Users minecraft Is Following
katy katy0521
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Rory roryd11
hello miiverse my name is rory I am 13 years old my favourite games are crackdown the batman arkam series and halo please follow me and dont report me also coment on my posts I like to hear feed back. I accept all friend requests just dont wii u chat me
Cian CianFlynn
Sup im Cian u can call me kiwi if ya want. I like mario,zelda,pokemon,FNAF and PvZ. Follow me and ill follow u back I dont block people that I folow or report. Im a MLG boss cause Im a good gamer. Justin beiber stink and 1D, Cian rules. Im finished Scribnlenauts Unlimited and 100% finished LEGO city undercover. \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ \(^o^)/ :P
Rosalina lovelove123love2
Hello. I'm The Real Princess Rosalina. I Love Stars ★♥★♥! Friend Me! I Will Say Yes. Bye!
MASON mars5422
i love to play video games and to read books and watch tv and movies and to sum it all up i love minecraft and doctor who and cute animals
Morigami Margarito.G25986
If anyone wants to stay on touch just put a comment on a post and say you want to stay in touch
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
David DavidWM
Hi my name is David I love playing fun or adventure games. My favorite games are Minecraft, Splatoon & Mario Kart 8 My best friend is Ray, hes a kind friend and is always there to help! Have a nice day!
jose angel wiiuchat
Fabian 18frosales
symmsynn symmsyndrome
realmario 123mariostyle
whats up guys luke savich here! if you be my freind ill yeah! all your posts! bye
vmac ChillV
Hello, I'm vmac. I'm a teenage boy and am really into gaming. I'm mostly into Nintendo, indie games and shovelware too... My favorite characters are Bowser, Bowser Jr. Outside of gaming, I write down my own game ideas, watch videos and study world cultures. I do not take random freind requests, that is reserved only for people I know. Just follow me instead. Studying: Japanese, German, Spanish
aj aj081707
abigail awesomecreeper
hi everyone my name is abigail and i have a brother named alex.I have a white wii u and an Xbox.i really love music and drawing! My wish is to have lots of Friends! and the only thing i DON'T LIKE IS PEOPLE ARE BEEN MEAN TO ME and well thanks for reading this i'll see you guys later!
Jordan jordrocks2002
I'm such a Nintendo Fanboy that my mom rushed to the store at 5 AM on November 18, 2012 and bought me a Wii U. Don't believe me? Check my first Miiverse post. See. November 18, 2012. I'm one of the biggest Nintendo Fanboys. I ♥ you Nintendo. Thanks for making this awesome console and social network!
◆ма®ιο■ Bestgamer
Welcome to my Main !
jack legodude10
favoritegame.punch out franchise and mario and sonic franchise.
cobaner456 Cobanerman1456
Markus WarioNo.1
Hi! I'm Markus. I'm a O.C with PK/PSI powers. I can fight well. I hope we can get along well! or else..... I'LL PK FREEZE THEN PK FIRE YOU! That's all!
Luigi YearOf-a-Luigi
Hey guys if U wanna see my profile just follow me and jump ok? Ready?? JUMP!!!! Mama Mia!!!! If U want yeahs just ask me ok??? Ahh!!!!! Not yet???? Wow!!!!! Too many profiles!!!!!!! Can't wait! K here we r here!! Ow
LinSuFatGo LinSuGo
Happy,Love Saru, piggies, horses, puppies, well, all animals!
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
randomdude champx
Wassap friends random people and wassabies! Follow me! I say stuff! Squeeze me( what I mean by that is me being a teddy bear) (^-^)I play the sports soccer, karate(right now a brown belt), wrestling, track, cross country, and soon going to try other things. Like taking off my hat(^-^). One of many of my dreams is to inspire and make people have fun (while i'm staying under the radar).
Dylan castledragon564
Sup! I like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, The super smash bros series and lots of other stuff. If u like my posts hit that yeah button and follow me it helps out a ton:) Keep checking my profile for new stuff. Also if u follow me i will follow back. My goal is 50 followers and 1000 yeah's. If I could achieve that it would be great!
Dan mymomiscool
WILL Will135
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Den superhero7
He-yo guyz! My name is Grant "Den" Taylor! I am 12 years old! Sometimes I play Wii, sometimes I play Minecraft! I will post stuff that are sometimes funny. So gimme a Yeah! If you want! (P.S. My favorite VG character is Sonic BTW) P.P.S, Try to find the hidden ":3"s!
Julian 23jrosales
Hello i am new to the earth and just a baby iggy my name is paesh you are in luck because i am an julian a full grown iggy. Friend me if you want to play minecraft empty friend requests will not be tolerated im pretty chill but if you grief or say mean things about people i will ban you and unfriend you ok ok ;)
Juli juli.wiiu2
hey :)☆Freundeliste ist leider voll ihr könnt mir aber folgen☆ Hi :) ☆Friendslist is full but you can follow me ☆ thank you :)
catherine lonsdales
heri 1000000000000000
hola :] hi :]
Megann<3 teristar
Shawn SkateGamer14
Hello I'm Shawn I'm currently 23 and welcome to my profile. I enjoy Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby among other Nintendo games. I do not Wii U chat, sorry that's just my policy. I don't know what else to say other than hello and happy gaming! :D
Carlos gr81carlos
Did Someone Say Tacos?
Badham Badham
Hey, I'm Badham. I love many games, but some of my favourites are: classic Sonic, Mario Galaxy, (Telltale's) The Walking Dead, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts, Bioshock Infinite, various Final Fantasy games, Metroid, Zelda, To The Moon, Kid Icarus and The Wonderful 101. I'm generally calm until RED SHELLS FFS.
Jacob MisterJacob
C man magicmastr2
Hello. I am c man... its a very weird name. If your looking at this it means you saw me or want to ask me a stupid or random question. If you want to hug me, friend me in 2 or 1+1 days. If you liked this word text thing or like anything I do or say follow me or friend me in 2 or 1+1 days. Do so fast because im lonely. Thank you for reading this and every yeah i get i give a free hug to charity
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not al...
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not all wii u chats just some name Mario age 25 favorite color blue favorite show sponge bob I love Wii U Chat DarkFFForce please Wii U chat me games luigis mansion dark moon nintendo land well it broke super mario 3d world and land