minecraft 's Followers
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
ash baby_0415
°♥î lîke emõjî's♥°
§¤Nathan¤§ monkey2509
Owww You Poked My Face! ;_; Oh Hi Im Leader Of §¤ And I'd Like To Say That You Guys Are AWESOME!!!!!! (^_^) §¤ People Are V.I.P For Squad And Private Battles So You Shine My Heart Wii U Chat: Yes Minecraft Youtube Splatoon Super Smash MK8 Nintendo Land And Those Are The Games I Play GOOD BBYYEE!!!! (^o^) If You Wanna Be In My Clan Just Put §¤Your Name¤§ Why You Here?
king chris chris32839
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katy katy0521
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Rhino rynothedino14
Im Ryan my nickname is Rhino my friends are louie jorji woof pig ☆samad★ ★salman☆ ◆Rodrick★♂ tr3nt3n Kittykat14 Maisy Lyon ◆мэтαι◆ joe Alex Hank Hill matthew Rob3rt Chris Harry Charley360 samad2.0 if you follow me i follow you if you be my friend i yeah lots of your posts i am 10 years old my birthday is the 13th of july SORRY NO WIIU CHAT(except for louie,he can)
Cian CianFlynn
Sup im Cian u can call me kiwi if ya want. I like mario,zelda,pokemon,FNAF and PvZ. Follow me and ill follow u back I dont block people that I folow or report. Im a MLG boss cause Im a good gamer. Justin beiber stink and 1D, Cian rules. Im finished Scribnlenauts Unlimited and 100% finished LEGO city undercover. \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ :P
jellybean mkcera
Hi! I'm Ellen! I am happy to announce I'm takin drawing requests and sorry if I can't get to them right away! #BlameSchool BYE
Dylan castledragon564
Sup! I like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, The super smash bros series and lots of other stuff. If u like my posts hit that yeah button and follow me it helps out a ton:) Keep checking my profile for new stuff. Also if u follow me i will follow back. My goal is 50 followers and 1000 yeah's. If I could achieve that it would be great!
Rory roryd11
hello miiverse my name is rory I am 13 years old my favourite games are crackdown the batman arkam series and halo please follow me and dont report me also coment on my posts I like to hear feed back. I accept all friend requests just dont wii u chat me
cj jhinrickson
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Rosalina lovelove123love2
Hello. I'm The Real Princess Rosalina. I Love Stars ★♥★♥! Friend Me! I Will Say Yes. Bye!
andres Andresgenio_2334
Hola amigos como estan yo soy un nintendero mexicano y me gusta super smash bros for wiiu.No se mucho hablar ingles así que lastima.Espero que le guste mis comentario si quieres verlos.
dxniz den008
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dante papimaster1995
Isaac1001 isaacwortzel
Pink sheep has a awesome mustache and he Is so fly you should call him a airplane. . hi im isaac. i wiiu chat with anyone that does not swear,or be innapropite,and anyone that hates me. I really like asdf movies,legos, video games ,and reading. i want to get 100 friends and 1,000 followers. please don't block me . brofist! bye doods .
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
realmario 123mariostyle
whats up guys luke savich here! if you be my freind ill yeah! all your posts! bye
Sonic shineout
Hewwoooooo I love my family and anyone who hates me because your just having a bad day or just jealous. lol!!!
Jordan jordrocks2002
I'm such a Nintendo Fanboy that my mom rushed to the store at 5 AM on November 18, 2012 and bought me a Wii U. Don't believe me? Check my first Miiverse post. See. November 18, 2012. I'm one of the biggest Nintendo Fanboys. I ♥ you Nintendo. Thanks for making this awesome console and social network!
Eric ericellamiller
What's up guys? My name is Eric and I like to play video games, mainly Nintendo games such as The Legend of Zelda. I also like to watch gaming videos on YouTube. I look forward to sharing my gaming experiences with all of you!
ash lovegirl1
I'm single & ready to mingle & my other account is hotgirl1forever or ³÷²=¹®¹ both of them are the same
danny shadow959
Welcome to video games. Favorite Vlibeo Gabes: Earthbound (1995) (SNES) Half-Life (1998) (PC/PS2/DC) Doom (1993) (PC/PS/GBA/SATURN/XB360/PS3/3DO/JAGUAR)
pooda pooda06
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lex lex601
i need friends
Raiden Luigiguy101
Angel:Hey guys! Im Angel the Dragon fox,I am an over powered person,so make sure you stay away from me and my friend Tidal. Say hi Tidal! Tidal:Sup peeps! Angel:Our character themes will be in a post. Make sure you follow our friends. Well,we have to go battle someone Tidal:It's creepy. Angel:We know.. Angel:Also im single! Pucker up ladies! Tidal:*wisper* Never go out with him. Angel:HEY! Ok,bye.
Juli juli.wiiu2
hey :)☆Freundeliste ist leider voll ihr könnt mir aber folgen☆ Hi :) ☆Friendslist is full but you can follow me ☆ thank you :)
Μαχ Max11357
Hi Leude :D Ich bin Max, bin 14 und komm aus Bonn :D ★Member des BMKG Clans, fahre aber nur in Mk7★ Mk7 Stats: - ★★ - 10500 Münzen - 7000 RP Ich ♥ Nintendo über alles und besitze ne Wii, ne Wii U, nen 3ds und nen 3ds xl (und nen alten gameboy) :D
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not al...
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not all wii u chats just some name Mario age 25 favorite color blue favorite show sponge bob I love Wii U Chat DarkFFForce please Wii U chat me games luigis mansion dark moon nintendo land well it broke super mario 3d world and land