azula Kit10105
Hi! Azuza here. Also known as Azula. I draw random stuff.....and Zelda. the LoZ series are my absolute favourite games . ★I love drawing,but im complete trash at it~(·‘·)~. Hoping to improve my skills at it while I'm here. Thanks for the yeahs and support,everyone. : )
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
adam ucheezy190
Aj LEGOfan12
NO Wii U CHAT! Hi Miiverse! I'm a boy who loves LEGO, Video-Games & Ninja! I'm Christian! Fav. VG series: Anything Nintendo, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Kingdom Hearts & more! Fav. VG Companies: Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, Square-Enix & TT Games! My Systems: PC, PS3/4, GC, GBA, Switch, 3DS & Wii U. Please visit my Scribblenauts Unlimited store "Dojo of Imagination" we sell VGs, Ninja, Trucks & more!
Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
teresina10 ottawa66
cari amici coniglietti visto che molti di voi mi conoscono e altri no sono teresa (questo é il mio vero nome) oggi ho voluto chiamarvi così perché mi sembrava molto carino come voi (ovviamente) ma se non vi piace oppure ho copiato qualcuno diventate miei amici e ditemelo approposito seguite la mia amica shira(ID clarissa02002 e possiamo raggiungere i........200 followers? grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midnight 3_SaVaGe_AnImE3
Hello i am sabrina-Alexaand the people who make my day are Taylor, BabyAnimegirl, kai, bhare, Neko~chan, and pandaplayz , And Millstream and LucyMachado and explodyanime and Amari-KFC_Chicken my favorite games are minecraft,Splatoon,MK8 and that is all and I might be able to wii u chat and i can chat in minecraft and call me by my nickname Lex ok and i always need more friends
luis blackstallion00
Nectar jervinnectar
If you see me playing, I'm slacking off RL responsibility. Tell me to get back to work.
T-T noah.i.herringto
hallo every bodys ho are yoo so here are some things about me insane,weird,sly,creepy [some times creepy], 37, crдppy artist!, Undertale freдk, Fairy Tail fan, PKMN master, LWA [Little Witch Academy] fanatic/fan, i am a pдthэtic welp!, MLP fan/freдk, FNAF fan/pro, BF [Buddy Fight!] fan/pro/fanatic, Twokinds fangirl, cat person, miku fan, LOZ pro/fangirl/fanatic, Monster Musume fangirl/lover/perv
agent 4 kingryer
This user's profile comment is private.
Asian redring345
RIP Miiverse. It was nice knowing you all. I'm a Christian. I do art. Self-proclaimed Miiverse Officiate XD Yeah, pretty much it. No random FRs, please, and no Wii U Chats. Also, no requests atm. Maybe in the future... "If you're ƒαllιηğ in a forest, and ησβσδγ'ς around, do you ever really сгαςħ, or even make a ςσυηδ?" -Θшl Çιτγ, Waving Through A Window
くじらジラジラ kujiranosabuaka7
ようこそ!くじらのサブアカへ! 名前 くじら 星座と血液型 水がめ座 B型 好きなもの ようつべ鑑賞、バカ食い、工作(基本役に立たないものばっかり) 嫌いなもの ビックリするもの、虫全般、トマト(ケチャップ、ミートソースなら可) なりたいもの 打たれ強い魔物になりたい… 尊敬する人 さりー(りんりん♪)氏、クロックサイン♪氏、みあ氏、みやび氏、リッター氏、10えんまんじゅう氏 ほんじゃ、よろしく!
Shrider Shrider3
MemeSenpai NinTravis_2
◆Thx Miicreator!◆ **This Account Is Not A Copy It is a account shared by S☆Янλτrαν and MemeSenpai.** still havePosts Trav is Unbanned Go Follow Him. Follow our mains MemeSenpai:TheMemeSenpai S☆Янλτrαν:TravisLeT2 MemeSenpai does the memes and Travis Trolls and other stuff. Bye!
AntiSam Samar2017
"WeLl. SaM wAs WeAk AnYwAy. YoU dOn'T mInD iF i StAy HeRe FoR a MoNtH, nO? LiStEn To Me! I'm NoT cRaZy. YoU aLl JuSt ThInK i Am bEcAuSe I lÎkE bL00d! SeE yOu SoOn."
Marmit new-marmit
HOY THERE... Its me marmitt, and welcome to my acount your one way stop to absolute stupidity! If you like puns, humor, art, and video games your at the right place my friend. My favorite games are: earthbound Xenoblade chronicals Kid icarus and pretty much any thing RPG Also check out my Wii U profile.
MrStitch skinstitch
old school gamer that is kinda stuck in the 80s. i love my 3ds and have alot of games. im always the lookout to meet new people and play games toghether. hit me up anytime
Colby Naruto200469
Hi! I am a gamer that loves almost ever game. My favorite is The Legend of Zelda series.One of my favorite anime is Naruto. My favorite youtuber is Jelly. Love to catch Pokémon and trying to catch them all.Like to call myself a Pokémon Master in training. If i like you enough ill do Follow 4 Follow :3 I'm bad at drawing but if I'm in a good mood ill draw amazing stuff like my profile pic #DarkLink
Smoke Hawkins8579
hi my name i rather not tell for privacy needs but here at miivers is fun but if one of my post bothers you please tell me please and thank you^_^
Kaffworld MinecraftFred
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Chris NetherFighter101
Ouch! Next time, please dont poke my face to hard! Anyways I am Chris and I like to play with freinds but sometimes I could get a little picky with players that fool around. I would love if you would follow me and smash the yeah button, but not to hard though cuz then your gonna break your WII U. Bye Enjoy Miiverse Games I Have: Splatoon Minecraft Super Smash Bros. MK8 (5.1k VR Super Mario Maker
Matt SammyMatt8
Hi there, my name is Sammy! Please read below and if I have something that you have or like please push the follow button on my user page. Thanks!! Favorite Color : Orange Favorite Game : LIFE Favorite Food : Pizza Favorite Softwares : Minecraft, Splatoon, and Mario Kart 8. Age : 8. Friends : 13. My friends are all fun and nice! Thanks, bye!!!
Riley2 CowAllMighty
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ChrisGamer el_chug3DS
YO WADUP HOMIES I'm Christian! For some who don't know... But to the people that do know You may remember me having a Miiverse Profile Welp it is! I COME BACK FROM DA DEAD :3 Friend meh Get me a soda
Borb Borbmin
New account because I lost my pass.
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to th...
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!!
Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.