Well Miiverse, it’s been fun. We had some good times, some great memes, and all the adult mischief one can have in a children’s social media experiment gone horribly awry. Hopefully my drawings an...
Trav's 3DS's Post

Good to see Shadow up and running in Forces but I have to ask....did Sonic Team build that stage in Mario Maker? I thought Green Hill was supposed to have, I dunno... HILLS!

"What are you boys doing in here?"
Platinum Game's YouTube page just uploaded a Bayonetta cutscene that loops 3 times . I wonder what that means...

Sonic Forces is only $40.00 and I can dress my avatar up like Joker from Persona 5...I can't argue with this.

Just when Sega does something right they gotta go and screw it up. This whole Denuvo DRM controversy is killing whatever goodwill they gained off of Sonic Mania both with the fans and the developme...

I really wanna be hyped for Sonic Forces but every time I see more gameplay, I see more problems. I watched both a Wisp Hammer Run and a Fire Wisp Run and I'm confused. Taking the slow weapon based...

One look at Sonic Mania's time trial mode and I knew this game was made by people who completely understand the mentality of a Sonic fan. Why wasn't one button restarts a thing eons ago? Also those...
3D Sonic The Hedgehog Community

R.I.P. Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog Comic (1993-2017)
It was confirmed today that Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic has officially been cancelled. Acting as the proverbial torch for the SatAM tv series, Archie did an ...
DuckTales: Remastered Community

What'd You Guys Think of the New DuckTales Opening?
The new song's fine but I think I was more impressed with the animation. I love all the nods and references to the Carl Barks comics and how it's all strung togeth...

So Classic Sonic's from another dimension now... No, that's fine. That's perfectly fine. Not like this series ever made since in the first place. I've seen more coherency in the Zelda timeline.

Passable conferences all around. Nothing too surprising. I give Nintendo the win for that over the top Mario Odyssey trailer. I mean Mario turns into a T-rex. Its the simple things.

Sonic Forces looks neat. Watching Eggman transform his old ball and chain mobile into the Egg Dragoon was a nice piece of multilayered nostalgia. Looks like Sonic's friends are going to be contacti...

Did anybody else think Super Lucky Tale was a new Conker game at first? Fool me once Microsoft shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to th...
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!!
Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!!
Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.