Users ☆πσαн4мν★ Is Following
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
RobiN!! SpruceGoose15
A crazy Ylissian who loves Robin, Takumi and N I'll change my profile comment to respond to comments and stuff. Thank you, friends. You've made me feel like family. I love you all!! I'm not allowed anywhere else. "This is it, Robin. Our final battle!"~Chrom Thank you guys for everything. This was a wonderful experience. I'll miss you, my friends.
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
νχ★Jαмεs JamesToivo
Hi! I'm 15, and I like to play a variety of games! My favorite games are Portal 2, Super Hexagon, Subnautica, Grim Fandango Remastered, VVVVVV, and Super Paper Mario. I'm also the leader of the Velocity Xperts (νχ) in Mario Kart 8 & Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. (Founded by νχ★€ħ¤¤ April 17, 2016) And unless I think you're up to it, you're not getting in. MK8 VR: 10023 MK8DX VR: 4130
Daniel p0wbl0ck
Hello,you can call me Daniel.I used to have another account but it got b@nned for nothing so this is my new main.Peeps:Ash,Xylix,Josy, Knightfall,Zack,Nicky Rose,Ava,and Rose.Goodbye peeps.I'll remember yall. †
ом¢▲Tyler Cheesy_Lifestyle
Heya! This is Tyler. I'm a 13 year old gamer! This my ALT account to help friends get VR. <<Facts>> • I am the leader of the ом¢ (Original Mario Carters) clan on MK8. (Invite only) • I am other MK8 clans, like ¢ğς, ив, я¢м & мк¢. • Basketball is my all time sport. • I like other games, like SMM, Minecraft, and NSMBU! Follow me on Tw: TylerMK813 That way we can stay in touch!
я¢м★Еяiс S.S.Marisabelle
Hi! This is SlipStream's ALT account. The name is Eric! All MK8 related posts will be made here. Facts. •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245 WW. •Taken by the love of my life я¢м★Joanna. I love you honey. ♥ Feel free to check out my main account for more info about me! Have a great day. ^^
Snorlaxboi aadkison
Hey guys! I'm Crazysnorlax, a HUGE Splatoon fan! But I also like Pokemon! And Legend of Zelda! And other Nintendo games! Yes, my main OC shares my name. Squid Sisters are my life, my soul, my being ~ <3 I only accept friend requests from Splatoon players. Stay fresh! Evil Callie is best waifu.
Zαch Zachattack7802_2
This is it. I hope you all lead the best lives you can after Miiverse ends. Thank you for sticking around.
[dani] DaniloKool
My name is Danilo. I play games like SMM and MK8. If you want to play w/ me just add me lol
Ryan FrostbiteRyan2
Profile comment hidden by admin.
LukerGMRZ. lskywalker
Even at the end of Miiverse, I'll always be roaming this place. I'll never forget the people who made this site such a fun experience. Thank you all.
★☆Shea☆★ awsomekidgamer
Profile comment hidden by admins. nah jk
Asquid AгŁ TOWMATER100
Profile comment hidden by admin.
KingEnder DiamondCrafter67
Bryce MOOodes-MOOse
This is it. The last days on miiverse. I have been thinking of the switch ever since the announcement came. If I could convince nintendo to keep miiverse, I would put all my effort to do it. I still remember my old account and back when I first started in smm. 946 post were made in my previous account which is quite a lot! This is all I have since miiverse is ending and thank you for your post.
Timothy Mr.MashyMan2
#DontEndMiiverse Hey! I'm Timothy! I'm 14 years old. I'm also a Christian. Also, I have aspergers sydrome/autism, so please understand. :) -Favorite Games: Splatoon 2 Animal Crossing: New Leaf Super Mario Sluggers Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story -Interests: Nintendo Disney LEGO Star Wars
Classic_TF Adamthefish09
Welcome to a (once thought to be perma banned) AdamTF account! Classic_TF Is sort of a throwback account to my past pictures and culture! (WARNING, PROCEED WITH CAUTION, YOU WILL EXPERIENCE VERY CRINGY JOKES/PUNCHLINES/POSTS PAST THIS POINT) you have been warned.. But if you're ok with this, enjoy this blast to the past AdamTF time capsule! Happy 4 Year AnniversaryTF!
NUGGETS reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee greetings fellow nugget I'm not sure why im still here. Im good at nugget posting and most important children, † † † JESUS LOVES YOU IM BEIN SERIOUS!
Ryan 2 Backup_Ryan
Profile comment hidden by admin. Wait, no it hasn't. This is Ryan's alt. I switch to this account when my main is out of posts. Main account is in friends
Just your average gamer! I left at 3/3/17. But it seems the BotW hype is wearing off... So I'm back! The LoZ is my favorite videogame franchise EVER, and I like hanging out in the Zelda community. (SS is my fave Zelda game.) I never post innapropriate stuff because the CoC should be followed! I am also a Christian and really like chatting with other friendly people! Especially about Zelda!
Anthony WarioTacoShacko
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Orion Orion2124
Orion_SMB #6572 Y.O.S.H.I.: Yoshi Obsessed, Species Hypothesizing Individual. Gender:♂ Farewell Miiverse, may you soon rest in peace… Some favorite characters: Yoshi (Duh) Axew (&) Haxorus Silver the Hedgehog King Boo Luigi Link I can also be a critic at times… And on a random note, I really love homemade iced coffees.
[B]anana banana_your_doom
I guess this is it. It's been a great time, you know. Hope to see you soon. Hey, do you know what? Helix is the best waifu. None other compare. Haikus are strange po'ms. Though, sometimes they don't make sense. Refrigerator. -Shocker Miiverse is ending. It's in orange on the screen. Rest in peace Miiverse. -Brandon. I am Banana. Yes, it's a weird name, I know. Dang, I'm out of space. -Jos
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Αlt◆Zα¢h creeperboy4791
Hello! This is $G★Zachary's alt account! This account is use for Mii Maker playing video games , Miiverse, and YouTube! My real account is creeperboy365. See you later!
Laurzy LaurzYetAgain
My good bois and grills, thank you. Awesome people list (in no paticular order): Tucker Orion LukerGMRZ. Steen DerpJacob Brandon Daniel Jammy Hadouken Janoah GWAHrfield Beth Ad Trashbot Dillon PaperMario Everyone else (not me) I'll never forget you, guys. You were all awesome. See you soon, I hope. I'LL ALWAYS BE A SAVAGE
Laruz PPLaurzAlt
Laruz is here to stay, my friends. Also, I request people to change their Mii shirts to lime green as a way of paying respects to Miiverse in its last week. Also see Laurzy (LaurzYetAgain), my main account. Her favourite post has important details for my followers... Don't forget about Miiverse. I won't. It was a big part of my life for at least four years. THANK YOU, EVERYONE.
Douglas BorelandFarm
Well, looks like the end, I guess. I want to give a special thanks to everyone in the NSLU, you were pretty great. After Miiverse ends, I'mma be moving to Closure Universe (You know what I mean.) And remember: You can never be a disappointment if you've never impressed anyone before.
Foosuke Foosuke
そろそろ終了なのでコメント欄、開きます。 忙しくて返信は出来ませんが、それでもよろしければコメントどうぞ(^▽^)ノ Left 3days... I open my comments again. But now, I'm busy in the care for my mother. I can't reply. sorry. Drawing is a language. It has no border. 描画とは国境無き言語である。
Jordy Jordy742
This is a separate account for my 2DS. Jordy247 is my main account. Every drawing made and every 'Yeah!' given from this, and from my other, account is manually done. The 'J' for my drawings means that I personally hand-drew the image, but did not make the original resource for it. (I created the "I'm pretty sure no posts are going to be copied today." 'meme', and I'm proud of it.)
Jordy Jordy247
(Note: Posts that are set as 'spoilers' are to make sure I fully avoid them.) Thanks for 1109 followers. ^u^ (Updated when noticed.) Hello! I am Jordy! ^u^ I make (tons of) puns! "What I have learnt on Miiverse is... What I have learnt on Miiverse is... BLANKITY BLANKITY BLANK!" Unless otherwise mentioned, I am temporarily inactive Mondays-Fridays between the times of 8am and 3pm (Both as BST).
я¢м★Tомás Dublin2001
Hi! Im Tomás and Im 16. Im just an Irish bloke who trashposts in NSLUC and loves Nintendo. 23k VR in MK | Clans: vχ, oм¢, я¢м I have 275+ stars in SMM! I play Smash Bros and Pokken. Message me if u wanna play. Im a Kaizo SMM player Block me = You Win I have owned a GCN, Wii and DS lite I love Geometry Dash Kronos#6838 (you know) Thanks for stopping by :)
******** woodruff04
●—————————————————————● I'll miss talking to you guys. It's been fun. I hope we can see each other in the future. You guys are the reason why I'm here. Without you, I wouldn't have these awesome friends. I have moved to Switch♥ :) ★~ 7/09/14 ~ 11/07/17~★ ●————————————————————
ςαναηηαн SuperGamerSav
~I will tell you what I can but your mind will take a stand, I sing of a greater love, let me know when you've had enough~ (Clear) l-/ † -This is my 3ds user- Know this. You can start over, each morning. - Tyler Joseph
Robert Robie-chan
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =) I'm 27 I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all. Thanks for visiting
Welp, it's the final day guys...
Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-...
Welp, it's the final day guys...
Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan.
I've made so many's sad to see it go.
Favorite games:
1. Splatoon 2
2. Tomodachi Life
4. MK8
5. AC:NL
I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah.
My school schedule:
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch!