experienced in any medium. A lot of fun in the sidequest and exploring, creative ideas, even a little light puzzling ... I am a story nut though, and it really delivers there. 2: Breath of the ... ...
Nintendoer's Yeahs

@Nintendoer: ikr?! And you were there for it, too! Look back on Courtnay's Xeno3D pre-redesign theory post! @Michael: I'm there!

...so fun too. This post is really poorly organized, and I apologize for that, I would have loved to spend more time sculpting it. But I figured I needed to post this now so as many of you can see ...

...been an absolute pleasure to be able to share some of my drawings on here: I never thought I'd share my drawings with folks, and there are so many phenomenal artists on here that are just worlds...

...on here, I am extremely appreciative of the fun community here. There are too many individuals to name, but the ZNG and those who have posted on the Zelda community have been huge for my Miivers...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Miiverse. It's been an amazing 3 years on here for me, ever since I first logged in just to browse and was too scared to comment, to making random posts and being delighted that people responded, t...

Heh. Similar sentiments here. I never did finish that challenge mode! And I was rather late to the social aspect of MV. But they're still times to treasure.

It’s getting awfully sentimental around here. Not that I haven’t been participating in sentiment I just never though a group of people who met on a failing console’s social media experiment would g...

Honestly I don't remember that happening either. Sounds like quite the story though. I'll have to go through the archives of it sometime if they exist...

Someone appealed to me to talk to you before you and Stag console'd him? …I don't remember that chapter of ZNG history, but okay. I will always be in touch, ND. Quoth Brandon, we all star in a game...

When I first met you, you could've fooled me if you told me that you worked for Nintendo. I looked up to you when we first met, and I still view most of the ZNG as role models. That was, what... Fo...

@Nintendoer: You were a great contributor to Miiverse. I still remember our debate on FFVI vs Bravely Default, which was pretty interesting despite us reaching an impasse. Take care of yourself, an...

I know this isn't truly good bye for most of us here, but miiverse, even with its many flaws, was a great place that I will really miss.

Tell the story of how you and I got someone console banned, but remove Lore's emotion chip first. :p As petty as this place occasionally became, my sentiments mirror yours comrade. (If there is any...

I don’t know any of you as well as I’d like to, but even for my short time here, it’s been a pleasure. You guys are awesome.
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games...
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch!
My top 10 games (in no particular order):
LoZ: Majora's Mask
LoZ: Wind Waker
Final Fantasy X
Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
Final Fantasy VI
Dark Cloud 2
Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Xenoblade Chronicles