Trav's 3DS's Friends
Splat-Teo TomComics_WiiU
Other account I had that I use only for Splatoon, hence the name Splat-Teo. I had a name before that but Nintendo didn't like it :( Main Account: SSBM_Teo Old Alt Account: TomComics_3DS OG Account: TomComics
Tavorian Tavoryan
I am cynical, yet whimsical. I am a member of the Smashy Club. Feel free to socialise with us. Burgundy, a friend of mine, is creating an independent game, AngelSkies. Please support him.
Lewis TheBlackGear82-X
This user is no long available. Go check my actual user (NNID: SkeletonKnight82) I can be here in case of ban... Which is probably never...
Lara.Moon Cobwebbyfir
Hi ^^ Lara here and Moon. Look at Yuri ^^ Always looking for great friends. Age: 22 Check my posts for my drawings and awesome posts. I LOVE to draw but i am not good at it :/ Super fan of Bayonetta Resident Evil Bloodborne Final Fantasy Metroid --------------- Bayonetta Fly me to the moon and Moon River are the best songs! LOVE YOU ALL. ♥♥♥
What am I supposed to do here? Lol. I feel old here. Haven't came since 2015... well, it's great knowing everyone. I might never return. (or I might.) R.I.P 2014-2016: Me. Thanks for everything and making me welcome ever since, especially the ones I cared for here. (^ _ ^) / ♥ Thank you.
Apaln II ApalnSan2
Hey guys! This is my backup account. Same story, same guy, same rules. NO WII U CHAT OR BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS. NONE. Anyway, I will be posting drawings and experimental art on here like I do on my regular account, ApalnSan Enjoy Life. I'll finish this later.
Batman ImAboutToGiveUp
I'm probably who you think. #SaucyClub #SmashyClub
Stefan BluEagleGSU
Hey, glad to see ya! I am a 22 yr. old college student, and work part time. I am a Christian, and I treat everyone with respect and kindness. I love to draw on Miiverse, and I love everything Kirby and Zelda. Currently playing Wind Waker HD, MK 8, Capt.ToadTT, and Smash WiiU. Thanks for stopping by. :D I only accept friend requests if I've talked to you for a bit. ;)
Sarki? Sarki242
I draw video games & nerdy schniz because I'm a failure of a person with no sense of originality or tact. Enjoy your stay! Some of my favorite games are Kirby, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, & Splatoon. I also like Arc & Capcom fighters & niche Japanese fare. Don't request me unless I know you enough. Yeah bombings encouraged.
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
Snake Shulk0077
Goodbye. Thank you for the memories.
Davidicus Solstace
If yer reading this on yer activity feed, just keep scrolling. Sorry for the interruption. About me: I'm an old school gamer, since SNES. I love Final Fantasy 4, and grew up with it, Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, and Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars. I'm a pretty hardcore gamer with a cynical view on gaming culture. I put my avatar, Davidicus, through hell constantly. Take a look, why don'tcha?
Dark Invader.Toriko
"Enter at your own peril! Pass the bolted doors, where impossible things may happen, that the world has never seen before!"
Sarah ExplorersOfSky
This profile will rarely be used now. I've moved onto Deviant Art ever since the 30 post per day Miiverse Update. I'll only return for Art Academy or just for some random doodles. So unfollow me if you want.
Aidan nRhypnotize
my favorite games are super smash bros seris pikmin series mario series metroid series star fox series zelda series and much more
Melon 64 EPICMAN01
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IrishBlend IrishBlend
I'm 26 and im new to wii u :3 i love it!
Epic★Griff griffellaaub
▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ WARNING:This profile will make you epic! My name is Griffin call me Griff! Im a beast at mk8, and also love to play splatoon, make sure to join the Epic★clan (mine)! hang out on my posts if possible Rules: 1.follow(appriciated) 2.yeah(appriciated) 3.feel free to leave a request passionate epic! thats allö have fun being epic! ▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
Brandon Brandilio
Hi there, I'm Brandon. I'm a gamer, a geek, a cartoonist, and an editor. I have a huge pool of interests and am involved in a ton of different projects. For those who found this page via Let's-A-Make I judge Mario Maker levels every single week.
Mia TruesdellWiiU
Yeah. I play video games. And eat Italian. And do stuff. ...What? Did you think this profile comment would be interesting? BWAHAHAHA--!! ...Oh. You were SERIOUS?! (No Yeah-bombing or Wii U Chat plzthx)
nicholigh nicholighkun
Metroid all the way baby! Give me a Metroid II remake. Give me a new Metroid game. Don't let the franchise come near to death from neglect yet AGAIN. Please. If you ask me to look at your Smash Bros. stages, please have close ups for me to see; a full view & some showing off the features & areas more clearly. Also, my system memory is full, so I cannot download your stages : /
Nicolas SuperNicolas1234
Hello, everyone. I'm just your average guy with a not so great childhood. Don't forget to follow me if you like my art. P.S. Most of the characters, locations, items, etc. belong to their respective owners.
Roel RGkong2
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Erik ecoreasgomez1111
Barry BarryNomad
Rave Awesomenesswag
Hello miiverse!!!!! im Rave and i can't acsess my other acount so yeah:(.My favorite game is the walking dead (2012) on into the sonic the hedgehog series and other stuff.i love drawing!!!!!
Roxanne Sandythefox
is this thing on ........... oh hi my name is Roxanne but call me Star ... let's see i guess you shall know a few facts about me top 5 characters: Silver Blaze Espio Shadow Knuckles let's see well i'll do request { mmm well if i get the chance too } Bffs: Justine Alex Kyra Carter Miiverse Bro & Sis: Joe Ruby well that's all ....oh wait the most important person to me ..... Oscar ♥
Roxanne Roxy12
Name : Roxanne and im a Thunderclan cat and im a she-cat cute name : Star and Bluestar favorite shows: billy and mandy , regular show , amazing world of gumball , my little pony , littlest pet shop Sports: hockey , baseball , soccer , tennis , football , volleyball. BFF: Ruby , Casey , Liam , and my cute kitten boots Miiverse Brothers and sisters : Ruby , Michael , Joe Boyfriend : Oscar
Snake bite Ninten-Swag
hello my name is matt and im 15 i love video games, basketball, soccer, and hanging out with my freinds. i like nintendo and microsoft...sorry sony fans i dont do wii u chat unless i really know you well wich will probably not happen. i think trolls ruin miiverse. i do series on here so look out for those. my goal is to get 10000 yeahs this year and 1000 followers and sorry i dont draw
キース leansteak0
Joe queenshe
Hey there,I'm Joe! I'm a very nice guy I'm a big fan of Sonic Birthday:October 31st Age:14 I am a christian † Favorite singer: R. Kelly I play Black Ops 2 a lot xD.
victor harmonyman987
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Kev Kevin1120
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Estaban Mr.zeroxlulu
Yo guys! Not sure if I'll use this a lot but why not give me an add? I won't bite! haha. One random fact about me is that I started playing video games when I was 4! What was my first console you say? Well it was the N64! First game? Mario Kart 64! I grew up with nothing but Nintendo games! But now I also enjoy other non-Nintendo games like Silent Hill, Bioshock, Street Fighter and, many others!!!
drakey ian2012
★ I live in (TX) I love to draw★ I love lots of different games but my top favorites are ( Jet set radio, Space channel 5,Sonic all stars transformed... and my favorite character is ( Gum from JSR).
LilTaty718 RavenNellyFabooo
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Dr. Eggman MetaRidley001
Citizens of earth, lend me your ears! I am Dr. Eggman, the greatest scientific genius in the world!!! All shall bow down before the might of the Eggman Empi.....oh who am I kidding, I'm just going to screw this up like I always do... Eggman Enterprises™ accepts all friends and followers who would bend the knee to the might of the illustrious and indomitable Eggman Empire!! HOHOHOHOHO!!!!!
Din0 Din0Sting64
Hi. I'm a person who likes to post drawings and comments. I post on communities such as SSB 3DS/Wii U, Crunchyroll, Youtube & many other communities. So feel free to follow or send me friend requests at anytime. No Wii U Chats. I don't accept blank friend requests. NOTE: I used to Yeah Bomb but I stopped a long time ago. Goals: To make friends and 600 followers.
rave snoopigasisee
Hello nitendo land i'm rave. i'm from oklahoma and my favorite game is the walking dead (2012) on 360.i'm into the sonic the hedgehog series and looking forward to lost world. age:13.My goal:to reach 10,000 yeahs,50 followers and 100 friends
★Μįκё★ MikeTheMarioGeek
Mario Kart 8 retirement: 20/6/2015 Reason: THE GAME IS UNBELIEVABLY CRUEL!!!!!!!!! The name's Mike. MikeTheMarioGeek. I liek making people laff. Age: 14 I love the Buzz! games! Thank you all SO much for the wonderful follows, Yeahs, and comments! I really appreciate it! :) I'm a huge Mario fan! :D
Shadows supernin42341318
H e l l o, I'm Shadows! 1: I am a Sonic fan. 2: I only speak english. 3: Being inappropriate = BLOCK. 4: My favorite games are Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, and Minecraft. Sonic FTW! :-D
Cory SegaSonic81
Sakurai vgmaster2013
Welcome to my Miiverse profile! I'm 16 years old, an intense gamer and an addict to video games! I'm also a normal person who loves gaming and I'm very honest. No BLANK or RANDOM friend requests unless I know you a bit and I do Wii U Chat! If you didn't know, I'm also an Amiibo collector! I'm back finally!
HIGHscores HIGHscores
Hi! Classic gamer here! I grew up on Atari, c64, NES and have collected and played ever since. Love arcade gaming/pinball and own a few machines myself. Castlevania is my favorite game. I love to follow the artists on here. I draw lots of old video game/heavy metal/movie art. My wife is Snackz, please check her out too :)
Raymond SolidSnake777000
This account is no longer in use.
BUR★rappy Radrappy
Alfie jambob
★ROC★,K meloniamask
skulli X badbutt
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Mordecai vandeneynden
Hey everyone! This is Mordecai here, a.k.a two awesome 21 year old twin brothers named Max and Ben. We both like drawing & making movies. Here's a list of our favorite video game franchises: MOTHER/Earthbound, Metal Gear Solid, Pikmin, Metroid, Super Smash Bros, Golden Sun, Mario, Sonic, Bioshock, Legend of Zelda, and more! [Ben's alt account: "Ben-Mordo" (vandeneynden2)]
Isaiah MattTheGamer1000
Apaln San ApalnSan
Hey! I'm Apaln San! My new alternate account is ApalnSan2. Check it out! I'm 15 years old. Proud Nintendo fan since I was 4. I am a fan of Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Starfox, Earthbound/Mother, etc. I'm a self-taught artist and I love to draw! I also really like seeing other people's art! Compulsive Yeahing Disorder. Will yeahbomb when possible. NO BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS; NO Wii U Chat!
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to th...
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!!
Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.