minecraft 's Friends
Rosalina lovelove123love2
Hello. I'm The Real Princess Rosalina. I Love Stars ★♥★♥! Friend Me! I Will Say Yes. Bye!
Kaden TheHeroXbox
tyson koffee03
hi i am kelton but some people call me tyson and i like scary games but you may find me as a nerd but i am not. because i play games all day and night and i fall asleep at 5:00 watching netflix.and i like calling my weekends lazy saturday and lazy sunday.and i have to do a lot of work on every other day.and i am also a person who you want to follow and friend and also i am a hudge zombie fan,sonic
realmario 123mariostyle
whats up guys luke savich here! if you be my freind ill yeah! all your posts! bye
hotgirl hottgirl
SSΩ Walker ZeldaFan3280
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Kaden pizza_champion
ash lovegirl1
I'm single & ready to mingle & my other account is hotgirl1forever or ³÷²=¹®¹ both of them are the same
Finn FinnandJake78
What time is it?! adventure time! I want friends please!
lex lex601
i need friends
boss taryn.85kooranch
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lollypop bellrog33
hello i have no friends i love to vidioe chat with people i just turened13 on july 3 and i love to video chat with anybody want to be friends??be friends with me i love austen mohone hes my favroite guy i wish i could marrie him
chrismas D pectorals_429
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rowland etwwrestling7785
Markus WarioNo.1
Hi! I'm Markus. I'm a O.C with PK/PSI powers. I can fight well. I hope we can get along well! or else..... I'LL PK FREEZE THEN PK FIRE YOU! That's all!
alex alex601
hoping to get a thousand yeahs and i have two spots left yall better hurry
Joana JoanaSilva
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mad luke hellephant
Megann<3 teristar
joseph JOE670
my name is joseph im a gamer for mostly every game im 14 my favorite game is black ops || im looking for friends and followers!!! $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$
tt takerra
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arturowarf nuketowzombies
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dubs dubtender85
25 yr gaymer, new to wii u, like gaming and vid chat. like meeting new people so add me and lets be friends.
tec tom tectom
hello i am tec tom this is my second profile and i am apart of tec follow me i will follow you got it and toboucause fan i am tobys number1 fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hi guys im using this profile for 2 weeks my thired profile got banned so its me tec tom
Peter.G nexus09
z ZrRock
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Don Won DonTalbert
Hi! So your visiting my profile, cool. My favorite system still to this day is the N64. So anyway thnx for visiting my profile! Be excellent to each other!
charlize<3 charlize3258
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Kai Wasserflasche99
Hallo. Willkommen auf meinem Profil. Ich freu mich über jede Freundesanfrage und ich mag es zu chaten (ich mein damit Nachrichten zu schreiben). Ich habe eine Wii, einen Nintendo 3DS und eine Wii U. Meine Liblingspiele sind Super Smash bros. Brawl, Kingdom Hearts (kh) dream drop distance, kh chain of memories und Kid Icarus uprising. Ich zeichne gern im Miiverse mach es aber jetz nur noch selten.
ShaQ Shaqqy_Boy
Sup, my peeps calls me ShaQ or Shaqqy Boy. I'm a very super cool guy in heart, very easy to get along with and LOVE to play video, its my greatest hobby up to date. I'm always up with making friends and having fun with them. Stay cool with me and I stay cool with with you. It's up to you if you want to do wii chat with me or not, your choose along. But I will talk to anyone on miiverse. Add me ok.
**** queqette
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bri js2025
sara emileeandhope
Donald32GB DonaldStafford
nintendo is the best. wii u plays mp4 video file no download just click and it play wow
tec*man MarioBrothers222
shannon pmill19
Mario SuperZelda360
- My real name is Isaiah I love Super Mario Bros., Super Smash Bros., Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda, and Sonic the Hedgehog - I love to draw - My only favorite anime is Dragon Ball Z
juan29 juanpaguati
Eli puppyluver995
Who here plays little big planet
michel michelchelbie
Hello i'am michel vanhaverbeke.You can always send requests to me.But I add your only if you speak Dutch.If you gives one of my mails a yeah then i'il give you also a yeah.If i it forget, you can always send a comment or send me a message. i got this games: New super Mario bros.u Nintendo land just dance 4/2014/2015 sing party Super Mario 3d World Pikmin 3 Mario kart 8 Yoshis wolly Rayman Legends
Brendan Brendan_Kol
Hi i'm Brendan. I am a wrestling, baseball playing, trapshooting, 16 year old from Minnesota. I am addicted to watching HIMYM, Breaking Bad, Walking dead, and Wilfred. Video games also consume a good portion of my time so feel free to add me on Wii U or 3DS. Oh, and feel free to check out my drawings of famous people (they are really good)
Luke superzeldamaster
Luke MilesNinetails
Hello! I'm called Luke (if you couldn't guess already.) I am from the United Kindom and I'm 17 and am a total Nintendo geek - my childhood! I love a range of games; Mario, Kirby, Zelda, Pokémon, Pikmin and Earthbound (Mother as the series is called in Japan) are my favourites along with Okami and Xenoblade. My favourite pokémon is Ninetales and my favourite video game character is Rosalina.
Chaos Thesmithfi
Alola everyone! Chaos here and its a pleasure to meet you all! Im a small artist with big dreams and playing video games is apart one of those many dreams i have. I Love all kinds of games, especially Smash Bros for the Wii U and The Pokemon series!
Toon link akatsuki39
Big fan of toon link. i like zelda,super mario, pokemon, kirby ,ssb.i love Naruto,magical index,scientific railgun,fairy tail, and soul eater. im good at drawing and give yeah bombs tetra's orders. goal:300 followers You can follow me if you want to. I DON'T WII U CHAT
Zero Two ZeroTwoX
Hello the name's Zero(Some call me Shy Guy) and I like to draw! OwO (And play games of course.) I hope to become a really good animator! Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, Marx Soul, Galacta Knight, Miracle Matter, Zero Two FTW!!!
luigi900 luigi900
Hello! I love mario and Luigi (Luigi more) and would love to play any mario online game with you guys like luigis mansion dark moon. I also like super smash bros and i have all four I'm more than willing to smash it up with anyone. I'm also up for mario kart 8 if anyone is interested
Mark zeinging
I am 20 and My favorite games are mario, zelda, kirby, pikmin, cave story, metroid, and kid icarus. I love to draw and make flipnotes.
Μαχ Max11357
Hi Leude :D Ich bin Max, bin 14 und komm aus Bonn :D ★Member des BMKG Clans, fahre aber nur in Mk7★ Mk7 Stats: - ★★ - 10500 Münzen - 7000 RP Ich ♥ Nintendo über alles und besitze ne Wii, ne Wii U, nen 3ds und nen 3ds xl (und nen alten gameboy) :D
Fabio Fabistar4
ShaZZam Apostle
j bob jbobakaj606
my actual name is jamie but i like my nick name better- J bob. im kind of a ShyGuy so i don't chat much and my favourate kind of games are the ones with customization options like Time Splitter 3 ( Awesome map editor ) and Soul Calibur 5 ( not a finished game but Epic Character creation mode ). curruntly waiting for StarFox Wii U... or an F-Zero Wii U
I'm AWESOME!!!!!
zacarias zas2385
Matt Matt_N
My names Matt! I grew up and live in MN. Im 16 and love Nintendo more than you do! My favorite game is ocarina of time. My favorite game series is zelda. I love trapshooting and problem solving!
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not al...
hi im new here so give me a lot of yeahs I Accept all friend requests and Wii U chats well not all wii u chats just some name Mario age 25 favorite color blue favorite show sponge bob I love Wii U Chat DarkFFForce please Wii U chat me games luigis mansion dark moon nintendo land well it broke super mario 3d world and land