☆πσαн4мν★'s Post

New SUPER LUIGI U Community


41 minutes ago

Wow...he took the NSLUC out. I can't believe it... Hopefully it's back up, before it ends, but I doubt it.


38 minutes ago

I don't think they would be any point if they brought it back.

New Super Luigi U Community


3 hours ago

Ok, now we're getting some good meme posters here. If you're gonna MM57, meme your way out.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Well: IT'S THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, MY GOODBYE POST. It'll be in the comments. Comment for notifs.

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1 hour ago

Noah, please stay the way you are!

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

If this is happening now, I can't wait to see what "he" has up his sleeve for tomorrow.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Welp, I'm going to make my goodbye post today, since I wanna have posts tomorrow, and yes, the post will be in the NSLUC later.

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1 day ago

But it was bound to happen.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

I sold my 2600th post at Gamestop, and I got $0.26 for it.

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1 day ago

hey guys can you guys tell me why i have a gold loz cart but it ses NWC for some reason plz help

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

I sold my latest yeah to Gamestop and they said nothing...

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

I sold Miiverse to Gamestop for 11.08.17.

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

Mega man isn't mega. MEGA MAN IS A LIE. Nice. >:]


2 days ago

Hey! I seen what u did N I C E. >:]

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

Near 2600 posts... But man, 3 days until Miiverse ends tomorrow. I have a feeling I might cry on the final day. But anyways, good night, and don't forget to set your clocks back!

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1 day ago

I cried when I heard it would end.

New Super Luigi U Community


3 days ago

Nintendo is apparently slowing Miiverse speeds on PCverse. 5. DAYS. EARLY. Anyways. Hope y'all have a wonderful night, and see you tomorrow!


3 days ago

So it's not just my internet, that's...good to know? There was a quick Miiverse maintenance today, must've been what they did. I'm kind of worried that it will cause an error while I try to post so...

New Super Luigi U Community


11/02/2017 9:07 PM

Imagine Dragons has to be one of the best bands ever...just my opinion though.

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1 day ago

Personally, I am a fan of the holey emo trilogy. Tøp, Panic! at the Disco, and My Chemical romance.

New Super Luigi U Community


11/01/2017 9:29 PM

I was in the computer lab for HOPE/PE today, and SUDDENLY, a huge closeup of an eye came on everyones screen. And it said something like "School computer watch system" or something like that. Nobod...

New Super Luigi U Community


11/01/2017 8:16 AM

It's inevitable. Miiverse is ending in 1 week from now...lets enjoy it. On a side note, have they sent that don't end Miiverse petition? Because, if they send it on the last day, there's an even sm...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/31/2017 10:56 PM

Good night, and I will leave you with this: Noah x Mipha

Play Journal Entries Tomodachi Life


10/31/2017 8:47 PM

Welcome to Tomodachi Life, where it's usually opposite day.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 9:10 PM

Spicy Calmari Inktation > Bomb Rush Blush

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 7:03 PM

"Aw, great. Alvin broke the toaster again."

New Super Luigi U Community


10/29/2017 10:32 PM

Ugh...single digits for Miiverse tomorrow. I'm kinda getting sad. Welp, see you tomorrow everyone.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/29/2017 9:29 PM

My phone is at 14%. R.I.P.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/28/2017 9:12 PM

I'm doing a no money squad on 2K18, and here's how I'm doing: Starters: 1 Emerald 3 Golds 1 Silver Bench: 1 gold 3 silvers 4 bronzes Pretty good so far if you ask me.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/28/2017 7:56 AM

Ok, Memesenpai/memesensai seem to be telling the truth here. They truly are sorry. Although I won't follow them or anything, they seem to be sincere. And, the Memesenpai/memesensai drama, I'm now o...